Wow at least tiger has a bit of a life. MrYaNdAo has completely lost his ability to do open chat and show emotions except F1 when he’s hit.
what about the pictures?
just wondering
Wow? =o
Kind of need how they’re, Understandable. o___0;;
the highest level i ever talked to was a level 128 sniper >_<
I kissed a level 102 before D: the highlight of my life,
Rofl Tiger is acting like a newbie.
Asking for free stuff -_-
ive partied with tiger b4
I partied with a level 3 (DA HIGHEST EVER cool112111321455`1“1) haha I’m being a dumbass -_-.
Wow at least tiger has a bit of a life. MrYaNdAo has completely lost his ability to do open chat and show emotions except F1 when he’s hit.