So I just randomly felt like making an account here and I was told the username I wanted, skyseeker90, was already taken. Then I realized I made an account a long time ago! O_0
It was a long time ago, since the only player listed when I logged back in was my I/L Wizard, Atticus12 (posted as lvl 48).
Anyways, to have a MMOTales account…again. Now to put it to some good use!
Welcome to MMOTales. I’m Jesus. I write fanfics, make comics, and write crappy blogs. I’m the creator of Staff of Aoi, Life On A Ship, A Diary, and my newer series After the War.
Welcome to MMOTales! I am The Nazgul, the resident fanfic writer on MMOTales. Watch out for my fell beast.
-=The Nazgul=-
Wow thanks for the welcome! I can already see how MMOTales gets its good reputation as opposed to other certain MS-related sites.
Yep, we do uphold a certain image throughout the internet’s many online MMORPG sites. Well if you want, read my stories. I am always welcome to new readers.
-=The Nazgul=-
Heyy read mine to if you don’t mind. Nazgul’s are better buttttttttttttt you still gotta read mine. Lol
Welcome back! =D Im the new guy here. I like to post blogs more than i like to comb my hair, WOW i like it a LOT! hahaha well, anyway im currently writing my first story, im up to chapter 2! hehe i am fairly proud of my work actually, and and if i have to write a paper for school, this could help,
P.S. Read My MMOid =P
P.P.S. I have tiny sheep running through my screen as i am typing this, (they just tackled each other and flew back) =]
I’ll be sure to read some of your blogs =)
En Taro Alishar, newcomer
En Taro Adun Ganzicus. May the powers of the Khalis protect you.
-=The Nazgul=-
Welcome to MMOTales!
-Hands business card-
[It says ‘MUFFINS’. And there’s an image of a parakeet.
I’m Anni.
Not Ann.
Not Anne.
Not Anna.
Not Annie.
kthx. ♥
Welcome to MMOT, I am Eden. I was gifted the power so I can close forums. I write blogs, make weird comics, and do what I do best; write fan-fics. Recently, I’ve produced my best fan-fics. (I’ve only completed one.) I wish to become a Master Fan-Fic writer in MMOT like BlackNazgul, SilverFx and AznRiceFan.
I also play Starcraft. Entaro Tassadar BlackNazgul and Ganzicus. StarCraft Broodwar is out remember? LOL.