[h]Warning: Really long blog ahead, read at own risk.[/h]
I have to stop doing things like this, it’s bad for everyone’s health.
Heres the pattern of gaming for me nowadays: I play a game (in this case, Granado Esapada) for about five days to one week straight, neglecting the other(s) (i.e Maplestory or FlyFF). Then, I get restless, and rotate to another game.
Granado Espada kind of died for me. That twenty-four hour maintenance came at a pretty bad timing, Id say, because it gave me an excuse to rotate to another game.
And you know youre up for a round of mad levelling (and a super long blog) when the Silvar gets onto FlyFF.
I had been gone from FlyFF for a long time. The culprit that inspired the hiatus was the weird messenger glitch that the game had, where everyone in your buddy list got nuked from the face of existence. It was kinda boring, with no one to bug and no way to find out if there were any, since the buddy list would be wiped every single time you logged off.
Now, however, the glitch has been solved, and all my listed buddies have been restored. ^^
More importantly, I was able to catch Anonymousbob (aka Bob) and CSUVI online now. It sounds sad, but so far, most of my 3x-4x FlyFF experience has revolved around these two dudes and they rock.
Amazing how a random party can bring people together like that. ^^
Anyway. I did say I levelled madly. Heres how.
Day One: Level 42.5 to 43
Basically killed these weird lizard like things with skinny tails and self-loading cannons ah, Basques, thats their name.
Chatted with CSUVI a bit, then joined him and his friend, NAM0, at TombstoneBearers. I heard that Bob was already level 45, while CSUVI himself had caught up to my level. Whoo, I thought, and the last I heard, Bob was still one level below me or something. Since Bob is also a Magician, I was kind of encouraged to grind a bit more and to catch up to his level.
At the same place, there was this other Merc who CSUVI kept on needing to Resurrect (aka Ress), and since he was buffing her as well, we simply added her to the party. The EXP was pretty okay, but there was this irritating tendency for NAM0 to target the same monster as I did three-quarters of the time.
First of all, magicians dont usually need help to take down monsters; two Skill slots (and rampant Refresher burnage) did the job. NAM0s doing so was actually ruining my mana spending (is that the term?), and I ended up overspamming my skill every time.
Secondly, for every time he did that, an equip would drop and he would pick it up. >>; Some luck.
Later on, our party split up for a bit. The Merc player had to go to work (something about being a stockmarket broker that doesnt sleep ), and people needed to clear inventories. I myself went back to town to finish up the Office quest, and yay, that got me up to around 20% or so. ^^
I love FlyFF quests. I love them SO SO MUCH. I really love them. I really really really- yeah, you get it.
Forget all your Maple quests, they suck (except for the event ones ). These ones actually give you decent EXP (or indecent, depending on how you look at it.) Just you see, later on.
I went back to the party, who had moved on to Basques, then got to my next level up there. CSUVI and Yuna (the other FS in the party) continued to die a few times each respectively, and every time they disappeared off to Loadstar/Saintmorning, my screen will start doing what I call the Screen Samba!.
It shook like there was no bloody tomorrow, uh huh uh huh. *hates Vista* >O!
Narrator: There is peace in the land. The sun is shining, the SFX rain is gently pouring, the ground is sort of madly gyrating and the Lumpin Basqueys are happily dying under the hands of our protagonists. What could spoil this pea-
SilverFx: (dashing young female magician in tight body suit (I mean, dashing as in running like insane)) AARGH THE MUFFINS ARE AFTER MEEEEE!
Narrator: I mean, other than that.
Yes, that really did happen. Sans overly calm Narrator.
Though I have kind of gotten used to the shaking, it makes targeting with the mouse really hard, (which makes targeting the random monster next to the aggro you aimed for REALLY easy, leading to scenes as above) and you get a headache after staring at the screen for long.
The worst part was when Yuna died, but did not collect her EXP box. It was kind of hard trying to tell her to take the box because she only spoke Portuguese and very little English, so I endured a good period of shaking before the box finally disappeared. D:
So I levelled, and CSUVI logged off, and I did so too shortly after.
Day Two: Level 43 to 44 – link
I finally remember to equip the Seraphim helm that I had randomly purchased in the Saintmorning market, and ran around being a weird blue icecream with an off-colour, mismatching pink cherry on the top.
At least, thats what I told CSUVI about my equip setup. It was SO BAAD, the colour mismatch, and even my fashion sense was offended.
Then… *messenger-alert!-toiiing!* Anonymousbobhas logged in
(Yes, there is no space between the username and has. FlyFF Engrish, ya?)
SilverFx: OMG, HAI!
Anonymousbob: hey
[insert explanation about my long hiatus, which included discussing the messenger glitch]
Anonymousbob: I didnt play much either, because I didnt have anyone to play with.
Anonymousbob: You dont know how hard it is to keep track of all your names.
SilverFx: look whos the one with the super long name >>;
Anonymousbob: At least mine isnt case-sensitive.
Oops? Blame FlyFF for it, not me! >O!
Mr Bob was indeed level 45, and was trying hard to level to 46 on Wheelums.
SilverFx: So what level are you now?
Anonymousbob: Im level 45 with a full Teba set and a SoVP.
SilverFx: Cool.
SilverFx: er. Whats a SoVP? ^^;
Anonymousbob: Oh no, youre going to make me spell it out.
Uh yeah. I guess its abbreviated for a reason. Its a real funky name for a staff. >>; Stick of Val something something. *shrugs*I dont quite recall.
Anyway, what really matters is that its a Green. Which means Rare and uber-awesome.
Same for the Teba set. If you equip all four pieces in the set, you’ll get bonuses that are uber-awesome too.
And also Uber-expensive. :X
But I was so tempted that I went to trawl through the loads-of-lag-and-white-tags-whee! Saintmorning Market, and went on to buy the Misty helm, glove and shoes. ^^;
And I did so forgetting that Bob had offered to give me a free Misty helm earlier on…
[half an hour after I had made my purchases]
Anonymousbob: Find the glove and shoes and Ill buy them for you.
SilverFx: Damn, you should have told me that half an hour earlier.
The only thing that stopped me from going on to buying the Misty suit was the empty moneybags: They usually go for around four to five mil, and at that time, I only had two. Motivated somehow, I went a-vending my stuffs, and sold off my Powerdices and other monster leftovers. So Im up to six-point-eight million now. ^^
Now the problem is this: I dont know if I should spend five million to get a 10% increase in Casting Speed. Thats the last additional bonus for a 4/4 suit (versus a 3/4 suit) and whilst an increase in attack speed will be jolly, I kinda like having a lot of Penya sitting in my inventory. T_T
Andand. There was this sexy Branch of Rhisis +3 I saw in the market just the other day, going for 3.4mil. *sighs* Didnt get it in the end, because I hesitated. Hmm.
Also, while I was away, Bob made a guild and asked if CSUVI and I would like to join. That was pretty much a no-brainer, since neither of us had a guild and we love each other so much. Of course we’d love to.
So Im now a happy member of UnseelieCourt,where we just want to enjoy the game and stop getting random guild invites, as per the guild notice. And CSUVI and I proceeded to stuff the guild warehouse full with trophy items and equips. ^^;
Anonymousbob: What on earth did you two do to the warehouse?!
Day Three: None
I logged in in the morning, to find no one online, so I off and went to play Granado Espada for a bit. Leveled up my characters to 20, and bumped into a few more boss monsters on the loose.
Needless to say, the Moireas died a few more times each too.
I also talked a bit to the leader of my faction (which I am somehow vice-leader of), and found out that he played Maplestory as well. Sadly, the conversation died shortly after that, and I never got to find out more details. Somehow, Granado Espada isnt very conducive to chatting. :/
I also explored the Port of, er (cant remember the name. Coimbra? ><; That town with the gate to the Kings Garden) and discovered the joys of Warp Points and Waypoints.
No, you dont have to ask me what I did before I learnt about them. Ask me no questions, and you will get no lies. Nor will you get this complimentary dagger slid in between your ribs. *glare*
Anyway, I just logged in a few days ago, and tried to make my way into Al Quelt Moreza Arcade.
Tried is the key word.
First, You sense something weird behind the door.
Then, my screen switched to a loading screen, while I twiddled my thumbs and hoped like hell my computer wouldnt crash.
The next I knew, I was chucked into a mission. Wt-? Oh right. That stupid quest.
My little team of three got completely massacred by the monsters in the room. -_-; I wasnt even prepared! My wizard had ZERO Magical Orbs! My Scout had ZERO Mithridarts!
Heres the math.
Zero Magical orbs + Zero Mithridarts + Unprepared and flustered player + ill-equipped lvl 21 characters + overwhelming numbers and swarms of monsters
= NO Quake or similiarly pwnful AOE + NO buffs from the Scout + Frantic scrambling and running around that gathered MORE monster swarms + Early death of the Scout
= Complete annihilation of the Moirea family.
But all I got was a free trip back to the family barracks. >>;
Day Four: Level 44 to 47
I swear, on this day, I think I killed perhaps about
70% worth of monsters? Even lesser. ^^;
And yet I gained that many level-ups.
A few minutes after I logged in, CSUVI told me about someone who was looking to buy Tombmarbles, which I had plenty of from spending too much time with the silly Tombsmackrs. I rushed over to his location, and sold the whole bunch of twenty-eight for 300K+ to this magician dude.
<3 Penya. *ka-ching cash register sound plays*
Donate to the Fund Silsils Obsession with Money Fund, please!
The magician dude was so happy to get all the Tombmarbles he needed, that he partied me and we went to train at Pranksters (which I hadnt known the existence of before that point in time, heh >>; ).
I cant remember what happened in that party, only that all the equip drops kept on going to the magician dude, and something or another happened such that the party kinda disbanded, and I somehow ended up partying CSUVI. He had been solo-ing at the Tombies, because he couldnt find anyone to plvl him.
Imagine, a full INT FS soloing.
Yes, young grasshopper, you do well with the image of the multiple deaths. The worse bit about being an Assist, imo, is that you can’t Ress yourself after you die. After the second death (or was it third?), I told him to get his butt to Pranksters so that I could help him level.
Somewhere in the middle of it, while he was buffing me, this Bow Acrobat came up to him and kept on spamming ‘buff pls’es at CSUVI, who was busy buffing me and healing me while I fought. I figured the Acro could be a little more patient, and just wait a bit until CSUVI finishes up with me, y’know.
But he just kept spamming buff plses. >>;
CSUVI is usually pretty obliging, but this time he sort of ignored the Acro. Maybe he was getting a little be irritated, like me. Its really obvious when an Assist is concentrating on supporting a character, (just watch the pretty lights and the sound effects, whee~) and I dont know why this Acro didnt get the message.
EnfOrcEr210: [for the umpteenth time] buff pls
[In troupe chat]
[SilverFx]: Can I kick him now? >O
So CSUVI caves in and starts buffing him. Remember the bit about Assists needing time to go through their entire library of buffs?
Somewhere in the middle of his buffing
EnfOrcEr210: heapup pls
EnfOrcEr210: haste pls
CSUVI: hold on
[buffs-in-progress, and Heap-up gets cast already
EnfOrcEr210: heapup pls
EnfOrcEr210: heapup pls
CSUVI: You already have it
He gets his buffs, and we are left alone for a long while, but it wasnt long until he came back to ask for buffs. Again.
I cant really remembered what happened next, but I do know that I tried to kick him again and that I levelled up to 45 right there and then.
Then, uh, I DC-ed, and went to have lunch.
CSUVI went back to Tombies, and after a couple more deaths and a bit, he levelled up.
A while later, Bob came online and asked for our opinion about the guild emblem and cloak.
CSUVI: Anythings fine.
SilverFx: Same. So long as it is not green. ^^;
Anonymousbob: Okay.
Anonymousbob: Then green it shall be.
SilverFx: >O! Meanie.
SilverFx: Butbut, with your red equips, youll look like a Christmas ornament!
In the end, neither the cloak nor the symbol was green. Behold the guild cape~
Throughout our stint at the Pranksters and such, Bob was grousing about some chicken in Ivillis. Apparently, he had been hunting for this feathered fowl for the past few days for a quest, only to keep dying whenever he tries to kill it and get it snatched from him by other chicken hunters. Quoting him. it haunts my waking hours.
The fowl enigma turned out to be the Ivillis Guarder. I was wondering, how could a Guarder be taken as a chicken? But understanding dawned when CSUVI and I went to help Bob out with it.
It looks just like like , well, like a frigging chicken. >>;
CSUVI: In the Taiwan server, they call it a phoenix
CSUVI: But we just call it a chicken
SilverFx: ahaha. KFC?
Anonymousbob: lol
Anonymousbob: I just had chicken for dinner yesterday
SilverFx: What, that revenge offline?
Anyway, we accompanied Bob into Ivillis to hunt for the chicken. At first, we were just waiting for it to spawn, and we helped CSUVI kill Crashers for his quest meanwhile. All of us died in our first attempt to kill the chicken, and whilst we all dashed back from Loadlight, someone else took it. :/
So we waited some more. Just then, someone else wandered in and asked for the whereabouts of the Guarder. We were all reluctant to answer, because we really wanted to help Bob, but then it spawned, and thus our explanations were saved.
We claimed the chicken first (yay for the anti-KS system in FlyFF), and then got down to slaughtering the chicken. ^^ CSUVI buffed while Bob and I dealt damage; with us both being magicians (Hail Pwnful Damage!), it was pretty quick work.
Halfway through, that some other person from earlier on (aka competitor for the chicken) dashed past us, trailing two aggro Crashers behind him. Bob got attacked, and wham- he died.
We thus lost possession of the chicken, who wandered off, and sure enough, that other person dashed to take it. I suspect that the other person had purposefully dragged those aggros towards us, in a bid to snatch the kill. Meanie!
But hey, I survived, with my uber amounts of HP (), and got to the chicken first, with one long-range lightning spell, and brought it back to Bob, who had been Ressed by CSUVI.
No one beats teh Silvar, chyeah!
So it finally died by our hands, plucked, skinned and fried (mwuahahah!). ^^ But just when we were talking about celebrating by eating KFC, Bob realised that he didnt get the drop that the Guarder was supposed to give him. It doesn’t drop if you are in a party.
And so he didnt really finish the quest in the end. *groan*
So somewhere in between getting the guild cape and helping Bob out with the chicken, I gained about 70% or more.
And I didnt even kill a single monster other than the Feathered Fowl Guarder.
Remember what I said about indecent quest EXP? ^^
The level 45 office quest got you about 20%, and I did that once I levelled to 45.
Then theres the chain quest revolving around Ivillis. The first stage required to you just fly to the Ivillis entrance and back to the Mayor of Saintmorning again and ta-dah, 20% or more.
Then you had to run into Ivillis, sneak past the ebil aggro Crashers and the Crasher giant and steal a scroll from the Altar there, then fly back to Saintmorning.
That I did, after the chicken got slaughtered. I even made it past the aggro Giant without dying.
Whoopee, another 20% more.
And, of course, one level.
I DC-ed shortly after that, but when I came back into the game, this happened.
SilverFx: You guys rock. <3
Anonymousbob: Its all your fault, you and your muffins.
Anonymousbob: I couldnt think of anything else.
Next up, its my turn to kill eight Crashers. Done that easily, then back to Saintmorning again…
Level~ ^^
I was so happy for lvl 47, mainly because then, I could finally stop looking weird with my mismatched equips. However, now I look even more like a lady from the Cabaret, garters showing and all!
SilverFx: Urgh, look at my equipment!
CSUVI: Well. Mage girls equips look pretty good ^^
SilverFx: To you it would. >O Bloody short skirts.
CSUVI: That is even a skirt?
SilverFx: FINE!
We ended the day going back to Pranksters, where Bob helped both CSUVI and I find Orbrins. Bob went to sleep, CSUVI lagged too badly that he logged off, and I grew bored quickly without company, so I went off too.
Day Five: Level 47 to 48
Hunted more Pranksters for more Orbrins to finish up the level 47 office quest, and all that got me to 63%-ish.
Then, as promised to CSUVI, we went to hunt Mr Lord Bang together for yet another ubertastic-EXP-gain quest, who, imo, looks like a giant dumpling.
Heres me peeking at the dumpling.
Heres me pwning the dumpling. It takes SO LONG to kill the damn thing, even for a magician! >O!
And heres me (and CSUVI) dead from the dumpling. (I had already finished mine, and it was his turn to claim the kill. But, yeah. >>; )
I was the only one who got that quest done, in the end, because I accidentally claimed the kill of the second one, and the third one we killed halfway got taken by someone else when we both died. :/
CSUVI said he’d solo his Lord Bang when he got to a higher level after that, so we just returned to levelling. And I got my level up from the Pranksters whilst helping CSUVI to finish up his Orbin gathering.
And thats it for FlyFF. ^^
Maple has been pretty good, what with the event quests and all. So far, Ive made use of the x2 EXP times to level up my noob characters, in particular one ErsatzDreams, a pure INT mage, and have gotten oodles of good scrolls from doing the birthday quests with all my characters. I still have more characters that haven’t completed it yet, so.
Here’s hoping for a GFA~
SilverFx the Ranger is up at level 72, 53%, but I dont have any urge to level her up anyway. *shrugs* I just dont. The levelling speed in FlyFF really spoils you, I guess. :X
On the ship ride back to Victoria for GPQ. The GPQ didnt happen, because no one else turned up. >>; Way to go for guild spirit, Incendiary.
This is just
classic. >.>; Do take note that Im also guilty of butchering the English language.
Yes, this is the end of the blog.
Yes, rly. Took me about five days to finish. >>; Didn’t help that I was completely caught up in reading (and re-reading) some books. Everyone MUST read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossein. It’s awsm and so very sad at the samet ime. :X
Cookies for thee~!
[edit]WTH is Prolif3’s link doing at the navigation bar of MMOtales?
I had an aneurism? Is that one of the symptons of reading your blog?
I tried to contact you in FlyFF, but you weren’t on! Or something I know the BL thing got annoying. =/
But alas, sweet prince, I have lied thee to thy rest. It will be forever lost in the confines of my virtual Trash Bin. We hardly knew thee~
Not lied. Laid.[/grammar nazi] ^^;
Iono. The other known symptom is an extreme craving for muffins. Clinical studies have been inconclusive though, thusly more experimenting needs to be carried out on the oblivious citizens of MMOt-
– Uh.
I heard that.
*leaves Grammar Nazi group at Profil3*
You have putten me and my grammar to shame, Silvar. o_o
You weren’t supposed to hear that! Don’t run, my hamster!
Heyhey. I’m the one that throws grammar into hell when I get on MapleSEA, so.
Oh yeah. I just remembered I deleted FlyFF out of boredom . >>;
lyk i noe eat grmmr txh u vrey much
Meh, I switch between moderately good typing (like you see now), and somewhat comprehensible typing, like, without capitalization and the use of acronyms. As long as people understand me, y’know?
EDIT: Nezzy! D<
It seems like you know the exact time I’m gonna post my comment, and you come in and post yours a millisecond before me.
Yeah. I remember my English teacher telling me once: ‘You can’t speak Queen’s English to the auntie at the hawker centre food stalls, can you?’
That’s when perfect Singlish comes into play mah. Like no one understands de, if you talk too pro.
*cracks up*
But I hate people who really BUTCHER the language. *sighs* How hypocritical.
@Nezzy: Aw.
Yay, the bug is gone!
*is currently addicted to Ludi PQing*
I’ll get on FlyFF after I get to 40. :3
What’s the red present for ? I only gotten the blue one .
And Singlish is not understood by non – singaporeans . In my case that is .
Makes it kinda irrating .
To be frank, I just scrolled down teh blog as I know it will be a good one as usual. So I just clicked the “I likey it” button. >.<.
Wow, People are weird thinking you’r a guy o.O
Red presents are for the quest to be done by characters level 30 and lower.
Lawwwllll at the entire thing.
Oh no. The evil “buff pls” people are migrating to Mia! RUNNNN~ XD
But yes, that does get extremely annoying, especially when assists are either levelling themselves or trying to help friends/guildmates level.
If you have enough room on any of your bl in MS, add Arathelaste please~ (^__^)
I haven’t played GE in awhile. I keep dying in the middle of the maze after Al Quelt Nartex. D:
Maple’s quests gives lots of money, but not EXP.
Maple sucks my basketballs that I left in the closet.
@Roisin: Somehow, I can’t seem to find the space on my BL. I’ve ran out of extinct/random buddies to delete. D:
I need to be less stingy about spending 250k to expand my BL. >>;
I’m a slow reader
Wow. Thanks, Reves. :X
Rofl. I just finished the whole thing. Thought for the day. . .
You are wearing a lava colored swimsuit. And I need to get back on Flyff some year.
Wait, thats. . . three thoughts.
*Lost in thought*