When i was a noob

When i was a noob, i didn’t know ANYTHING… i didn’t know what “ks” was so i was ksing ppl and they were like “oh god! stop ksing you (bad word)!” then i was like “??? i just started this game, what does ks mean o_O” but then, he defamed me and cc’ed. oh, and i even didn’t know what cc was too. some guy was like “cc plz”, i said “…?” but that guy was nice enough to say “it means change channels”, i thanked him and change channels. then, i met a guy who scammed me, and told me to drop the item for another item, i didn’t know there were trades (lol) so i dropped a very good scroll…then he picked it up and logged off…yes, i am an idiot aren’t i? i even though 3k was extremly alot of money. oh, and did i mension that i didn’t know what “k” means?(not the ‘kk”, the money like “5k”)and then i wasted like 9k to get to ludi and then i went broke so i could’nt get back to vic.isl… then i was begging fopr money and some guy told me to follow him and then he told me to hit the blue boxes.(you know what i mean, the blue starry boxes, and you know what happens if you did that quest)after a while, poof! i went to the hidden street and died…plus, i put 1 ap to STR,DEX,INT and LUK each…so my stats were extremly messed.but then, i was lucky enough to get a friend at lvl 19(lol) to teach me every single thing in ms…


go on and laugh at me if you want, i know you guys have some same situations as me too…

5 thoughts on “When i was a noob”

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!, HA HA HA, when i started playing it was so easy, my friends taught me and there was a maple island to learn from. Maple island really helps unlike other games where you start off newb in the main place thingy

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