I is born. . again

*Edit: Lol, I see boba tea advertisements at the top of this blog.

Greetings from Van! ^^

I wanted to write this blog weeks ago but lazyness got to me. Yes, I know, I’m a bad poop stick but atleast I am writing this blog. This shall be a super short blog.

[h] ONGZ [/h]

So I made a crossbowgirl named SourBoba with help from alot of people. My buddylist chose the archer class and my guildies chose the crossbow part. Alot of people say that archers are boring and hard to train BUT I’m here to prove them wrong.

Archers are very fun to play, I like the way the monsters look when you knock them back. And the whole its hard to train thing? BALONEY! I managed to get my crossbow girl to level 40! ^^

As I train[*cough PQ cough*] I recieved many comments on my ign. Alot of people in Maple like boba tea.

Bubble tea is a tea beverage that originated in Taiwan in the 1980s. The term “bubble” refers to the tapioca balls in the drink. These chewy tapioca balls, or “pearls,” are consumed along with the beverage through a wide straw.

Hmm, yumm boba tea.

My original name was going to be BobaTea but someone took it already. >_> So I went with the next best thing, sour boba tea! This does not mean that the boba is rotten.

[h] TRAINING! [/h]

That headline is wrong. >_>

Training? Me? Pfftt.

Van doesn’t train, she does PQ.

PQ is Van’s favorite word

That’s true. I use PQ as an excuse to not train. Yes, I’m a lazy bum. >_>

I did Kerning PQ from level 21 – 31. Now, I’m doing Ludi PQ 35 – ?. Levels 31 – 34 was so hard. My character was weak and I HATED the mushie tree. I was happy when I leveled to 35. From then on, I PQed. I got around 16 – 13% in PQ for levels 35 – 39. Just an estimate since I can’t remember. >_>

I probably won’t be training till level 51.

Yes, I’m lazy.

[h] What about teh cleric? [/h]

She is used for OPQ purposes.

[h][/b] This is fun [/b][/h]

OMG! I met Dray!

I was exploring KFT with Omer and Aliyah and we saw Dray!

1. Crossbow woman hood!
2. GPQ with EA.
3. Anni and I’s adventure for World Domination.
4. Dray

Now watch this video please. It was made by my friend.


11 thoughts on “I is born. . again”

  1. Lawl, Vanneh, sounds like you had some awesome fun!
    Grats on 4X, too! ^^
    *likes the song in that video* o=

  2. Meeting Dray was the awesomeeeeeeeeeee <333

    And it’s true! *nods* Everytime I stalkzor you, you’re at kPQ area [excluding the incident when we ran around KFT]


  3. lOL!
    bobobobobobobobboboboboboboboboBOBOBOBBOBOBBOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. . . .
    BA TEA! Drink it it’s good for you!

    *Might be the cause of being dominated by MMO’ers

  4. OH DAYUM, Vanny apparently has passed me. >=O. Stop training NAO! ^^ please?

    Kays, I’ll stop training. . not like I trained before you asked me. o-o

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