Woo, I’m still alive~

I THINK I will get to the point where I can actually submit this blog, but then again I might just get bored in the middle and you will have to read a broken update [boohoo]. This will be a really quick update [I hope] because I really need sleep [even though I slept for about 3 out of the 4 hours today in summer school].

So I haven’t updated in quite a while, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t skulking around here! [No I am not a pervert. . I think , and no, I am not a GUY, seemingly people think I am though .__.] I’ve levelled quite a way, and now I’m level 85. I bought a kage from my friend who got it in gacha, so I paid 30 million mesos and 2 onyx apples. Now I’m poor again =[ (actually I’m not, but I feel really poor now =l does that make sense at all? I’m too lazy to read over it. .)

I married at 7/7/7 [not only for the chance to win (which I didn’t =[) but also because it was a special day] It was great, and yeah. -Coughs-

Boomers are still okay to train on, only because my friends are always nagging at me to level them whenever I’m at NLC, which is practically everyday now because, well, they keep making me go there =O. The irritating thing is that now more people will just come in and kill all the boomers, and seriously, they should ASK first, or else it wouldn’t of made me feel so irritated that I won’t let anyone but my party kill the boomers. Once I see another person not in our party, we will kill the rest of the boomers, pick up the money, and change channels immediately. And if they stalk us. . we tell them to go away. . and if they don’t. . it’s time to just sit and relax for however long it takes the other person to leave. . . and if they come back. . we’ll just go sit it out again. . Yeah. Boring things happen at boring places.

In outside news, my family hates Maplestory, as usual. I was a bit late for dinner, and my dad hit me, but usually it wouldn’t really be that bad, but he hit my FRIGGIN’ EYE. Left eye to be exact. Of course it wasn’t full blown hit to the left eye, but it hurt so much. You don’t know how my family works. It’s like, the dad will always own you, and if you try to get away, he will beat you down [or in my perspective it’s like that]. Anyways I went to the bathroom to check my eye, and my mom started yelling at me [yay, what great parents I have!] and I couldn’t really see from my left eye. It felt like it was swollen shut but apparently it wasn’t. It was a bit puffy, but sometimes when I close my left eye, it hurt like, well, hell I guess. And I went through dinner like this, apparently my parents didn’t notice anything wrong. My sister wanted me to play DDR later, and I had to finish a project, so she helped me. It’s a shame I yelled at her when she was annoyed that I was playing Maplestory instead of doing my project. I yelled because no one, in my whole family, besides my brother because he lives away from us [that lucky guy ;__; but still doesn’t support Maplestory] did not notice at all, that my left eye was hurt. I was hanging out in the sleepywood sauna in Maplestory, and my friend, Mark, after I casually mentioned it, because I didn’t want it to be the topic of discussion really [I mean, who would?], but at least he helped me through the part of strangling my dad someday. Oh, it still hurts, and I think it still looks a bit different than my right eye, but who would really care. My parents don’t, so why should I?

My NX clothing I got on sale during the Maple Anniversary [the sale that actually had good items to sell for really cheap] expired on Sunday, but I wasn’t there to see it because my dad came in right after I levelled and punched me as the paragraph above stated, and that during dinner with my almost blind left eye, my NX clothes died. I still have my invisible hat, wedding dress, store permit, and faces, but I think I’ll be buying more NX soon. [No, I’m not addicted, I buy like 10k nx every 3 months, and no my parents do not know this, because I can walk to the mall which has Target in it, but I use my own money]

My, my, this is a really long blog for the 30 minutes I spent on it. [-cross that out, I did one hour of typing-] I’m impressed! Well then again, I write really long blogs. . and comments. . I’ve been wanting to make a Maplestory movie, but I guess it’ll have to wait when I’m level 90, because that’s my goal. To reach level 90 by the end of summer. It was originally 100, but whoever knows me long enough, knows that it’s impossible for me! I’m currently saving up for a Zhelm, but I think that might take quite a while. . My guild disbanded and was remade into IceFusion. One guild pq, my friend kept insulting my other friend, causing her to leave, then the other friend left, then like 4 other people left. So. . yeah. My other friend is going to make a guild, so I am going to join hers, whenever she is actually going to make it. My guild master’s brother is so mean. He’s never playful, you know? Like, it’s a joke, go laugh. He’s always trying to level, and I actually did keep up with him for a bit, but I decided that I don’t care as long as I meet to my goal of level 90. He was going to marry my friend, thank god she chose her other friend, which I know of, and he’s much nicer and laid back.


No pictures for this blog, I’m too lazy =] Lots of people have called me Rukia [stupid hair], but at least its a compliment. Some guy misread my IGN and thought it said XxChristxX instead of XxChristixX, so he was telling me that Christ was just something Catholics put as an idol to worship, I don’t know, some crap. Anyways, first of all, I am not Catholic, or whatever religion has to do with going to church on Sunday to do something which I think I would fall asleep in [sorry ^^;;], but it is still insulting, and I can’t wait until he gets fired from his job because he was not capable of grasping the concept of accepting everyone else’s differences. Or at least, a wide variety of people’s differences. He called me a nerd too, but who cares? Who made computers? Genius’s! [Or in the same area as that] And who are genius’s? Nerds! [Or in the same area as that] I was KPQing with my Cleric [level 30], and my friend who voluntarily came to PQ [because he doesn’t like any PQ’s, and of course, I now learned why.] He was insulted over and over again by the other 2 PQers, and he logged off and whispered me saying, “I will not tolerate being in the same party as those people. Tell them they can kiss my level 105 a**.” Of course I didn’t, but it made me giggle =]

I think you guys are all sleeping now, so I will quietly scuttle away. I don’t think I will be blogging a lot still, so don’t be too hopeful~

LONG BLOGS FTW! [Waves the Long Blog Flag and jabs it into a person’s eye. . ^^;; woops]

15 thoughts on “Woo, I’m still alive~”

  1. Yay, you’re alive. *glomps* ^^

    Hmph, it’s my mom that does the pwning in the family. :/

  2. your dad is really harsh on u. I can imagine the big smack uhad from him and u eat with ur bruise left eye, losing ur coordination so badly that u could not pick ur glass of water. zzzzzzzz. o.0” im lvl 85 also gonan try lvling to the the 3-digits by end summer. hopefully =.=” gluck to u and myself ahha

  3. Dang. You’re already level 85? o-o

    Baah, nevermind that. I’m more concerned about the abuse. D:<

    I go back to school tomorrow!
    Well, I guess it’s time to wait for the next summer break!

    ~LaZzz. . .

  5. Wait, letme guess, you have Asian parents?

    The reason I ask is that the typical Asian parent uses corporeal punishment, and does not like MapleStory. Or any kind of video game, for that matter. AND that they don’t really care if they’re beating you and they hit you in the eye or whatever. :

  6. Hippos suck! >: *remembers bad incident in past involving two hippos and a lamp*

    Don’t ask.

  7. O_o 2 hippos and a lamp. . ? And yes I have Asian parents =[
    My eye doesn’t hurt that much now =]
    Thanks everyone ^^

  8. Aaaaaahhh. What country? x]
    Er. Hope your eye is fully functional soon, and.

    . . .

    I dunno. Good luck with dealing w/ yer parents. I feel your pain Dx

  9. NOBODY CAN HIT MY FRIEND, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, >.> you know that suggestion you gave me, I might use it on other people, XD

    I MISS YOU TT.TT I’ll be back for my monthly visit, at, like the end of this month!

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