So let’s see…
I was walking around at like 3AM in the morning, and this guy says he’s “Buying Fame for 10K”.
I fame him and he runs off.
Wow I was scammed, so what?
Well the thing is, this scammer was so rude and weird that I felt I should post it here.
There was another scenario with him that I thought I got on SS but I guess I didn’t.
I went to HHG and he scammed 2 more people out of famed and called me his “sister” and said I was only “joking” about being “scammed”. The guy is a total weirdo and the guy in the last screenshot is totally awesome for understanding.
Don’t throw “It’s a game” down my throat because I know it is. But like I said..
I don’t know why people can’t understand that even though it is JUST A GAME that the people playing the game are ACTUAL LIVING PEOPLE.
Have you ever walked through HHG or any other map and thought of other players as actual people, or as just pixels moving as you pass by them? Take for example how some people who are “of high level” just walk through an area full of “lower leveled players” and scream “YOU STUPID NOOB! HAHA YOU LOOK STUPID AND YOU’RE SO STUPID”. Well even though the words appeared on a computer screen, the person behind the screen is a living, breathing, human being that is playing the game just like the person who said those words.
I don’t know why people call other players, especially new players who are just starting to understand the game and they ask a question like “why are the monsters flying” when a hacker is vaccing on the map (like how HHG is all the time now) a “noob”.
How would you like it if you were asking a perfectly logical question to other players in the game and they said “Shut your mouth stupid noob”? You’d probably feel hurt even though “YEAH IT’S JUST A GAME!”. Well don’t forget what I said before.
I just wish people were understand this. Especially the younger players on Maple who thing they’re “all that” just because they’re a higher level or because they have NX.
Like how a person walks into the FM and asks “How do you setup a shop?” and a level 50 player says “lol you stupid noob”. Wow how rude!
Well I could go on and on with example after example, but you probably SHOULD get the point by now.
Next to you see someone being called a “noob” you’ll actually stand up for the person being attacked by the words and stop this from happening.
I remember how when I first started Maple on Broa back in November 2005 everyone was so nice. Even the higher level players were nice. I never was called a noob and I never saw other players calling eachother noobs. (I knew what a noob was though, lol. Though from the web-game I came from before Maple we called them ‘n00bs’, and that was only for the people who were deliberately being rule-breakers)
Anyways the point is, Since Maple started advertising last summer in magazines and in google ads and such the player base has increased by alot. And in general it seems like the majority of the new people keep getting ruder by the month.
One last final example is if someone asks you “1000 mesors plz” and you close the trade request, defame them, and call them a “stupid noob”. Well just imagine how you would’ve felt back at their level if you had that done to you? Some players start out slow because they’re just getting adjusted to the game and they really need your help to understand it. But what to you do to help them out? You practically tell them to “GET OFF MAPLE STORY, I DON’T WANT YOU HERE!”.
Whenever I’ve been somewhat annoyed with these ever-so-frequent trade requests, I still do donate to these newer players. (lol I remember how over-excited this girl a week ago was when I gave her 50K instead of “5k mesos pls” because I just felt like doing so)
If only other Maplers actually had hearts and didn’t go around thinking “hey I have NX and that makes me cooler” or “I’m a higher level, I’m cooler than you” and dare I not go into mentioning that there is racism & sexism in Maple.
I can’t tell you how many times since creating this colored beginner character I’ve been called racial slurs, sadly.
But getting back to the point, Hopefully you guys will actually understand what I said and tried saying above.
Hope you all have a good day, night, or whatever.
Edit: Oh and by the way, Screenshot 1 exercises an example of what I mentioned above. “idiot noob”.
I was mad at being scammed and I resorted to calling a person a noob. However he scammed me, so I can call him a noob?
Even though I called him a noob, wrote this post out, and you’ll call me a hypocrite, but there’s a difference between calling someone a noob as in a “jerk” for a reason or calling someone a ‘noob” for no reason.
The only legit reason I could ever think for doing so would be if someone was harassing you relentlessly in a rather violent manner.
Well . . . .
Mostly all maplers are rascist. I mean I even made a dark skinned character and the name had the words (Azn) in it.
I was called the N word. Told to pick cotton and so on.
Nearly all maplers are rascist. But what can ya do?
All the rascist maplers gets picked on at school by the race they hate. So I was happy.
The people that scam my fame aren’t dumb enough to stick around to be chased by me. XD Nice stalking there.
Anyway, the only people I call noobs are myself and my sibs. XD For the jerks, I’ll just take them as insulting practice.
This is why I think about why Maple has the fame system.
Jerks make me laugh at my seat madly. XD
Hey, if you’re in scania, I have 4 squadrons of mass defame. VE HAV CONTACTS! D:<
Want to know why ? Games are for people to cool down . . . sometimes people just want to vent thier anger .
yea that happned to me once
and my sister got scammed for all her iterms with that “doubler” hack or w/e
but at least you dont get defamed for lookin like a “black nigger ho” (happens to me so much i wonder how i have so much fame -__-
I’m only rude to people that stalk me and start begging me. I’m usually somewhat nice to other people, even give occasional 50k’s to people that ask for mesos in a funny way. o_O
But yeah. If you’re in Broa, I’ll fame you.
Since Maple has started becomming “main stream” or whatever, a ton of people have joined and that includes alot of not-so-pleasent people. The term noob really bothers me. I do use it sometimes when angery at other players for X reason, but it annoys me that people throw it (and many other terms) around in ways they shouldn’t. Back in FFXI (I’m really starting to miss it), we had two terms. Noob for someone who bought money, accounts, or just genrally didn’t know things that they really should have (lvl 40+ mages not knowing elemental weakness order and stuff). Newb was what we used (in a totally non-rude manner) to describe someone who was new or just hadn’t learned something yet, but many did not understand the difference. Anyone seen using a racial term or just genral swear was shuned and sometimes had GMs called, atleast how my group worked.
About the money thing, I tend to not give out money. If the person is atleast somewhat literate and not just wearing no armor for free cash, then I will trade them some, but a lvl 25+ in fair armor saying “1k plox” just gets a closed trade. I’ve never really understood why people always ask for money though, I’ve always picked up my drops and sold the etc. items to NPCs, equipts in FM, and genrally have plenty of cash. First-character Assassins may have some issues keeping up, but really that’s all.
Rawr, I used to remember the times when I joined Maple last year January.
All the people were so nice to me.
But now, everyone says I’m gay because I type well.
I would scream a insult back at them, but I don’t go down to their level.
Hey, I got NX too and I don’t act mean or anything! >=0
I’ve been in Maple for over a year now, and I tell Maplers that, and they call me slow and other types of vulgarity.
I just doon’t like training.
And usually, most of these insulters are “Caucasian” people. ( No offense to all of others who don’t do this. )
They’ve been on top of the hill for too long.
Darm, why did they go and have to learn history?!
In RO everyone is white lol
Good point, but one thing I have to say is this, sometimes those “beginners” arent really new. There people that have higher lvl char. and are just scamming you out of your hard earned mesos. Then theres the fact that if you give some person asking for mesos, they keep coming back. Though you just have to change channel and you’ll lose them, but thats not the point. Theres no way getting around that fact that no matter how hard you try, you will aways get scammed once a day, even if you dont realize it. By the way, if anybody wants fame ill fame you
, just look me up, I play in broa though. Have a nice day.
I WILL shove “This is just a game” down your throat, due to the fact that you are easily aggrivated and irrtated by a child online, who probably has nothing better to do. Move on in life and just quit whining.
I hate people thinking they’re better than others just because they think ‘they’re all that’ or something. =____= It really annoys me to no end, especially when they start with the racist/religion insults.
This is why I never do the whole ‘fame me for <insert amount here>’. I’ll fame them if they deserve it, but not otherwise. But yeah, I only call friends ‘noobs’ as a joke, and they know it.