I am still crushed with the 200 ton writer’s block and it’s breaking my back. I’m gonna write other blogs in the mean time. Bear with me, it’s LONG -.-
Lost friends
As i was making my new character for Maple Story (my 1st char was lvl 10– I thought it was high enough at teh time), I met some very nice people. I was a nooby lvl 15 rogue, throwing subis and using a garnier. I was the poorest person who could be in MS. I had less than 1k, and I never complained about it. As i was training with my friend (i kno IRL) someone walked by and just said “Jesus Loves you” and dropped me 20k. This person was a lvl 2X magician, named LootMage. He also gave my friend 20k. My friend and I are Christians and met at church (no, I’m not trying to fuse religion with gaming). We were very happy to see people sharing our beliefs through the game. We each added this person to out buddy list. Months later, the friendly mage was hacked. He made a new character (without my knowlege) and started training up. I was venturing around Kerning with my thief– now lvl 20– and met someone named “StarsOfPoo”. I just walked past this person and noticed he was wearing a lvl 15 glove, which I needed. I requested a trade and asked “Can I trade these ores for your glove?” and I put up a few hundred ores that I didnt need (yeah, hundred– I didnt know i can make stuff out of them). He replied “No, I still need it.” I cancelled the trade and was walking away. Then this happend:
StarsOfPoo: wait!
Me: yes?
StarsOfPoo: Do you know lootmage?
Me: *F6* do you know him o_O;? Yeah, I kno him. . .
StarsOfPoo: Hey! Long time no see! I’m lootmage!
I smiled and asked him did he want to party. He said “wait a sec.” and dropped out the lvl 15 glove for me to take. I took it and asked “DO you want me to pay you back?” and he jsut walked off and started killing. I have lost touch with this Maple Friend because he was hacked and probably quit playing or made another character that I dont know of.
~Yet, another lost friend~
I was training a noob mage of mine, lvl 8. I was wearing a wierd browing training set with a brown skull cap. Suddenly, a lvl 25 female mage ksed me accidentally and said “Woops! Sorry!” And i just smiled and said it was no problem. She then looked at me with an F6 face.
Me: What?
Mage: Your clothes look wierd. . .
Me: Um, yeah im a noob ^.^
Mage: lemme go buy you some better looking ones!
She then used a scroll to ellinia, bought me a blue set of clothes, mage hat, lvl 10 staff, and a lvl 15 set (blue)<– lol she luvs blue xD. She also bought my friend a lvl 20 stuffs and lvl 18 set of mage clothes (my friend is lvl 18 wearing lvl 15 stuff). We said thank you and quickly added her to our buddylist. After a while, we didnt grow as fond with this girl because she had a rather bad habit of cursing. She sometimes got annoyed with us so eventually we deleted her from out buddylist. We kinda seperated after that, and I think she quit MS. She still was a good friend besides her foul language though. He same was Sagahara btw .
Aww very interesting xD i have a whole lot of lost friends :C from switching from scania to khaini. But i made up for it buy having over 100 friends of my own now xD all the while. I try to be that nice person that your friends were hehe im always giving to the poor
LOL i only have 40k. i am a disgrace to sins everywhere. =( my friends are all sins with like 1 mil. OMG i do suk, *turns around and cries in sadness*
i just hate it when you lose a friend,
oxcrav3x, it IS kinda interest o_O;
pendragon08, what lvl are you? I have a lvl 40 wiz, and he has about 300k o_o; im so poor.
forbiddn, yeah. . . but i think his problem is that he dont want to get “attached” to anyone online? *shrugs*
;_; sorry for your loss
I got 80k at lvl 30 -_- Sorry you lost that friend
btw, i’m a christian too 
jesusfreak, what server is your wiz on?
cause if its f/p and its on broa, maybe we can pq sumtime? i got a lvl 35 cleric
well chris (i refuse to call you sushi since it is actually my totally legit nickname)
anyway, i crushed my artists block with an iron fist and came up with like 3 seperate drawings in 1 day. And i drew a pic of a younger version of Xehanort today xD.
well, i do that too sometimes when i feel nice (in victoria). i go and buy random people things that they need.
and when my long lost friend from MS came back, she gave me a Heavens gate. she da best xD (fame nominee at sight if you are in scania)
i lost a friend ludi pqing because we were arguing, he was lvl 47 and he quit 3 days after i deleted him from my buddy list O_o
lol ty everyone
. yay sfd! Christianz 
yea 1 of my friends i met became a hacker and vac hacked me every where.
HA! YOU A DISGRACE? XP I have 28k, I’m a lvl 53 cleric
I help people around whenever ^_^ I used to give away my equipment. but now I help my friends,
I remember I used to see players with trouble and ask “are you new?” andsome say yes, and I give them liek 10k and their first weapon for their class ^_^;
well, if u read my blog, i wasnt really nice with my first char,
but, as soon as i made a new one (cleric) i actually feel the pain they have when ppl say, “noob!”
we were all noobz once,
i lost a good friend of mine too, His name was PotatoBurger
I met him when i was still in maple island, but, i think he quit,
so i feel ur pain,
im poor for a 39 cleric,
only 40k
but, i sold alot of stuff on basil tho xD
so ill prolly have like, around 600k xD
(im not bragging)
too bad i play on scania =(
I only have 214k at lvl 22, how bad is that>? I know thats very bad XD
im lvl 40 and i got 300k -.-