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The shadow began to wrap around them, consuming them. From Kaylas perspective it was a large, slightly omniscient blob, but from an outsiders perspective the shadow had become a cone with a large base. The narrow end pointing down, the cone cut through the air, speed slowly increasing until contact was made. A large splash erupted from the water as dozens of gallons of water were displaced. The collision put little strain on either of the pair as the peak cut through the surface with ease. As the cone dove deeper and deeper, the waters resistance to be moved gradually slowed it down, preventing a deadly crash on the sea floor in the process. Surprisingly, Kayla found she could breathe as they descended. It appeared as though the shadow has absorbed the oxygen from the air. Its intelligence scared her, even if it was Derrins subconscious according to the Dark Lord. For the first time, she realized she could still see Derrin. She turned her head in his direction and made an effort to discern anything about his condition. Worry grew as she gave up, unable to discern anything from his hazy form.
A soft thud came from below and a startled Kayla began to assess the situation. They were on the bottom of the sea with a limited supply of air. This supply was even more unreliable because of Derrins fragile state. Derrins efforts to save them seemed fruitless in the end. The collision with the water above hadnt killed them, but the lack of oxygen soon would. She began to look around desperately for anything to save them. She could hardly see because of the depth, and despite her greatest efforts could see nothing but sand and seaweed through the shadow. Slowly, a dark blip appeared to her right. A weak hope filled her heart. The chance of this being a way to the surface was slim to none, but at least it was something.
She struggled over to Derrin through the thicker-than-water shadow, and found his eyes still struggling to stay open. She pointed to the dark spot that was growing with every second, and Derrin squinted in the general direction. He shrugged slowly, unable to make out anything. She nodded, and waited for the thing to come to them. She struggled to suppress the panic slowly growing inside her: the shadow could run out of air at any moment or burst even before that. As the shadow grew closer, Derrin began to see it, and his eyes lit up as he recognized its importance. The size began to increase more rapidly, until suddenly it was as big as a small boat. Colors began to be distinguishable, and Kayla desperately strived to figure out what it was. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized it finally and all hope emptied from her heart: it was a giant shark. The shark was now approaching at an incredible speed, cutting through the water like it was air. It shot past them, and began to circle its prey. Derrin struggled to move, much to Kaylas surprise, and after a few seconds produced a throwing star. Shakily, he reached back and summoned all his remaining strength. His arm flung forward as his hand released; the result was less than uplifting. The star spun forward lazily, barely making it out of the shadow before coming to a twirling halt: all seemed lost.
The shark seemed to grow bored of waiting, and without warning made a sharp turn towards them, starvation gleaming in its eyes. The two stared on helplessly while the shark closed in, jaws separated. As the shark grew within fifteen feet of them, two blurs shot towards the shark from above them. The struck the shark directly on the nose, and it veered right in surprise, blood floated into the water surrounding the shark as Kayla the pair stared at the things that had damaged the shark: stars. A boy descended from above with an unnatural aquatic swiftness, stopping right beside the shadow. On his head was a dome, and his body was clothed in tight, dark apparel. In a flash the boy had sent two more stars into the sharks gigantic fin, and it slowly retreated. Making sure that the shark was gone for good, the boy floated for a moment before gliding effortlessly into the shadow.
Im not going to bother asking how you got down here; we dont have time. Weve got to be gone in five minutes before the other sharks in the area that smelt blood arrive. That ones not even hurt that seriously, but the others will finish it off. Take these oxygen masks, theyll provide oxygen for about ten minutes each. The boy reached into a pouch on his leg and pulled out six small, translucent balls. Just give them a hard squeeze and theyll expand into the size of mine. When Kayla gave him a confused look, he explained further, Concentrated oxygen.
She nodded, Derrins in no shape to swim. . .
Im fine, he said, cutting her off. Dont worry about me, protect Kayla, then quietly, so that only she could hear, since I cant. She looked at him, surprised at his alertness, and then smiled. She squeezed her mask, and after it expanded, placed it on her face with Derrin following suit. The sensation was like anything theyd felt before. The mask felt like a gel, but it was as light as air. With that, the boy took off with Derrin and Kayla behind him.
I’ve got much planned for this boy, he’s going to be a fun character xD
As a side note to those not from the US and thus not familiar with our weird measurement system, 1 gallon = 3.785 liters.
Anyways, I’m back from being sick! I can’t promise an early blog tomorrow because I’ve got a humongous project that I’m working on, but there will be one. Click the button if you liked it and rate out of ten if you want to.
that was great as always
and just wondering, wont they be crushed by all the pressure? or is the shadow around them o.O
and just wondering, wont they be crushed by all the pressure? or is the shadow around them o.O”
You’d have to be thousands of feet below for your body to be litterally crushed. As for your lungs, they aren’t crushed as long as you can breathe because the oxygen inside your lungs creates the same amount of pressure as from the outside. Freedivers can go 200+ (I saw a Ripley’s Believe It or Not where they went 2xx feet to break the record) feet without having their lungs collapse. Instead of me explaining why, let me quote this:
“Indeed the lungs get a good squeeze. For years, Doctors used to believe that if Freedivers go deeper than a certain depth, their lungs would “crush” and death would occur. But the Freediving champions proved them wrong. In fact those divers went well deeper than the calculations of Doctors would permit. After further experiments and observations, it was found that a “blood shift” mechanism is present in the human body. As we go deeper in water, blood starts to “shift” from other parts of our bodies and begins to flood our lungs to equalize the outside water pressure. Our heart rate slows down and blood pressure increases. This is why our lungs won’t “crush” into themselves as Doctors used to believe. Interesting note: The same “blood shift” mechanism is present at all sea mammals.”
Instead of saying I’m not taking credit for this, let me give you the souce, something I’d like everyone on this site to do: link
me likey bloggy.
Omg omg omg
Well that was late
BUT IT WAS STILL GOOD AS ALWAYS! U RULE! 10/10 + 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
I’d love to see Derrin in Omega Sector.

OR Ludibrium.
And when Korean Folk Town comes out, you can put him there as well.
Wow you did lots of research. For the water part, i mean.
I had this image of a little bobby black Shadow ball. Then you spoilt it all by telling me it was a cone. D:
Ah well. Spiffy shark action, btw.
Dude, u rock man, u seruiosly rock out loud at writing
So sorry I couldn’t comment
Comp lagged and school
Where is chapter 37?
I read all 36 chapters today. They’re real good. I suggest u publish this someday. The only problem is that u constantly have to change chapters. If only the chapters were combined. 10/10 FOR ALL UR STORIES. GOOD LUK IN UR OTHER STORIES.
How come chapter 37 is still not out?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, How long until the next chapter comes out?