Skip the first part; its just drama and a need to, I dont know, prove myself right/wrong and run the angst out.
I know youd expect something like this to be posted on MMOtales. Well, youre right. But I dont know if your real life perspective which made you cut off all ties just like that without a warning or a word would make you come and find this to read. But you know it will be here and I wouldnt even bother to prove you wrong like I was originally tempted to do and not breathe a word of it on my MMOblogs.
You didnt allow me to speak in-game, so Ill just have to speak here then.
Good for you that you can differentiate between online and off so crystal clearly. Good for you that you can live with acting so differently real life and virtually because it seems to be that Devvy is nothing but your online personality, and whatever the real person behind Devvy does is nothing to do with Devvy at all, nor should it even start to affect the people who have come to become attached to online personality Devvy, which, I might add, the real person had created.
Tell me that I ought to understand that, and yes, Ill let you go now.
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the reminder once again that this is but a game and that nothing really counts, and thrice thank you for the lesson you have taught me: that some things I thought important can be obliterated with just two clicks of the mouse. Thank you.
I scribbled that on paper, cheap bright blue gel pen in the white spaces between my Business Law notes, more than twenty-four hours after this happened.
12th November 2007 – Looks silly now that I’ve re-read it. >>; Oh well.
There was someone named Devvy that I thought I knew once. He joined Incendiary, and I counted him a good friend of mine. Then, one day, without a word, he just left the guild and deleted me off the BL. All the Incendiarians online thought he got hacked again, we were that worried, and almost everyone helped to track and chase Devvy down thinking to help him. But we only got rebuffed.
He only mentioned the reason why he left after a guild member stalked him down again. No one understood why, and he didnt help in providing any explanations. He could tell me this, but did not explain why I was wiped off his BL. Eona, the guild leader, searched for him again, but still no proper explanation. I still didnt understand.
Even this didnt help; was I supposed to feel comforted with just that?
Two weeks later, I came across this, and I was upset enough again to be briefly derailed in my exam revision, even if it did clear things up some on hindsight. Why wasnt this said to me, or to the guild in-game on that day itself? Where did he post it, god-forsaken Basilmarket? I dont even go there; so was I supposed to be seeing it? Or was I supposed to have mind-read everything from what he actually even said to me?
Then. People miss you. Or at least they say they do. I dont know, since its proven once again that Im such a poor judge of what people really mean. Level37/w4r0fGestUr3 said he did, dexlesS said she did, Darky said he did hell, I do too, despite the hate-blog comment in that last SS and this rant blog. And I dont see WHY we should.
Anyway. Yes. Im done mucking up this weeks-old mess. Im done mentioning your name or whatever you do ever again. Goodbye.
Yeah, well, after that particular soap opera episode, Eona and I went on a boss hunt of sorts.
– Stumpy (Perion Boss): Discovered to be patched out after a long fruitless wait. >>;
– Mushmom (Henesys Boss): Whacked to death using normal attacks and PKB blows.
– First Gunboss Solod (Zipangu Boss): Accessed by a comb borrowed from Eona. Was bloody scary, even though Gunboss couldnt go past the velvet rope and I had dear old Charlie to protect me; I believe a few years have been taken off my life in that few minutes. >>;
– Various Mobs (Leafre Dungeons): Was pretty fun to Rain in; I could get to quite a lot of mobs from one sniping spot, especially if there was a nice squishy Eona to lure them to me.
– Eggmonster (Leafre Dungeons): Eona irritated one of them enough that it spat at her! Of course it missed her, but no prizes for guessing who it got instead. >>;
– Goby Fish (Aqua Dungeons): Was dragged from Leafre Dungeons to the Aqua Dungeons when Eonas x2 EXP started.
Then Mole had HAD to PM me for a price check (Who the hell PMs me the Market Ignorant for a price check, gee.), and then this loose Goby fish came FLYYYYYYING up and, uh. Yeah. *floats ghostily*
Just when I was training to level up too. >>;
I attempt to kick Mole some more here, but thats not the focus here. Look at the MapleTV message. XD
Rosses are red
and Violent is Blue
Gawd, I know you love me,
but please dont hurt me too! D:
After that, I finally met up with Tomi. The past few times he logged in, Id say something along the lines of TOMIIIIIIIIIII! but Id never hear his reply, so I, uh, thought he was ignoring me or something.
But we soon figured out that it was because I cant see what he typed in the BL.
There was a whole mess of random experimental deletion and re-addition to BL and relogging etc etc. because I thought there was a bug with the BL or something.
SilverFx: Eh, is the face and ear thing next to my name greyed out in your list?
SilverFx: Check!
[in Buddy Chat]
xx3vil5inxx: jean is a pig pig!
SilverFx: YOU MUTED ME YOU DUMBARSE! >O! *spams*
*facepalm* How stupid can you get.
Anyway, I got tired to being stuck at lvl 85, so I bummed off to the Zipangu Parking Lot to train the last few percentages.
I have no idea why, but I just kept dying. -_- The EXP would go from 57% up to 68%, then Ill DIE, and the EXP will drop to 60%. Then just when I recover the EXP and got it up to 65%, Ill DIE again, then itll go down to 59%. . . >>;
Lucky they nerfed the EXP loss for archers down to 7%, and that I have excess LUK that nerfed it further to a 6% loss? -__-
Anyway, I met this really cool Ranger person while training in the PL, Mistah BaRry, who is actually the owner of the original Ranger guild in SEA. Cool? I think so.
Hes really funny, and he DCs all the time on his seven-year-old computer. Thusly, I crown him my new DC-King. (And he crowned me his fellow Lag Queen. >>;)
And whee for times TWO the Ranger Smexehiness.
On another occasion, I was looking for a map to train in, and found a map that was empty cept for a single Hermit. So I took the empty front and started Arrow Raining. Next thing I knew, the Hermit had come up to me and told me to change channels.
I didnt want to; I wasnt feeling too co-operative then, I guess. So I just sat around, until the Hermits Fire Mage friend came back and told me to CC too. By then, Darky had stalked me to the PL on hearing that there was fun to be had, and so we began the entertainment for the night.
I didnt know Sitting = Raiding. HOLY. LETS GO RAID THE FM!
Then Barry logged in and fetched me off for training, so the entertainment was terminated. When I was nearing 9x%, Barry and Gesture were hanging around, waiting for me to level up and entertaining me with their chats, but then I got spectacularly mommed (i.e. GIRL GET OFF THE COMPUTER OR ILL SMASH YOUR LAPTOP NOW!!), so I ended up having to bail at 94%. >>;
Anyway, fastfoward,yaddayadda, and whee, I finally levelled up!
Which only meant that Eona had a more valid reason to drag me off for more bossing.
– Griffy (Leafre Boss): It has a drop youll need for the fourth job advancement, I think. Whatever. It only means one thing for me: Tombstoned!
But Eona pwned it nicely, so yee-ha~
– Junior Balrog (Sleepywood Boss): It was
boring, the wait for it to spawn. But at least there was a certain distraction named Imppala that arrived and helped brightened things a bit.
We waited. And waited. Got tricked into believing that the Balrog had arrived. And waited. Scrolled a lousy 70% cape for MP scroll on Imppalas Raggedy cape. And waited some more
It took ages, but the Balrog spawned, I caught a glimpse of it before I hopped off the ledge to somewhere farfarfar away and sniped at it.
Then, it died.
Unfortunately, yeah, it is as anti-climatic as it sounds. I was too far away to take SSes, and Eona finished it off so quickly that I didnt have time to do much anyway. XD But at least I wasnt hiding away in a corner like some certain Imppy was doing, hmm? >D
Anyhow, that was a really old update. I havent been able to get on Maple lately, because of school and outings with friends. Exams are coming up; the first papers on Nov 14.
But hm, Ill get online sometime soon, I think. Eonas sponsoring me 10K of A-cash for a Cash suit, so I cant wait to pick out the stuff. ^^ (Thank you, mah lurvely nubcake. <3) I have a couple of ideas lying around, but none really excite me, so I dunno. >>; Its so hard to find something to match those silly ribbons of mine.
Cookies for you, dear reader~ *tosses*
Gee, trust Cheezeh to pick up something like that. . .
Ah, who cares about a silly number. The first line in the chat box clearly indicates that I are teh winnar.
*cracks up*
Yeh, Piat is teh Pwn!
You. My dear sir, I spent about 20+ hours playing pyro on Team Fortress 2. *Is clearly the winner*
Oo, too much drama. Sorry your studies were afftected. =s
Thanks for the cookie! *Munches, responds with a blueberry muffin*
I can’t get to him. . .):
I’ll have to see the other side’s story though, can’t just rely on one source. =/
Stumpy! That name sounds familiar!
@Fenny: link
I think they named it that after the carnivorous muffin chopped it off. >D
Oh hey, Stumpy might be the name of your pet tree, I think.
@Ganache: *bites the muffin* Yey.
Thank you~
But it was written [I think] by someone else other than Devvy, I can’t trust it as I would your point.
The details are correct, and why would someone else write junk like that anyway. I can’t find the actual post though.
._. Right, I’ll stop.
Zombie pig cleric =P.
And sheesh, Im level 45. Im CENTURIES from waltzing around freely in Cursed Sanctuary.
I dont get the title of your blog though.
Edit: Unless its another thing that is literally translated from Chinese? Fa chu yue guang?
I had a 106 and I was guildless. . .
See, that’s EXACTLY why I don’t join guilds in the first place.
Too many conflicts.
I like the first outfit Silver
: D
1st outfit is ok, 2nd is a bit much, and third is the best of em.
But there’re four of them. *squints and goes to fix link*
And the title was a song lyric, from Rent’s ‘No Day but Today’. :X Guess I should stop using enigmatic titles, hm? XD
But I like the title! It’s really nice.
The lsat is still the best, I think.
I am squishy? D:
Hell yeah. *squishes you* >D
You keep on eating me in your screenshots
meanie ;-;
Yeah, sure. Just lemme bite you after you’re done, kay? :3
*Puts on protective outer shielding*
Bring it on, baby.
(Thinks to self)
I’m being talked to by a *gasps* famous MMOTaler! WHHEEEEEEEE!
Well. You’re famous too. Everyone loves you! >O They’re all like, ‘MUFFFINS!’
Of course, they’re all like, ‘I WANT TO EAT MUFFINS’ technically, so uh. XD
Here’s something for you. *rummages through old SSes* link
Well. You’re famous too. Everyone loves you! >O They’re all like, ‘MUFFFINS!’
Of course, they’re all like, ‘I WANT TO EAT MUFFINS’ technically, so uh. XD
Here’s something for you. *rummages through old SSes* link“
Dest, I would be honored by this picture Silver gave you. It’s a picture of when she was level 69. ;D
*Bite for a bite*
Oh gee. Keep my blog out of your ebil comments column domination plans, you Nazi! >O
My Nazism is disguised as Destism, foo’!
Me no Muffin!
*rolls eyes*
You ARE Muffin.
I have proof!
Proof that you’re not Muffin?
Do show it to us, good sir. >D
Nawp. Not substantial evidence.
Hmm? I thought in Singapore its innocent until proven guilty. SILVER IS A NAZI >D
I know silver is made from flour eggs and stuff u need to make a muffin.
She’s de-lish i must admint.
Try her today! ^^
Shut up, Imppy. That’s not how Silvar-ism works. And IMPPEH IS A GIRL! >D
And Eona is a nubcake. >O So you’re made of about the same thing as muffins, ‘cept muffins have more PWN then you do. >D
And Eona is a nubcake. >O So you’re made of about the same thing as muffins, ‘cept muffins have more PWN then you do. >D”
Thanks for the compliment, Silver.
I will now do a graceful dance using two microphones and a Hamtaro plushie.
You’re too smexeh to resist, is why, Muffin sir.
Why do all your blogs have such great titles?
I wish I could say I made all of them up.
But this one isn’t really mine, per se, being a song lyric. So. XD
Well, yeah I know that phrase. All my blogs are either KLON ____ or in Nobody3223’s case, it was something like, I cant think of a title or just a simple label
*coughs* Lacking imagination, hmm Alex? XD
Maybe you should try something new for your KLON titles.
Like NN .93 Washington FM 8!
Yeah I should, Gotta put KLON in the title though!
Hmm KLON SilverFX is changed to
KLON: Silver haired bucket head!
What does KLON stand for?
Some one asked that before and the truth is I dont know lol
I got it from a song, and I believe they chose KLON because it could be called Clone. Basically poking fun at how a lot of radio’s sound the same.
The song is this one, be warned it is a screamer heavy metal song!
Hah, it won’t load >D
XD j00 phail, Alex.
AND HEY. I’m not a buckethead anymore! >O! I’ve got a cash suit! >D
*air guitar*
Buckethead actually means something other than ‘an archer with a hat too big for his/her head’?
A pwnage guitarist.
With a KFC bucket on his head along with a plastic mask thingo on his face.
Let’s see, his other alias must be Fenny!