PQ guide

So you want to be a GODLY Kerning City PQ Assassin? Well, if so you have come to the right place. If you aren’t, turn around and look for another guide. First I am going to tell you a few pro’s and cons of being a PERMANENT level 30 assassin.

1.You are rich and powerful
2.You are looked up upon many low levels
3.You can buy almost anything you want or make anything you want.
4.You Will be the most powerful for your class and level
5.You will be easily funded for 3 characters.

1.People will call you a hacker at your riches and power
2.Many higher levels will call you n00b for being perma 30
3.Almost no sense of accomplishment when buying something you really want.
4.You will easily out damage anyone else your level, no competition.
5.It takes some funding to do. Recommended as a second or third character of the server you play on.

Now onto your stat build, this is an easy build to remember or follow. I have 3 you can follow that all lead to the same stats at the end. Normal has no bracket, () is alt 1, and [] is alt 2

Level 1. str and dex are at 4 or 5, if not, restart.
Level 2-10. dex = 25, luk highest you can get.
Level 11-12. luk +5 each each level.
Level 13. Dex +1, Luk +4 (This now put you into the normal 2 dex and 3 luk)
Level 14. dex+2 Luk +3 (luk+5) [dex+5]
Level 15: dex+2 Luk+3 (Dex+5) [luk+5]
Level 16. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [dex+5]
Level 17. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [dex+5]
Level 18. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [luk+5]
Level 19. dex+2 Luk+3 (dex+5) [luk+5]
Level 20. dex+2 Luk+3 (dex+5) [luk+5]
Level 21. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [dex+5]
Level 22. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [dex+5]
Level 23. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [Luk+5]
Level 24. dex+2 luk+3 (dex+5) [luk+5]
Level 25. dex+2 luk+3 (dex+5) [luk+5]
Level 26. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [Dex+5]
Level 27. dex+2 Luk+3 (luk+5) [Dex+5]
Level 28. dex+2 Luk+3 (Luk+5) [Luk+5]
Level 29. dex+2 Luk+3 (Dex+5) [Luk+5]
Level 30. dex+2 Luk+3 (Dex+5) [Luk+5]

I personally chose the alternate build because your damage will max you faster and you will do more damage. But, the choice is up to you. I am now going to show you my recommended skill build. This is good if you are funded, if not, you may modify at will to suit your money needs, such as substituting Lucky Seven points for Nimble body points.
Level 10. Lucky 7+1 (now on known as L7)
Level 11. Nimble body+2 (2) L7+1 (2)
Level 12. +1 nimble body (3),+2 Keen eyes (2)
Level 13. +3 keen eyes (5)
Level 14. +3 Keen eyes (8, maxed)
Level 15. +2 L7 (4) +1 Nimble body (4)
Level 16. +1 L7 (5) + 2 Nimble Body (6)
Level 17. +3 L7 (8)
Level 18. +2 L7 (10), +1 Nimble Body (7)
Level 19. +3 L7 (13)
Level 20. +2 L7 (15) +1 Nimble Body (8)
Level 21. +3 L7 (18)
Level 22. +2 L7 (20, maxed) +1 Nimble Body (9)
Level 23. +3 Nimble Body (12)
Level 24. +3 Nimble Body (15)
Level 25. +3 Nimble Body (18)
Level 26. +2 Nimble Body (20, maxed)
Level 27. +3 Disorder (3)
Level 28. +3 Disorder (6)
Level 29. +3 Disorder (9)
Level 30. +3 Disorder (12)
Sin level 30. Your choice, claw mastery or haste. (I chose mastery, jus because haste is a waste of MP at level 1) I do not suggest getting endure.

In the end, you should have:
L7 level 20 (maxed)
Keen eyes level 8 (maxed)
Nimble Body Level 20 (maxed)
And Disorder level 12.

This build contains all you need to be a good PQ member. L7 for your power attack, Keen eyes for range, Nimble body for evasion and accuracy, and disorder to lower the defense of the Slime King. There is almost no need for Dark Sight being a permanent PQ character because Slime King’s main attack that will hurt you is magical. Thus, I would rather have his defense lowered than avoid him the one time he hits you every PQ or so.

Next I will lecture you about your equipment, very straight forward.

Level 10. Buy your new gear and a Garnier. You will stick to this weapon until level 25, unless someone gives you a better one for dirt cheap or for free. This happened to me with a Steel Igor.

Level 15. Again, buy your new armor, now they have luck attached to them. Buy then dark set and be done with it. Do not make a new claw, and if you have the level 11 shoes from a drop or from another character, don’t waste your money and use that instead of level 15’s shoes. Make a glove if you want

Level 20. Again, the items have stats attached to them. I again suggest you use the ones that have +luk, the black set. Again, do not waste your ores on a level 20 claw unless given for cheap or free. Make a glove if you want

Level 25. Now you can get a new claw. Go and make yourself 3 steel plates, get 50 leathers, and some money. This will give you a Meba. These are easy to make if you have easy access to steel ores, such as the PQ. I suggest once you get enough steel, keep making them. The easiest way to become much stronger is to scroll your Meba with 100% scrolls if you are very unfunded, the more funded you are, try the 60% or 10% scrolls if you dare. Once your Meba is +7, you shall be a GOD! Now back to the rest of your equipment. I suggest using the brown gear and a brown bamboo hat, given from the Maya is sick quest and the PQ. These are good hats even to level 40 because of the +3 luk stat on them. I also suggest you make the black lappy boots, They require an Opal, which is cheap to buy and easy to get. These give another luk. Make your glove if you want.

Level 30. Ahhhh, level 30 at last. Go ahead and buy your level 3 gear, the brown set. They again give Luk stat. I suggest getting silver chain boots, but if you have 2 gold plates, might as well use it all and make a gold chain boots instead. Both silver and gold have the same luk+ stat, the only difference is the defence. If you only have one gold plate to spare, I would use it on your level 30 glove, the Steel Sylvia. Pgrading it to gold gives 2 luk, while silver only give 1 luk.

Now for the PQ tips and tricks. I will lead off with leader tips.
Lead tips-
1.When starting a PQ, wait around a bit around a party until they go into PQ, make sure to write down their names. This gives you a track. To track type in “/find Mr.No-one” Mr.No-one is the name of the person you are tracking. Tell it to a party-mate, for them to constantly track. The best track to use is the leaders.
2.learn to beat AC. If you do not know how to access AC, practice clicking on something real fast and for about a minute. Keep raising your time up to about 5-10 minutes. You will find it is easier to use yourself than a computer AC after you are good at it. I have timed myself vs. a so called GODLY AC and out did it 2 clicks to one. (yea, I am that fast)
3.Just accept anyone, don’t wait for level 30’s to join PQ. As long as they can hit ligators and the Slime King normally, they are fine. This mainly applies to warriors, because they have no accuracy boosters unlike mages intel, and rouges nimble body.
4.Memorize the power charts. If you have access to 3 level 30’s of each class, make sure you can tell which is the most powerful instinctively. The power chart in my book is in this order, Mages followed closely by rouges, then a small distance is archers, and warriors are finishing the race 5 minutes behind the archers. This is because they could hit hard but their damage is not stable, also they cannot hit most of the monsters perfectly even at level 25. For gods sake my level 31 spearman couldn’t regularly hit a Jr. Neki perfectly. Mages have high damage and are stable, thus making then nice, but they suck up pots fast. Rouges suck up MP fast and could become weak in close quarter situations. As well as Bandits getting killed because of low defense. Archers, because they are immobile when firing, also a lower damage than the normal assassin rouge, and again warrior because of low damage and accuracy.
5.Help during stage one, this is imperative to people liking you and wanting to rush and PQ all day with you. Also, break up fights and joke around when waiting, complaining makes people irritated.
6.Don’t yell at PQ n00bs, let them learn. Guide them through the PQ.

Now for being a member
1.Go to Kerning City channel one and find a PQ, if you have a track, say that you do have one. Since we are Sins, state your level and stars, if they are desirable. By this I mean anything Kumbi’s and better.
2.Do not complain or try and make a fight. This will make everyone happier and more effective in helping each other and respecting the leader.
3.Make sure if you are tracking, unless you are talking to spam it on yourself, and tell lead when it’s the last stage or the bonus stage. These 2 are more important than any of the others.
4.Don’t leave in a PQ, just leave your passes and get left behind, at the end you will be kicked out and then they can continue on their PQ. Remember to finish stage one before doing this because otherwise, they cannot go on.

Time for PQ lingo.
1.PQ = party quest, easiest of the easiest.
2.Rush = go for another PQ right after you finish one
3.Scout = one person leaves and recharges or gets pots, also s/he grabs a track. Make sure to write down multiple names, even if it looks like there is not a party there.
4.Hiding = you go to another part of Kerning City to look natural and not in a PQ. Usually to avoid tracking after a PQ gets out.
5.track = finding and using the name of a user in PQ to see how far they are into the PQ
6.lead = the leader, even if you know the person your are PQing with, they will most likely call you lead or leader.
7.hog = stay in bonus until time runs out. Annoying to waiting parties.

Now for helping on the PQ itself.

Stage 1: There are powered down ligators (IIRC they are powered down). Go to the right of the screen and talk to Cloto for your question of how many coupons you need to get a Pass to give to the leader to go to stage 2. Every ligator killed gives 1 coupon toward your question. These questions are as following
1.The level of mage to job advance. The answer is 8 coupons
2.The level of thief/bowman/warrior to job advance. The answer is 10 coupons
3.The number of INT points you need to job advance as a wizard (mage). The answer is 20 coupons.
4.The number of DEX needed to become a Bowman/Rouge. The answer is 25 coupons
5.The amount or STR points needed to become a warrior. The answer is 35 coupons
When you have enough, no more no less, talk to Cloto, she will then give you a pass in place of your coupons. Give this to your leader, once he has everyone’s pass, he clicks on Cloto and the stage is passed. You get 100 exp fro clearing this stage + ligator exp.

Stage 2: This stage has 4 ropes, these ropes are needed to be hung on in a combo for leader to click on Cloto to get to the next stage. The suggestion is to go clockwise around the ropes. Only 3 people can be on at once. This is the simplest o stage 2-4. You get 200 exp for clearing this stage.

Stage 3: A harder version of stage 2. there are 5 platforms of kitties. Again, only 3 members can be on them at once. You start with the 3 people on the bottom 3 platforms, then check it. Then the on the furthest platform goes to the furthest higher platform, then the farthest higher platform. After this the one in the middle then goes to where the first person started then the first person moves back to the close platform. Then back again. Then the second person goes to the close higher platform, and the first person stays. After this, you start over, only with the person on the furthest platform is on the middle one, and you repeat. Over and over until you are correct. You get 400 exp for this stage

Stage 4: The most annoying stage. 9 barrels to stand for the combo of 3 to check. You use the same strategy as stage 3. start with a 123 then 3 moves to 4, then 5 then 6, then back to 4 when 2 goes to 3. Keep doing this until 56 doesn’t work. Then 1 moves to 2, 5 moves to 3, and 6 moves to 4. Keep repeating this process until successful. You get 800 exp for this stage

Stage 5 (last stage): This stage has 3 levels to it, all separated by its own portal. Going down, level 1 has 3 Curse Eyes, it is suggested to mob them or let the warrior take care of them. Stage 2 has 6 Jr. Neki’s. Mages or sins should go straight to them. Sins could stay and kill Curse Eyes if they want to or there is no warrior in the party. Anyone else who doesn’t want to deal with Curse eyes or Jr. Neki’s should go to level 3, the Slime King. He has 8,000 HP and is quite easy with a disorder sin like yourself. Sin’s could easily solo it, but tend to share because in perma 30 rouges and sins, you want prizes, not exp.
There’s a total of 10 passes in this stage, and when your leader collects them all, he goes to Cloto and talks to her. You get 1500 exp for this stage + monster exp. When you are cleared, you talk to Cloto and you’ll go to bonus stage, and get your prize.

Bonus stage: Only Green Mushrooms and Horny Mushrooms spawn here. Mostly people take about 1 minute to decide to rush or hog, or even talk about their prizes. Prizes include:
1.8 of common ores (steel, bronze, topaz)
2.5 gold ores
3.3 diamond or dark ores
4.a 10% scroll for topwear, bottomwear, gloves, and overall for either Def. or DEX.
5.a pair of earrings, this includes gold earrings, red crosses, emerald earrings, Lightning earrings, yellow squares, star earrings, and sapphire earrings.

Thus concludes my perma 30 sin guide/PQ guide. Send question, comments, and suggestions to Squal537 AT NOSPAM Gmail.com. Thanks for reading! ^_^

9 thoughts on “PQ guide”

  1. xzero said: “Nope, an uber-funded level 30 mage will be the most powerful”

    Might be. But, if you’re really (I mean REALLY) funded and you have a 10+ attack work glove, ilbis, nicely-scrolled things, etc. you might be stronger.

    Nice guide by the way, I like it. Can you make 1 for Ludibrium PQ?

  2. you get the point, ok. Besides Im putting this (after I revise it) on basil for theifs. I’m just stating this. mages do have their con tho, low HP.

  3. So do you just kill yourself until you are down to 0% when you are close to leveling up to 31?

  4. yup, I forgot to mention that. *notes to self* I think the easiest way is to go to perion and take your crap off and jus keep going to boars.

  5. The point is *cough* You get utteryly rich and respected. (well, only to ppl who are lower than you are a few lvls higher than you)

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