Aiight, blog time. ;D
I’ve officially been banned from ALL screens [Except my cell phone. -___-].
That’s right.
No computer, no TV, no DS, no Maple, Nothing.
How do you live like that? D:
Uhm, or disobeying authority behind closed doors.
Yeah, I know I’m not supposed to be on.
I’ma rebel. Whatever.
Yeah, so, High School.
It’s okay, I suppose. People are a tad more mature than in Middle School.
Except for a few things.
1. My “Best friend” from Middle School is still being a b’tch to me, ’cause I called her Chubby like, FOUR MONTHS AGO.
Whatever, I don’t care.
2. My other friend from Middle School is being a douche. . . He’s really uptight.
My God, I can’t STAND high-strung people. -.-
Yeah, well, I’m all. . .
And unique looking.
Heh, it’s kinda fun, ’cause girls are just like:
“Awweee~ You look so cute~ ^^.”
Hah, Red hair FTW. ;D
I guesss I’ll give you a small briefing of my typical day.
First period:
Literature. Evil! My teacher is some military psycho-nazi. D:
She expects us to get a deep meaning out of everything we read. <_<
For example:
“The roses I was given were red.”
We’re supposed to like, pick out A WHOLE PARAGRAPH from that one sentence.
It’s effin’ impossible!!
However, my grade is inching up.
Oh, and thank God for vocabulary. ;D
It’s one thing I’m good at, and it’s the only thing keeping my grade above a 60, no doubt.
Second period:
World Geography.
Ehhh, it’s an okay class.
I sleep half the time, even if my teacher is ACTIVELY trying to keep ME in particular awake.
Yeah, I have pro-sleeping skills. ;3
I sleep half the time, and I can still manage an 85 on my tests. 8D
However, we do have a whole lotta classwork and homework, so. . .
Ya. D;
Third Period:
Pretty dam’n sweet. ;D!
I sit next to my spazzy friend. :3
It’s pretty amazing how off-the-wall she is.
Ohh, and I like ART. Even if I’m not good at it. D;
Fourth Period:
Lunch, and P.E.
Lunch is cool, I hang out with my friend Vince.
Much ninja warfare there.
P.E. is okay.
I’m pretty good here, no one really hates me. :3
So yeah, P.E.’s cool. ;3
Fifth Period:
Physics. : D
I love Science. n____n
My teacher’s pretty cool also.
I can’t really fall asleep here, ’cause she has us moving around. ;D
So it’s all guud.
Sixth period:
Algebra. -.-
Heh, I just sleep in this class, ‘Cause the teacher doesn’t care, and because I took it last year, got all the information, yet still failed.
I’m passing with an “A” this year.
Yeah, so, I guess I’ll hit up on some MapleStory goals, now.
I’m going to try to reach ATLEAST level 33 this weekend.
‘Cause I can’t play during weekdays.
And my friend has a +2 INT Esther Shield that he’s gonna give me. ;D
Darken’s level 27 at the moment.
Oh, and training will most likely be easily managed after I’m off restriction.
So, this is….Souled….signing out. ;D
. . . did I start some kind of chain here?
You did.
Noooo you posted this blog before mine. Now the chain is broken. ._.
Wait zomg the chain can be saved. You must go with the theme of the titles! >O
Nevar, Cheeze. ;D
-eats and munches on-
OMG! *Pulls Souledout’s digested form out of dee’s mouth!*
Whew, good thing I came in time, if it wasn’t for me you’d be on your way through the sewers to china town!
~LaZzz. . .