In which the Silvar wrestles with tags and URLs to attempt a Maplestory-cum-FlyFF blog with a combination of fanart and SSes.
¤ SilverFx, the FlyFF Magician
Mm. The colours in this picture didnt turn out as expected, because of some colour conversion thing that went awry in the process of saving the PSD file into JPEG. :/ Oh well.
She was intended to be an Elementor, but then Version 7 happened, and suddenly, I found almost everything that made FlyFF interesting and so different from Maplestory gone: the skill-levelling system, the mad amounts of quests with funky rewards and insane EXP gains, the friendly assists (as pointed out by Imppala)
Can we say no motivation? I havent moved from level 32 since
I dont know, two weeks ago? =X I was initially still amused with the Valentines Day event drops, but it got boring after a while. And I remain confused over which elements to pick, or whether I should have added points to all the element spells: I suspect I added points to the wrong third tier spells.
Blahblahblah, the end result is another SilverFx idling away in yet another game.
What a short attention span you have, Silvar.
All the better to get distracted w- *looks away* Ooh, shiney.
The bright side of this inactivity is that the rollback didnt affect me one bit.
Still, its disturbing when you start thinking that FlyFF is nothing more than an upgraded, 3D version of Maplestory. D:
¤ Gemmy: Who, me?
This was drawn for a few reasons:
1) The attainment of 2nd job, during which all sorts of things happened,
2) Just to visualise someone actually in that get-up (quote Imppala: Looks like something a hyperactive ten-year-old would wear, him having all the right to say that since he bought me the Cash <3) and last-but-not-least-ly
3) Modemless boredom. Long-story-youve-heard-before. It was what that inspired the denizens of the previous fanart blog too.
And this girl just levelled up again today. ^^
I actually planned on playing SilverFx, to get her as close to lvl 68 (and thus 3rd job and Sexeh Strafe <3) as possible. I spent one hour plus at the Luster Pixies, gathering my fourth Battle Shield in a row along the way, then bummed off to El Nath for a spot of Jr Yeti hunting, in hopes of perhaps obtaining a Scroll for Glove Attack and boosting my meso count.
But what happened instead
(Yes, it warranted a whole new blog of its own.)
So yeah. I logged into Gemina after the above event, so that I could hunt for more CNY event items in the Sleepywood Dungeons. Thats when Devvy joined me on his fire mage and we hung around chatting, with him helping me guard a spot in the map while I randomly AFKed or stopped killing.
Which brings us to this.
¤ devilryfire, otherwise known as Devvy!
from link
As they say, ask and you shall receive something way below your worst expectations. This is his Fire Mage, in his full glory before his account was unfortunately hacked into. I didnt do the Enigmatic justice, of course, but you know Im lousy that way. XD
Heres to Devvy, retiree of that cursed game we call Maplestory. Thanks for the farewell present (I will scroll my overall, I will!), the personal KS guard, the complimentary heart attacks from drop-trading those items, the local air pollution, the friends youve gathered for me, and for spoiling little Gemmy yesterday.
devilryfire: You know something?
Gemina: ?
devilryfire: When I kill a zombie mushroom with a magic claw, this drops.
Gemina: uh huh.
devilryfire: But when I kill it with a fire arrow, this drops.
Alright. Thats the end of this blog.
The link to my Gallery of other Horrors.
Cookies~ *points to mountain at the end of the rainbow*
(Yeah, no matter what they tell you, there IS no gold at the end of the rainbow. Instead, there are cookies! ^^)
Orly? I want a cookie but its so far away. D:
The cookies are lies! LIES! LIEEESSSSSS!
Guess the retiree didn’t retire, eh?
He was just spending some last moments, I guess.
The cookies were oatmeal .c.
Gratz on Gemmy levelling twice! =D
And the guy on your other blog pissed me off big time. >O
PS: Your drawings rock. xD
Ohwow i love the way you drew Devilrymage~ Purty<3
And congrats on the levels :D!
I like the drawing of my mage, although the enigmatic lacks much detail. Muahaha it bested your art.
I guess your unique view of elemental composition being fusion of fire arrow and poison brace should be complimented, I never thought of it that way o.O
Also, you lack a shield. Oh wait it disappears whenever I notch a brace onto my fiery bowstring. Where was my ester all that time?
Despite applauding your efforts to the fullest, I still think that Maple characters look nicer with a chibi effect. Just my opinion though, I wouldn’t want you to suffer a traumatic suicide from this mere comment. Or would I? *Suspicious music playing in background concurrently*
Lol SilverFx I feel a dire need to exercise caution regarding our proximity. Your love for taking an overwhelming abundance of screenies is freaking me out. You just jam the scroll lock when I least expect it!
To MMOers out there, I apologise for the obvious grammatical errors in my megaphone. Sometimes there just really isn’t enough space to squeeze in a whole chunk of words. *Mutters something about Wizet being a little too stingy* But at least I don’t expand my language with redundant e’s, u’s and s’es. That is true twit. Besides, without blending into the environment and degrading my literacy skills a bit, I’m sure I would have gotten over a hundred defames from burning our Singaporeans’ precious lil mutated eyes with grammatically correct English.
Oh why did you ever give me such an awkward nickname! Devvy! Can you believe it? Even SilverFx has taken after this luridness! Okay maybe I was exaggerating a teeny weeny bit. Still, it’s yooooouu! *clearly annoyed* It’s eeeeuuuuu! *Shudders at the spelling*
I half-expected you to say that you lived on the other side of the rainbow and you would’ve finished the cookies by the time anyone with the evil intentions of pillaging your loot could near your residence, then continue rambling bout how you banished denizens from the Wizard of Oz because they didn’t support your ‘Everyday is Orange, Apple and Lemon Day’ campaign.
Annikabelle: Oh little Munchkin how are you feeling today?
Munchkin: Anything but orangey, appley and lemony.
*Censored due to extreme violence and gore*
Annikabelle: Little Munchkin’s ghost are you feeling orangey, appley and lemony because today’s fruit day?
Munchkin’s ghost: Um not really.
Annikabelle: Deserves thee to die! But in Soviet Union, deserves death to thee!
*Censored due to extreme violence and gore*
Lol at the Zombie Mushmom partXD
Your drawings are great ^_^ end the Genima one is cute.
oh one more thing.
Oh great master of colouring, would you like to colour my drawings? *looks with big puppy eyes*
(I suck at colouring, *cough. . .* lazy *cough. . .* nah. . . i’m better at drawing black and whiteXD)
@Devvy: Why, thank you. I think. >.>
It’s just that I can’t do your Enigmatic for nuts. XD It looks pretty when it’s small, but when I tried to ‘realise’ it, I screwed up the collar and it basically turns out sucky. I wouldn’t suicide over my art, I’m not that dedicated.
As for the shield: I was lazy, and only realised it after I finished cleaning up the sketch. D’oh.
And I do go a little trigger happy with the SSes. I have more! Be lucky I didn’t release the more *coughs* incriminating ones. XD
@yh: Sure. Just pass me the sketches or something, and I’ll do them when I’m bored and modemless. XD
Haha I knew you’d screw the collar! *Triumphantly*
Also, the shield is missing in action whenever I use EC for some reason. So you’re drawing is not wrong in that sense.
ehm. . . save the drawings of my blogsXD
Your coloring is . . . really good
You should get a deviant art if you don’t have one already.
Add marshmallows and muffins to the list <3
Add marshmallows and muffins to the list <3″
SilverFx! Fenrir! I won’t forgive you for this! GAH!
Munchkin’s ghost’s ghost: Fine! I’m orangey, appley, lemony and annikabelley! Now leave me alone!
Annikabelle: Oh noes! You’re not marshmallowey and muffiny! You’re in for it!
Munchkin’s ghost’s ghost: Why do I get the feeling this is gonna be a running gag . . .
*Censored due to extreme violence and gore*
Sorry, but I posted it (Gemina) on Basil. ^^;;
Couldn’t resist.
Now you can see what other people think.