A Touch Of Destiny-Chapter 11

A Touch Of Destiny

Chapter 11

9 Months Later…

Rempn woke up but, didn’t open her eyes.
The Great Source? It rises and falls daily…
Rempn kept her eyes shut.
A person like me, but totally different?
The dungeon turned into a sort of home to Rempn eventually; after all, she had stayed there for months, maybe even years. It had been months since the “angel” had visited her. Rempn couldn’t tell time since her dungeon had no windows. It was darkness every hour. Except for when the man visited her, this was when the dungeon actually seemed like a dungeon.

A loud creaking noise filled the room and Rempn heard a man talking, but it wasn’t THE man.
“Psst…Hey.” She heard the man say quietly.
Without opening her eyes she said, “Are you here to hurt me?”
“No, I shouldn’t even be here. Please, open your eyes.” replied the voice softly.

Rempn heisitated, but she opened her eyes nonetheless. After adjusting to the bit of light, Rempn realized the man she thought she heard was actually a boy, just around her age. His hair was ratty but shiny, his body was covered with scars, and each scar seemed fresh and bleeding. He bit his bottom lip, hoping that he could convince Rempn to listen to him.

“Who are you?” Rempn demanded, trying to show she was strong, but her conscience wouldn’t allow it.
“I’m just who I am, may I ask of your name?”

Rempn hesitated to say her name. She was still deciding whether or not to trust this boy. His eyes were firm and confident, which did not help Rempn choose at all.
“I am who I am.” She said.

The boy chuckled, “I’m very sorry to intrude, but please, come with me.”
Rempn looked away from the boy and stared at her chains.

“They should have taken those off…” the boy muttered and grasped hold of her chains.
Rempn watched as the chains melted into a hot liquid next to her, she veered away from the liquid metal once there were no chains.

“C’mon, follow me.” He whispered, slipping out the door.
“W-wait!” Rempn yelped, scurrying after him. Her legs felt so numb to her.
She stumbled after the boy, whom was waiting for her at the end of a hallway.
Rempn just realized she had never seen the outside rooms before. Everything was so bright for her eyes.
“Ow…My eyes, they hurt.” Rempn whispered.

“Here,” the boy said, holding a pair of tinted sunglasses out to her, “Wear these, they should help.”
Rempn put them on and closed her eyes, “Thank you.”

“Now come, they man usually schedules his visits around evening, we have to hurry!” the boy said, grabbing hold of Rempn’s arm. She heisitated to walk, “Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere out of the dungeon, is that good enough for you?” he replied, letting go of her arm and running off.
Rempn sighed, and ran after him.

Aven swiftly threw his icies at a nearby theif . He dodged all the kunais directed towards him. He grabbed hold of a tree branch and flipped off the tree, landing out of the group of people surrounding him. He brushed some dirt of of him and ran out of the forest.

Jt, It’s an ambush. Do NOT come. Tell everyone not to follow, stay at base and rest.
“You alright?”
I have a few scratches, but nothing serious.

Aven began to shut off his communication with Jt.
”That’s good but the thing is…Davyn went outside.” Jt began…
…But Aven did not hear.

Aven ran faster, hearing the dry grass crunch beneath him.
Luzicur, did you not tell me that it was going to begin? Why has it not?
” Patience. Patience is needed right now. I may have been wrong, there’s something wrong in the prophecied.”
Aven halted, tripping over his own toes. He got out of the wet grass and stared down.

What has happened?
“The wheel…It’s different.”
How is it different, we don’t know who the wheel is!
“The wheel’s energy…I can sense it weakly.”
How is that different?
”It’s coming from different directions
Wait! Wha—
”One seems to be particuly stronger than the others.”

“Then that means…,” Aven though aloud.
His eyes widened, “I need to inform the others!”
He ran again realizing he was close to base. The grass was dewy.
Which was lucky for him, because a fire was racing behind him.

Davyn coughed in smoke. It engulfed him. He tried to run away from it, but he couldn’t get the proper oxygen, and his muscles weakened greatly, causing him to trip.
“Cough cough Why did I go Cough here?” he asked himself.
The fire spread greatly, forming a circle around him.
Davyn coughed, standing up.

He stared at the fire encircling him, scorching his skin. He could see a shadow, and it was coming towards him.
Davyn tried to call to the person, but his throat was filled with ash, and he was unable to speak. The shadow slowly disappeared. Davyn fell to his knees, growing weaker. He grabbed a handful of grass and formed the warrior’s sign.

And when the time comes for my departion of this world…
Davyn struggled to stay awake, he had to finish reciting the warrior pledge.
…I will die a soldier’s death. Knowing I had done my best…

He tried to remember the last words. He thought hard then remembered it.
I will not die in vain. I will not leave anyone behind. And…
“I will not leave things unfinished.”
Davyn realized those were the correct words, but he wasn’t the one who said it.
Davyn almost finished the pledge, “I will not leave things un…”
Ash blew across his face before he fell into a deep slumber.
One that could last till the end.

Author’s Note

Yea that Warrior’s Pledge was corny. But I needed to think of something ;D
I had a little trouble deciding the time skip…
I didn’t want it to be like 305723895723 years, but I didn’t want it to be so little making it not that big of a deal…
Have any of you noticed that my writing style has changed a lot from when I first started MMOT…and when I first started A Touch Of Destiny =.=
Well, also, about the ending sentence, “One that could last till the end.” I don’t really know what I meant by that…but all I know is, he blacked out while the field he lay in was on fire.
Got it? Good
Now here’s something fun for you:
Replace every world “marshmallow” with the name of the person you hate in the following paragraph:
Marshmallow that white floating thing in a cup of steaming cocoa. Aside from being little more than just glorified fluffy sweets, we only know marshmallows from barbecue nights when we skewer these fluffs with a sharp stick and roast them over a campfire. Knowing this, it is therefore hard to believe that the marshmallow is anything but an ordinary sugary confection.
I like the italicized part.