So like, I made this because I was bored. Is that anything new?
I had the idea ever since I saw Ganzys MMOtales wallpaper. Like, what happens if we were let loose on the front page?
Knowing us, itd be havoc, of course.
Most of the character configs are stolen off Ganzys second MMOtales wallpaper. Im sorry I couldnt fit in more people. I got kinda tired right after I put dee in. Then it got a little too crowded near the top. Didnt help that Paint.NET was being a bish and the Move Pixels function behaving exactly like its name: everything was moving pixel by one pixel. And that I couldnt find no Maple sprites around the place.
Ganzy, youre amazing to have fit that many people into the wallpapers. *kowtows*
Additional credits – link for the burn and Mozilla Firefox for the browser interface. Also, whichever MMOtalers’ characters that I kidnapped: don’t worry, none of them were hurt. Much.
Anyway, (just to make the blog longer), today was yet another FoG training spree. (Yes, thats where I went when I wasnt responding on MSN.) Having leveled yesterday from lvl 76, 60% to lvl 77, 30%, I went on to level up today, and got to lvl 78, 1%.
Highlights of the previous days include a visit from the Piat, who was avoiding the Internet before he finished reading Harry Potter. I also demoed the might of my Arrow Rain on the poor little Slimes in the Ellinia Slime tree. The Arrow Rain is at lvl 17 now, a level I suspect that is a /little/ too high as I happily spammed the SP into it. But ah well
it still rocks.
Note to self: Add Puppet next.
And while I was joking with Eona that it is impossible for Jr Masters to expel each other, I got a demonstration.
Somehow, I didnt find it the least bit funny. I mean, there was rather little prior warning, and I actually felt as if I really did get expelled and – Gah, nevermind.
Im too sensitive sometimes, I am.
Then there was that strange raid party that crashed into Youskes map in the middle of nowhere at around 10+ last morning, whilst I was there. The KSing party was made up of a Priest, two Rangers, and a bunch of Sins and DKs, and their main intent was to raid the map.
Well, seeing as how most of them were 10x, I dont think its shameful to say that we almost lost the map. We didnt budge of course, hell if Id change channels because of people like these. And indeed, even though there were these super pro Rangers KSing me, I managed to get all the equips that dropped. ^^
But funnily enough, the party suddenly just disappeared after about ten minutes of the fun. Anti-climatic, wot?
The fun didnt stop yesterday though; today, whilst on a completely different map, the same party crashed it as well, and stayed there for a long while creating havoc. It wasnt so bad this time, because we were short on attackers anyway, and they actually helped me increased spawn rate.
I told Wolfrage about the raiding party, over the BL, and he came down to visit me at the FoG. We had a little conversation insulting the intelligence of the raiders, something along the lines of Kids these days are dumber than I thought Ah, you give them too much credit, but I doubt they understood it anyway. XD
Then, Wolf was like, anni!! over the buddy chat, and only then did I find out that Annikabelle had logged onto MapleSEA. IkindadeletedherofftheBLtomakespace[/embarrassed]
But hey, I added her back, and even went on to expand my BL for the first time, after I made up my mind to add Mee (aka xXmeeXx), yet another FoG pal. Interestingly enough, she studies in the University that Id be heading to next week, so shes like, my senior.
Sadly, Wolfs modem started wonking out after his puppy pounced on it to get at some char siew (roasted pork), and he started DC-ing manymany times in a row until it got tiresome and he logged off completely.
Moral of the story? Never feed your puppy char siew.
I have half a mind to try training at the Showa Parking Lot, where the spawn is said to be plentiful and Arrow Rain said to be pwnage against the mobs.
Youske, who has a lvl 105 Ranger as well, said that with x2 EXP and at my present level, I could level up in two hours. I find it hard to believe, but hey, no venture no gain.
And uh. Yeah, met up with the oh-so-cool EbilStrangler on GE, invited him into my faction so that we could chat more easily long-distance, and we went to the Kings Garden to uh get on Patrol mode. His characters kinda stopped attacking after a while and kept on getting killed by the mobs, and I dc-ed shortly afterwards.
Dont feel like playing no GE at the moment now though; cant find the interest to do so. Plus, the computer lags like nobodys business when I do, so it kinda kills what little enthusiasm I have. Hmph.
MMOrpging aside, theres my other obsession: I have half a mind to start posting a short story series. Kinda like a collection of all the Maple-based short-drabble-that-isnt-longlikehell-Auroras-Redemption, of which some are already posted on my MMOid.
So watch this space. *throws an empty box at you*
Cookies for thee, dear reader~
(BTW, I think an extension in the character limit for blog titles should be in order. >O)
Thank you for addressing me as “Oh-so-cool”
Yayy! I’m in the picture!(The guy with the Blue Bone Helm)
Gratz on 77 and any other achievements you made. I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and whatnot. Most importantly, HAPPY MMOING.
Okay, I’m done, bai.
Yay. My blog’s on the front-page that’s getting mauled! ^^
Which one is Ebil?
Oh yah, Silver, can I have your MSN? Me no spam?
@Knife: Tell me yours and I’ll add.
[editedit] PM me. >>;
Ebil’s the one sitting on his blog’s highlight. I used his TMS character to make the avatar, because I like it bettar.
Oh em gee, public place, me is no release it here.
Is that person falling on me? O.O
If I’m the warrior with Hellslayer, then you got my hair wrong! I’m rebel you know, not Antagonist. But if not, never mind. Anyways, it really looks like MMOT is havoc. Nice pic.
Oh yeah, and most people expand their buddy list to 50, (MAX) at level 80. (Need lots of friends.)
If I’m the warrior with Hellslayer, then you got my hair wrong! I’m rebel you know, not Antagonist. But if not, never mind. Anyways, it really looks like MMOT is havoc. Nice pic.
Oh yeah, and most people expand their buddy list to 50, (MAX) at level 80. (Need lots of friends.)
wth? how did I post twice, sorry.
Haha, am I the one going “(ninja poof)”? XD
I was avoiding teh internets too whilst I was away in HP-land. I didn’t want this book to be spoiled, since I already had Order of the Phoenix spoiled for me that year.
I was majorly p’d off. Lol. So last year when Half-blood Prince came out I took a hiatus until I was done, and I did the same thing here. It works.
Quack! How dare you show evidence of my invasion within the forum?
Now my mastermind plans are worthless. . NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
YAY! Gonna draw all over Cheezy’s blog!