YAAAAAAY! I GOT MARRIED!!! To Jazmin (13lueMoon)!!! We’ve been talking about it for months, and I finally saved up the $29 we needed to get a MapleStory VIP Cathedral wedding!
We went to Amoria, and about 20 friends were waiting for us there. Then, we clicked the High Priest, and the wedding started!
Inside the Cathedral, we waited for everyone so come in, then started the wedding! High Priest John got one message out, and Jaz disconnected.
We all got sent into the Exit Map, and I was so worried we wouldn’t be able to continue the wedding! I was walking around in circles worrying, then I found out I still had the Coupon. Then Jaz came back on, and everyone was jumping up and down Then, we finally REALLY started the wedding.
After waiting for another 5 minutes or so for everyone to come in, we started the wedding, again. This time, High Priest John said his lines, and this big sparkly-heart thing showed up around us That went on for a few minutes, then High Priest John continued
Then he told us to kiss (I’m assuming, because, admittedly, I lagged and missed his last message D
And we did!
Then we waited a few minutes, and clicked the lady to go to the Photo Map.
We were all sent to a map where we were all standing on a giant cake! We walked around talking for a few minutes, then Nexon “took a picture” (Which I never got to see, go figure) and we were sent to the Party Map, where everyone ran around getting keys, to go inside a giant toy box
I thought the keys were just for 13lue and me, but I got the 5 and went in, and Jaz was nowhere to be found Oh, well. There wasn’t anything in there anyway
Then we got teleported out, and Jaz and I both got a message saying “You are now married!” And we got our rings! Since I got her a Star Rock engagement ring, we got the Star Rock wedding rings, so now we have a giant happy star between us wherever we go
(P.S. I would attach a picture if I had one, but we got married on my other computer, so that’s where all the screenies are)
Gratz, man.
Hey Lover-boy.

And gratz, (even though this is pretty late)
Sounds like you had a good time
*fades away*
Nobody At Night
lol @ He told us to kiss, AND WE DID!
gratzy!(been playing too much yahtzee!)
~LaZzz. . .
Ooh Yahtzee! One time I got two yahtzees in a row. XD
Is the gratz to me?
Pssh, Jesus.
Yay grats on the wedding!
Grats on getting married.
Wonderful experience eh? Well, you’ll experience the REAL thing soon. And you’ll love that one more.
And gratz, (even though this is pretty late)
Yeah, I kinda posted this late, I forgot I even had a MMOTales account. I just realized it and felt like putting that up.
Actually, I’m only 14, so, it’s not gonna be THAT soon, lol.
<3333 :’D
Virtual marriage!