Was the best ever. However, we had to rush several times due to the many screw ups we did on stage 1 (gatekeeper test). It’s confusing with you have 12 people in there talking :x.
Then it took us YEARS to get past the JQs on stage 5 (the ones with the water ways and all). After we got up to the boss. It was pretty funny o_o” because we didn’t know what to do (haha we’re noobs .
Anyway, we’re fighting the boss. And we realize we don’t have anyone to give HB D: so me, the healer, dies in the process. I sacrificed 5% for that boss fight ._.” and we died several times.
Actually i think it was more like 6% or 8% but whatever. We gave up in the end because we couldn’t kill Ergoth — or however you spell his name.
**Note — Drop mesos for ME (meso explosion) before you actually start the fight {We ddin’t realize that till after} D:
I was owned there haha. First time i was in there i was a total n00b.
I didn’t know what i was doing o_o
“Collect 10 Cloud Pieces”
I thought okay. Get pieces! Which i did. However, after i dropped the clouds. I clicked the cloud.
And i ended up outside O_O. Lol my party got pissed beacuse.. i was their healer. (hehe).
2nd Time OPQing~
I knew what i was doing for stage 1. I didn’t understand Stg2 with the record thingys. Stage 3 was a total bummer. I got lost o_o” kinda. Lol. And then Grupins kinda kicked my butt.
For some reason. Some really odd reason. I got expelled for a 52 cleric. (I’m a 57 Cleric). weird. o_o” So we were kicked from OPQ and the whole party’s like “wdf!” o_o
And they missed. Haha! Karma people. Karma ._.”.
1) My current and FOREVER guild <333 I’ll never leave it. We’re cool. (I’m the lowest level F4) lol @ the stair comment. link
2) Me right now. Well actually i have a dark circlet on.. and instead of holy cross.. i have crystal flowerings now. lol (too lazy to upload a new one x) link
3) This would be my after picture i guess. Yes.. i’m still waiting for my nx. I’ve already gotten my friend to do it. Just waiting till he has time. link
*** Oh lame. my links won’t show as links whatever. o___o” someone show me how :x.
You can make the links better by typing in the whole url. link (that’s dubbayou dubbayou dubbayou dot em em moh tales dot com)
Yay. Thank you <3
No offense, but I think rose hair is the most stupid and annoying hair.
Even though my gf got it, so yea
Party Quest, how I miss the . . . I’m a weak level 32, so don’t mind me. I look foward to more Party Quests, as Kerning was the fasts 6 levels I’ve ever had. (P.S. those ~~~ s warped the page edges lol)
Lmfao, I didn’t know until you showed the guild pictures, Skits.
And you’re not the lowest level, I am. 8D
And I’m in the picture, woo.