ZOMG….. You don’t know how long I’ve been planning on this blog…. It’s what I suppose by now a huge blog…. Or not. But, whatever. Of course, you wanna see the screenshots before I blab nonsense, right?
Pic 1: Fun with Anni and Ganz. XD
Pic 2: My friend who deleted meh in my inactive buddy list! >=O Can’t blame him.
Pic 3: Two Gatekeeper, trying to kill meh! Too bad I was too good for them.
Pic 4: Gatekeeper again…. RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!!
Pic 5: Bow down to the armband…. o.o
Pic 6: I stalked Tiger with my VIP Rock. Since he was in Aqua, I could get to KFC faster.
Pics 7 & 8: Proof that if you entered a map that no one has gone to, it takes a while to spawn.
Pic 9: I’ve changed SO much, have I? o.o
Pic 10: I killed Ganz with my army of Green mushies!
Pic 11: I’m all set for training. Double Exp Card, Pet HP Pouch, and Meso Magnet.
And finally, I give ideas to Jon/Ganz.
I’ve done alot of sceenshots. ALOT. So don’t be surprised if on the next blog I have more screenshots.
Anyways, maybe I should tell you how much MMOers I met.
[h]So much MMOers…. X.X[/h]
So, I’ve seen the following:
Glac (Kevin)
Ganz (Jon)
Yep… That’s about it. o.o If I forget anyone, then please tell meh.
Anyways, I randomly saw Anni in Orbis PQ place. She noticed that and whispered meh random things. We both used Random Chat. o.o
Aliyah stalked me when I was going to Orbis. I forgot I had Orbis Tower Scrolls, so I climbed back down. Then she got meh. o.o
Glac…. Well, he came over to Scania and I greeted him. He joined our guild too. XD If anyone didn’t know, he’s on a hiatus from MapleStory. T.T
Ganz, well he stalked me or something. He went on Ferdinand and saw me. I didn’t know he was Ganz, so he was successful.
Dreamemblem, I met him when I was training in Double Exp. He noticed me from MMOTales. We didn’t talk much. Oh wells.
Roisin, we met only in KartRider. You probably know this due to our blogs. XD Too bad KartRider is in Closed Beta. D:
I met TheReplaced randomly at FM. He said he knew me from somewhere, but he forgot where. Later on, I fine a mail saying that “THAT’S where I remember you from.” It was from TheReplaced. o.o
Cor and Ahsan…. I met them both from Anni and Aliyah. I never really got a chance to talk with them, though.
Cheeze went on Scania and chat-invited me. We didn’t talk for long, but oh wells.
Finally, Dee randomly added me to her Friend list on MMO. I added her back. o.o
It’s long ALREADY and I barely told my MMO weeks. o.o Well… Not really.
Ahh….. What to write….. I know!
[h]Level up!!!!!!!!!!!! 58~ [/h]
Yessir, Pain has finally been prepared for fighting. He finally finds the right training spot- Yeti’s A single yeti transformed at Double Exp could give 790 exp…. That’s alot- Especially for me. I had alot of fun and lazy times during Double Exp. What I like the most is my Pet HP Pouch.
It could give you HP Automactically depending on the HP Alert. Let’s say, your Pet HP Alert is at 100%. Thatmeans each time you get hit, you heal. If it’s at 50%, your HP gets healed when it’s at the middle of the bar. Sounds complicated, but it’s actually easy to understand.
Anyways, I kept on leveling. I used to be at Dark Yetis, but they were too hard for me. >.> Finally…………..
I LEVEL UP!!!! Threaten is almost maxed…
Anyways…. Let’s talk about BeyondCrazy. Nothing much, only problem is idiots who I REALLY want out of the guild are in. -_- I didn’t get a chaance to expand yet….
ZOMG! That’s it?!?!?! o.o Yep it is….. Til’ then people!
Muahaha. >D
WOOT! OLIVER! Congratss!
Ganzo stalked me a few times too, but he always ran away afterwards! >O
Anyway, congrats again on the level!
And it was crazy fun stalking you, LOL. And you were online for SO LONG that one day x)
Hey Oliver, sorry I’m not playing that much anymore. Kind of got bored in training and all. xP
I’m inactive too right now, better start being more active, I guess.
Ganz, Why are you acting evil.,, ? o.o
Aliyah, thanks!
He ALWAYS runs away. T.T I can’t stalk him back nowadays.
Kev, it’s ok! If you don’t wanna go on ms, then don’t go. It’s no problem.
My PQ leader should be screaming at me right now .
./Afked right in front of Papa Pixie
Say if you used the double exp card, then the 2x exp happens, would you call 4x times as much exp?
Snapel, I hope so! But that would be too easy training. D: And I don’t think it’s true. T.T
Olive, it stacks .
It does ;D
If it is true I’m going to have to buy more NX,
o.o Lol. I thought it didn’t stack, Oh wells. Ehh, I’m feeling sad right now, ’cause I barely had congrats from any of my friends. T.T To make it worse, my friend leveled and everyone is celebrating her level. Ah wells.
Ooooh yeah you leveled, I forgot. x]~ Sorry, Gratz.
Congratz. No one stalked me ;D But that’s probably because I don’t blog about anything, and stuff, and yea. I don’t make much of an effort
Snapel, thanks!
Smidiot, thanks! XD If you’re in Scania, you’ll get stalked. Trust me. o.o
Lol, no one stalks me cuz I’m in Bera.
Pssst~ Move your cursor over the Pet MP thing. It’s a fancy glitch. 8D
Andandand~for that Pet HP pouch, can you set the HP healer thing you want to heal you, or does your pet do it? ;_;
Cheeze, don’t try that trick on me! ‘Sides, you forgot the fact that you have to click on it. o.o Your pet does it. Actually, I think it’s both. You can set it and your pet does it. o.o
You have to click on the Pet MP thing? I never actually tried it. I just tried to get other people to do it .
Rofl, I died in the Wanwan Spa of Hell too today. It pissed me off because it brought me back to 0.00%!
-=The Nazgul=-
er, mastercheeze? It dosen’t work in Sea rite?
Congrats on the leveling!
Looks like you’re having fun. >;]
Cinnamon, of course I have fun! Like, everyday in GMS is fun.
Yeah, I agree. GMS is teh awesum.
I miss itttt. >.<
GMS is awesome? o_o
Snapel, it is. People think it’s full of jerks and hackers, but now it’s changed. Now it’s the opposite.
(pokes) If you have a char in Bera, or Mardia, we can meet up
Mardia IGN: JadeRat
Bera IGNs: GakutoRosu, Murasakibara, SamuraiRat
I really miss KartRider~ (ToT)
Roisin, me too. T.T I have a character on Bera AND Mardia.
I have a character in Bera. Woot~ XD
SirPainsalot, I wouldn’t know, I rarely play. Sorry then. ;-;
Smidiot, thanks! XD If you’re in Scania, you’ll get stalked. Trust me. o.o”
I’m in Scania and no one stalks me, I’m just that good.
i would like to stalk everbody from here!
but i am a windian and everyone mostly in other worlds T.T