am i funded or un funded?

i hav bout 600k – 700k, a korean fan, 2 WG [non-scrolled] (nothing good, i kno, u can make em for 1k and a few leathers in kerning) a few lvl 30-35 or so, warrior stuff i found, and a lot of ores (that I’ll probly keep) and I’m a lvl 32 I/L Mage.

Am I funded or unfuned?

P.S. — I hav lvl 30 shoes but i didn’t wonna get another pic for 1 item >_>

8 thoughts on “am i funded or un funded?”

  1. Thats not to bad but if u have scrolled stuff like ur wand or staff next time dont use them when u can sell them for 500k-1mil so thats my tip. U can get those scrolls from quests which i highly recommend doing.

  2. Funded means you had an account that gave it to you.
    If you did, then even if it was 1 meso, yeah, it’s funded

  3. Well I guess it’s good, when I used to play my Page in Broa (lvl 31), I had about 1.2mil, 61 atk scimitar, 13 dex dragon robe, all that good stuff.

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