I began to wonder just after my last Kerning City PQ: where should I go?
Something suddenly popped up in front of me, literally. A noob came over and said, dude, ur lvl 31, get outta here and train on evil eyes so we don’t invite you into our PQs. So off I went to the dungeon, and 2 parties, 1 million mesos, 2 hours and over 2000 eliminated Evil Eyes later. I hit Level 33.
So far, this ain’t that fun. but what really happened was when I was on the Orbis > Ludibrium ship on Channel 1. I decided to walk around the deck, created a party of travellers, when a random Priest activated the FRIGGIN MushMom Summoning sack. (I know it was mushmom because of two things: she offered to sell it to me, and a mushmom attacked us.) We had what seemed like a couple lvl 20s, a dozen lvl 30-50s and one Priest, who logged off as soon as she summoned it. We were all attacking like mad, and half our Ship Members died. There was only me, 2 of my party members, and a Level 20 warrior half dead on the far side resting.
As our Cleric kept healing us, she stayed at the back, while me and my level 34 Assasin were attacking the Mother of Mushies as fast as possible.
After what seemed like two hours, AKA 10 mins, we killed it and split the booty amongst us, the Nooby Warrior tried to loot, but he never even touched the Mushmom, so we defamed him. I got myself a set of Red hearted Earrings and a INT for Earrings: WOOT!!
13 thoughts on “wow!! mushmom!!”
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Congratulations <3
Are you is SEA?
yup and global. but got no screenies of SEA, as I dont know the configuration 4 the SS in SEA.
Its the same, really. *scroll lock key*
so bored
Heheee! Congratulations on the level!
And summoning bags = themostawesomestintheworld! Yay!
What a coincidence!
Yesterday I killed mushmom, but got only 1k and a giant mush spore.
It gave me 818 exp, yay.
lol nice
Wow that’s pretty lucky. I’ve fought a few MM’s and I’ve never gotten anything but her Spore and Money. Sucks ot be me I guess.
so wheres the proof,
Yah I wanted to see everyone dead. D:
And seeing the fricking Musmom on a fricking ship would be fricking awesome as fricking well.
~Fricking Cheezy
thx dudes