I would say that its begun, The New Year that is. 2008. Hello and good day/morning/afternoon/evening/night. Its sorta a very late entry and quite simply, I cant sleep. Oddly enough, I sorta fell into a depression..dont know the reason for it, or the source. I can only assume, so yeah Right, the New Year is here, Im sure youve all got plans for the upcoming year. However this is MMO Tales, so even If I decide to talk about my 2008 goals, I gotta include stuff related to the game. So yeah.
Its unfortunate because I really didnt accomplish my goal before the end of the year. Well you see, I quit my Priest and went towards the path of the Ranger. I was only able to get as far as level 81. I was aiming for at least 85-90, however lost motivation during the process of levelling earlier on. Youd think that after levelling for so long, it wouldnt get to me just yet, considering Im still a Jr.-ish Ranger. Simply put, I lost motivation to train, and places to train.
The hekker problem of Maple is growing and with no end in sight almost. Its been nothing but hackers hacking here, and hackers hacking there. Sorta getting sick of it. Right now, Im suppose to be at Death Teddies, unfortunately some channels are hacked too fiercely for me to train. And because of the increase of players during the break, I was unable to train much. Odd how this time I actually somehow related to my topic randomly. Go me <_<
Originally, I was inspired by a couple pals of mine to become a Ranger. I ended up being part of that bandwagon..Odd huh? I hear about how everyone has a rough time levelling and then gives up, I did that too often on my Priest and several other characters. Difference is that for my Ranger, I worked harder, strived much more, and earned each and every level by pure hard work. Sadly enough, all that aspiration, motivation, and determination to keep forward on it is deteriorating. Its once again diminishing. My will to continue levelling like I did and play like I use to. Sorta a bother..
Well, I personally dont know what I can or could do anymore. Schools started, and lifes undoubtedly getting tougher. This odd depression isnt helping either. I suppose I ought to feel better before I think too much of this.
Only we can control what we think, believe what we wish to believe in, and act upon our own accord. We are human, we are not told to do things against our wills. To say we are forced to do or feel something is only a way to deceive ourselves, tis why we must think before we act.
Well, seems like thinking is tiring me sorta..Mentally yes, physically, no. Off to rest, enjoy reading everyone. Oh right, the cookie! Since its night, enjoy some Chocolate milk and a marshmallow, ALONG with a cookie of your choice.
SplitStrafer Broan Ranger
SplitMoon Broan Priest
Thanks again.
Welcome to the Emo brigade!
We have free dark chocolate cookies!
Haha, everyone keeps saying that hackers are returning . . . but I have seen very few. Probably because I’m secluded to Eos Tower most of my time.
Hey, hackers aren’t that bad. The only ones that are annoying are the meso-farmers that ignore you when you talk to them. Other than that, they’re not so bad. In fact, I have conversations with them since they don’t needa worry about stopping to chat. I on the other hand usually screw around when training, so it’s a nice break. :D
Go to Squids. DTs are so last year
*laughs at Fenrir*
I felt the same when I hit level 70 at the beginning of the holidays. I didnt play much and since there are so many dang hackers, its hard to get a spot; all the other spots are hogged by ksing asholes.
I would ks hackers (it brings in mad experience if you got the lots of hp pots to survive) but some conservative prick had to label that ‘3rd party hacking and make it a bannable offense. So I would just go to drakes or wraiths and keep changing channels, catch hackers off guard, scare the crap out of them and they cc, and I would take all their spoils and mesos
(to the GM: call that 4th party hacking and I’ll, *shakes fist*)
I have lost all motivation to train also. The reason I REALLY like Maple Story is because it’s very interactive
I’ve increased my buddy list about four times in two weeks, so, I like talking to people. Maybe doing that’ll give you aspiration, or whatever
lol ive seen 3 hackers today in broa o.O no other world tho
HIYA! =D -adds to BL-
There are a lot of hackers in El Nath, especially in Cold Field II and the Werewolf/Lycanthrope maps.
-joins emo brigade- -frenzied grabbing of cookies-
Pfft. While you guys complain about hackers, I’mma go watch American Gladiators. LIKE, YAH, THAT SHIZNIT’S BACK ON ABC! And you know who it’s hosted by? The greatest American hero ever: Hulk Hogan! YEEEYAH! GET SOME!
Does Cheeze need too see his mommy cow again?
Cheeze has a cow for a mom?
About hackers: If you go to a ch with an auto cc hacker, force him to cc, kill the monsters vacced and take the loot, then chase after him again, is that bannable?
Probably. You’re still leeching off the effects of a third-party program. Doesn’t matter if he or she is still there or not.