Unbreakable Curse#2

Author’s Note:

Well then…than you for actully OPENING this page…I love you T.T lol…you know i didn’t mean that right? RIGHT!?

End of Author’s note

The Unbreakable curse-part 2
<This girl got some head problems..> “Hey…Amy..what was that back there???” A rogue from earlier asked. “YEA! You gave me the most serious glare I’ve ever seen before!” The other mage said, appearing with the rest of the group. “Hehe…lol…” Amy said smiling. “Well then, the girl, whats your name?” The warrior asked me. “KEVIN! THAT’S NO WAY TO TALK TO A GIRL OR A HUMAN BEING!” The archer lectured. “Julia…i don’t care…i talk like that to new people!” The warrior ‘Kevin’ replied.<Weird little group…>

“Uh…no…its ok….My name’s Sydney…so your’s must be Kevin?” I said then looked at ‘Julia’ “And your must be Julia?” I Asked. They both nodded. The other mage spoke up “I’m Connie, and the two rogues are Steven and Eric.” < O.O Which one’s Eric and Which one’s Steven?> I approached one of the rogues and squeaked “Um…Are you Eric?” I closed my eyes hoping i didn’t make a mistake. “Lol…nope I’m Steven” <DANGIT!> “Oh…” I said blushing.

<You know…i actully feel OK talking to these people….It’s sorta like a family…but i JUST met them!> “So…I see you live off by stealing…with your lioner….” Connie said. “Uh…” Cappy pulled closer towards me. “Your wearing a rag…” Julia said. I looked at my so called ‘clothes’ Yup yup…rags….”You know…your not exactly what i call scrawny…” Steven said. “I’m an expert at stealing” I said with pride. “Well then….Let’s go to Julia’s house, our stuff is still there…” Eric said. <Huh?> “Eric…” Conie said, “We don’t HAVE any stuff at Julia’s house!” Then Eric replied slowly “Buuuut heeeer housssse is CLOOOOSER (But her house is CLOSER)!” Then Eric’s toe was stomped on by Julia a split second later.

After moments of Eric crying ow, Connie said “So….What Job are you?” <dang it…i was hoping they’d never ask…> “Um…” ~Cappy throws up on my shoe~ After moments of crying Ew, Amy and Connie teleported us to the front of what-I-think Julia’s house. Julia opened the door, and we alll walked in, “Its not much but…thats what happens when you live alone….” She said. “Julia…Amy, Kevin, Steven, and I live alone” Connie said really fast. “GASP! STEVEN! YOU LIVE ALONE!?!?!” Amy yelled. “Uh…Yesh…” Steven replied.

~Amy shocked~
“I didn’t even know my BOYFRIEND lived alone! T.T” Amy said. “Boyfriend?” I asked. Amy turned beet red and nodded sloowly. “Anyways, your lucky to actully have a house!

12 thoughts on “Unbreakable Curse#2”

  1. shyea, it’s great! just I wouldn’t recommend the <blah blah blah> thing. do blah blah blah for thinking and do smaller paragraphs. Make a new paragraph every time a new pesron talks. It’s easier and more people would read it.


  2. deathwalker said: “shyea, it’s great! just I wouldn’t recommend the <blah blah blah> thing. do blah blah blah for thinking and do smaller paragraphs. Make a new paragraph every time a new pesron talks. It’s easier and more people would read it.


    one thing is i don’t know how to do italic,

  3. horsecrazey said: “cool i’m in this story too!”

    Yesh julia, your in this story -_- u pointed that out in all the stories,

  4. coffeeduck said: “OMG! WHEN DID STEVEN BECAME MY BOYFRIEND!?! EH?!?!? O.O!
    o wellz. =P kekeke >///////<“

    Lol, Amy -_- he’s been your boyfriend since the first story, dang your stoopie =D

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