Buddy Lists

I seriously wished Buddy Lists went past 50. I just started making a waiting list for my Buddy List…I want wizet to let us expand the List further so I could add all the buddies I meet T_T.

And for those who are on that list, if you read this by any chance. Please wait awhile longer, I’ll see to get some room if I can.

For those who are thinking “Why don’t you just delete someone” thing is, Im a loyal friend, and they are all very close to me. They all usually go online once every few days, and I don’t wanna break any connection with them I have . Thanks for reading.


3 thoughts on “Buddy Lists”

  1. yeah I know how you feel.
    I had a couple friends who I hadda delete cuz I didn;t have enuf room.
    and den my old budies i deleted asked me to re-buddy
    so I’m pretty in a stuck situation

  2. aw thats swt i onli hav 30 spaces coz im 2 poorr 2 afford mor =.( im always deleting people, but im unlucky, so i end up seeing them again after i’ve deleted them lah, it makes mi feel v uncomfortable >.<

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