Yes, I wrote yet another blog about the topic of fan fics. :d
There are lots of fan fics here on MMO Tales, but the only ones that stand out
are the best. You can’t be mediocre or just okay. It’s hard for a fan fic
to survive when the writer doesn’t have much experience writing them (like me..>.<
So lots of people lose motivation to write fan fics…sometimes I do to. Majority
of people who click the “like it button” on a blog, are reading a normal blog, not
fan fics. I guess not many people like to read a lot of words, same for me too.
“Short and sweet”. That kinda applies to lots of blogs here on MMO tales. Usually the
shorter blogs get more attention, and more likes, and more comments, maybe more
of everything…well most of the time anyway. If you have a REALLY good fan fic,
then it will be better. I’m not trying to tell you to stop writing fan fics, you should
keep writing! I mean it’s not because your story sucks (well maybe it does, no offense…
I know some of mine sucked ^^), but it’s because no one really bothers to read
them…only like the first chapter maybe, but that’s about it. I mean admit it! When
you’re reading a real book in the palm of your hands, if it sucks, you won’t read it right?
So if you’re bored, write a fan fic, if you’re good, maybe a lot of people will read it.
I mean a lot of people from basilmarket go here to check out blogs too! If you’re not
so good, you can keep writing, if you’re stories are…er…not so good…it doesn’t
matter, eventually you’ll write as good. If you just feel like writing something,
just write a short blog, about your thoughts…or make a comic, comics are fun ^^
This is kinda becoming like a blog from before…so I’ll stop here.
I accidently exited this screen the first time I wrote this blog, and I completly forgot
what I wrote before…I think it was a lot better than this…but oh well…man It’s
so freaking ghey when that happens! x3
P.S Okay I didn’t quit writing fan fics…I want to get better at writing them before
I make any more…and I’m kinda busy, tons of homework and lots of stuff I have
to do in my life…
~ Continue to write more fan fics!
What, I got 15 and 13 likes for two of my blogs IN A ROW!
Well some people aren’t so good at writing blogs as you, cheeze oo
Yah, well, 13 and 15 likes didn’t make me think like that. >:/
Swiss cheeze tastes yucky DDX
But Cheeze is popular, so his blogs get auto-likey-ed.
yea, lol i bet cheeze will get frightened if he got 10 likes or less :p, no offense ^^
Cheeze stop bragging
I think that’s supposed to be bad.
Which is even more bragging >O!
I ain’t bragging. I’m totally dissapointed. I mean, I can deal with the “Here comes the bride ” blog getting 15 likes (I didn’t go into much detail with the pictures), but seriously, 13 likes for one of my blogs? AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART OF IT WAS?!
NobodyNight and True13lue both beat me at my own game.
Heh, I get less than that on occasions.
Stop stop ya whinin’.
At least I got good looks, brains, fattitude, and swell penmanship.
Blogs and comics hog all the likes. In my opinion, only stronger readers are able to sit through a long well-written fanfic. I don’t blame people for not reading fanfics, because it is a commitment you have to make to finish it from beginning to end. Also, most people don’t have long attention spans, but that’s ok because we’re all human. I write fanfics, and I just about only write fanfics on this site. I get a decent amount of likes I guess, but nothing compared to random blogs and comics.
-=The Nazgul=-
Does that mean I’m a stronger reader, with a longer attention span?
I read everrrrry single fic blog. *nodnod* Only for wont of other reading material. . . *muttermutter* Everybody says I read too much. >>;
That’s more difficult to actually do, than say.
-=The Nazgul=-“
Lol. Each chapter of your Lost in the Shadows has more or less the same number of likes. Probably by more or less the same people too.
lol i dont really know how to reply back, so i’ll just comment here. Haha I’m not patient enough to read even really good fan fics, i like to write them, but not read them :p There’s a lot of ppl that write better than u cheeze! lol 13 likes is already a lot!