Really odd thing happened to me today. Someone asked me if I was a boy, or a girl. Well I almost expected this but it was still degrading. Welll I have the longest BOY hair in the school so these people came up to me during lunch (girls by the way) and asked if I was a boy, or a girl. I started yelling at them and got a detention (LAME).
I’d yell at the guy who gave me detention too because I was furious. The thing is, is that I like my hair long, but I don’t want people doing this again. If you really want to know this happened TWICE. I hate those people for getting me a detention and asking if I was male or female
..sigh.. that’s all for now but if you have consent on what I should do with my hair, please say ( unless its degrading)
They are out to irritate you. You can either whine like a ***** all day long or ignore them
For a sec I thought you meant maple. Lolz.
Well, don’t let them get to you.
ummm. . .
My advice to you is to grow a mustache.
lol people im not whining im just stating that its pretty degrading and i guess ill try drunkdaddy O_O
ehh I think hudging by looks sucks. my friend has emo-ish hair and everyone assumes he’s emo
Stereotyping sucks.
Mmm. Long hair.
It’s a turn on for me D:
(I hate the idea of myself, a girl, with long hair though. Must. . . keep. . . short.)
Anyways, all I can say is what everyone else will tell you.
It’s an opinion.
And whethe or not opinions have power
is up to the listener.
Ah. I can sympathize. I’ve had someone mess up my hair cut and I had super short hair for a while and was asked that a lot. — Most memorable being a little kid (like 5 years old) in the grocery store. But lessee, my advice, um, grow a goatee? Or pull your hair back into a kind of pony tail. *shrugs*
Get one of those Hairs the Chinese had back in the day.
Liek the one in the movie Fearless
And whip it at people if they ask of your a boy or not!
They must be stupid, cant they look if you have ((.Y.)) or not?