Y’all: ZOMG! You said you were back!! What happened!?
Me: My most humble apologies, I didn’t stay back for very long.
Y’all: So, what were you doing?
Me: *points to the first word of the title* Check the pic, nubs.
Yeah, that’s right, I deserted MMO to focus on one thing: getting my dexless sin to hermitdom. At level 72, I feel it’s okay to come back. I have to say grinding away all my time spent on the computer was tough. It took a ton of self-discipline to stay focused. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I achieved it. Oh, and third job advance is a humongous pain. You spend about an hour doing meaningless tasks and defeating your class’ leader. Also, don’t screw up on the question part or you’re going to burn another 1.5mil on a Dark Crystal. Finally, I’d like to mention to things to sum up my little hermit excursion.
1) Avenger is smexy (smexier with SP)
2) SP is addicting.
Okay, enough of that hermit stuff. My MS dealings are usually pretty average, if not a little inappropriate for this website at certain times so I won’t bother going into much more detail.
Now it is time for a much greater announcement (for everyone else, hermitdom is pwnage for me). I feel that I’ve lost my direction with the “The Boy was Lucky” series so I am discontinuing it, or atleast putting it aside indefinitely. However, a new fan-fic series will shortly be born. I’m not going to be such a jerk that I mention a new series and not say anything about it. The title of this new series will be (Mental drum roll, please.) Burst! Feel free to comment about what you’ve gleaned from this small announcement or comment about anything you like if (my) fanfics have never really interested you.
[ I know you don’t know me 8D Which is partly good. Please ignore the straitjacket I’m in. ]
Yeah .
I’ve read your stories .
And they are great
-Is awed by hermit-ness-
Kongraj00lashuns .
[EbilStranger’s .]
A new series?
Welcome back! I look forward to reading your new series, especially after reading your first one and seeing how good it is.
On a lighter note, grats of Hermit-al-ism.
And welcome back to a spam filled world.
Gratz on Hermit-hood, and when you said “don’t get the questions wrong”. I burst out laughing. Why? because my cousin wasted about 5mil to get all the answers correct.
Congrats with your hermit! =DDD
NOOOO! >O The Boy Was Lucky! >O I liked that fic. ._. Ah well. I’ll be looking forward to Burst. =D
Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you. I was also looking forward to seeing the continuation of The Boy was Lucky.
Noooooo I liked that fic. Well wb.
He’s alive!
Yay! He’s back.
Haha, I’m not saying anything absolute. I reserve the right to disappear at any time (exams, hunting like crazy for level 70 maple weapons if they come out, etc.) but I’ll try to be better about this. I kind of also went from episode 63 to episode 224 of Japanese Naruto over the course of 3 months. I then proceeded to watch all of Death Note and up to 64 in Bleach. That can kind of distract you for a while. -_-;
Also, I’m not permanently suspending TBwL, but rather temporarily (exact length unknown) setting it aside.
Awwww! Tarheeeel!
Congrats on the Hermy x)
Write yer stories NAO!
You type fast and get your stories done everyday or two, so I won’t really need to urge you to type fast. =D