
All that excitement about fourth job, and I cannot take part.


All I got out of the whole damn thing was a bloody fright when I first logged in right after I patched. See link to understand.

Anyway. Congratulations to Eona, on becoming a Night Lord.
Or, as I’d prefer to call her, a Nightie.

Flashy skillz!

So like, someone got tired of seeing me in my ‘purple G-string’ (don’t question the perceptions of this certain someone *cough*Eona*cough*) and decided to sponsor me 10k of A-cash to get me a Cash outfit.


BaRry: u hide your bucket!
SilverFx: yeah, I did. XD
BaRry: ur not one of us anymore!
BaRry: blood traitor!
SilverFx: fine.
*takes off Visor*
BaRry: lol

But speaking of Cash stuff, you have to look at this. Waaay funky.
Too bad the cape isn’t sold separately, or I’ll buy it. :3

I have to congratulate Asiasoft on finally catching on with that oh-so-clever money making idea of Nexon’s and bringing the absolutely dee-lightful Cash Item of Avatar Megaphones to MSEA. It is indeed such a wonderful idea to have a colour splash of random (ILLITERATE GRR) shoutouts popping out of nowhere at the top right corner of the screen.

Being pleasantly caught unawares by abrupt bursts of colour popping out at the corner of my screen and being startled into near cursing is such a refreshing break. We can’t keep drifting off into a comfortable semi-comatose state while grinding, y’know; keep ‘em on their twinkly toesies!

You would never have thought that they’ll ever come up with anything better than that silly thing called Super Megaphones.

Most unfortunately, I can’t get a good SS of this wonderful creation, because it gets blocked half the time by my buffs and Quest alarm dialogue. How sad.

I have to further congratulate Asiasoft on finally seeing the light and bringing something called ‘Holiday Events’ into MSEA. The MSEA servers have sadly seen a dearth of these things, and SEA-ers can’t help but envy GMS-ians for their abundance of frustrating, tedious, sometimes irritating, sometimes unrewarding, and completely GRAEDGH!1! events like these.

Having to collect letters from monsters that don’t stack are really such a good idea too. Having your setup inventory fill up faster than the typical city landfill only signifies that the letters drop rate is fast. What a blessing.

And doing the same quest twenty over times, collecting three different items that cannot be picked up more than once and having to run to and fro between the Admin NPC and the hunting maps are nothing but a thoughtful test of endurance for us Maplers.

2000 EXP for each of the runs is rather good actually, so much that I managed to level up my level 50 Ice Wizard with all the experience gained.

In addition, placing a random reward for the end of such a test of resolve is the best way to reward the determined; they must get too complacent about the axiom of ‘Diligence begets good returns’.


We even have this really hyper Maple Admin in the towns, showering us with all the warm enthusiasm of the company that is profiting off us. ^________________________________^

The fact that we get x2 EXP slots every weekend just doesn’t compare with all the other event updates, honestly. Lucky we only get it every weekend, hm?

Okay, I’ve gotten to the point when I’m not sure if I’m still being sarcastic or not, ahaha. So I’ll stop.

But the event for killing fake bosses is fun. :3 You collect Powder Kegs, and donate it to an NPC in Henesys Park, and fill up a meter of ten bars. Once it’s full, a whole balooza of fake bosses will spawn after a pretty fireworks show and whee, it’s time for fun!

And you get this +30 WA/MA buff if you are there at the fireworks, and it lets you do insane like whao damage.

We had an impromptu guild meeting at Henesys Park and we all partied up to kill the bosses since it was so veryvery fun.

I find this disturbing. Do you?

darky543: B> E, O, N and A!!!
You can’t buy a Silver though. D: Only a SIL_E_.

You can see Pointy/Lolli in this picture terrorising people with his hog.

That showoff. >>;

… I was talking about the Bowmaster with that l33t Storm of Arrows/Hurricane Arrow.


So I was just slacking around China, having gone there to finish up this massive mission that included this massive insect extermination of this massive many-legged worm thing and trying to pop someone’s massive ego…


Then this little line of orange words popped up on my screen amidst the purple guild chat.

Iepiat: I have a physics test today I’m supposed to be studying for
Iepiat: Therefore, I’m signing on to Maple
Iepiat: Brilliant logics.

It’s a PIAT!

Nothing much happened, ‘cause someone was busy doing review questions, but it was nice to see him around. I invited him into Incendiary too, seeing how it was his blog’s title that inspired me to suggest the guild’s name after all. XD Way cool? Way cool. *nods*

I was levelling Gastropoda, Queen of Snails and baby Ice Wizard. It was a happy event, giving debilitating frostbite to gaily coloured Teddies in equally gaily coloured Ludibrium in exchange for somewhat measly numbers appearing at the bottom right-ish corner screen.

(Ya, it’s a strange feeling gaining 65 EXP per kill, now that I’m used to getting at least 120+ per kill while training on my Ranger.)

Then, a stranger waltzes into the map.

Vnelll: want in guild?

You’d think that the weird grammar would have warned me. But I was curious anyhow, and decided to join this guild for research purposes.

‘The guild has been made.’
Gastropoda: Hello guys.


‘Someoneortheother’ has quitted the guild.

Gastropoda: Umm. Okay.

Incendiary has spoilt me, I guess. I thought dead silent guilds were not in existence anymore.

Incendiary VS Casina: A Case Study

While Incendiary has a spammy guild chat like this…
… Casina has a spammy guild chat like this.

While Incendiary ranks you regardless of levels (excepting for those below level 60)…
… Casina ranks you according to levels. You’re a lvl 1xx? Automatic Jr Master, even if you will quit the guild ten seconds after you are promoted!

While Incendiary has a guild master that has somewhat strange spelling… (We still love you, Eona <3)
… Casina has a guild master that has even stranger spelling, not to mention grammar. That is, if she talks at all.

While Incendiary has crazy people that do crazy things…
…Casina has strange people like this.
He PMed me because I’d greeted someone who just logged back it… -.-

While Incendiary does funny things like taking a lot of time to arrange for guild SSes…
… Casina does funny things like… this.

So when I found John (johnsoo), the only person that responded to my attempts at chatting in Casina, all I thought was, ‘Let’s steal this guy over to Incendiary, and get the heck out of here.’

There was this other person that I recruited into Incendiary too, that I met whilst jumping the Pet Walkway jump quest at Ludi whilst waiting for Eona. He’s PbSO4, and has a white Yeti named BaSO4.

I like his sense of humor.

And when I casually asked about whether he liked the guild he was in, he was saying that he didn’t because they were rude and unkind and he was only there because of his brother’s friend.

SilverFx: So heeey, do you want to join my awsm guild instead? *winkwink*

Thanks to Eona, PbSO4’s nick quickly morphed into POSB, which is the name of a local bank.

Anyhow, when Eona reached Ludi, she challenged me to a race to the top. I was like, ‘What, surely I’ll lose, I suck at JQs.’

But eh. I won. Eona gave up doing the JQ completely.
I guess the Zakum JQ (which Eona claims to be able to do in 30mins and which I CANNOT do) isn’t quite the litmus test for JQ skillz, y’all.


The first 50% of that level was spent with Ray and Barry, my new, crazy, smexeh Ranger friends from the Ranger guild. XD Whilst levelling, they like to prance around naked.


My router got so scarred with that sight that it kept DCing after that.

[After the umpteenth DC]
SilverFx: I swear, I was doing fine until you walked into my screen, Barry!!

The last 50% was pretty epic too; I’d found a slot in the legendary MP3 (Mysterious Path 3) Map in Singapore, but when I was at 92%, the fixed party for the map had arrived and someone from the guarding party had to go.
It was between me and this other Priest who was going to level up too, but I volunteered.

Bloody mafia rule in MSEA. -_-

Luckily, I found a slot in Ghost Ship 5 instead, and managed to continue to level up and gain another 9%. Yay.

One more level closer to that far-away fourth job, I guess… >>;

I must note that training in SG, particularly MP3, is really profitable. I’ve gotten about 1.5mil, just from NPC equips and picking up mesos in one day. How out of whack is that.

• Pretty much self explanatory

I need to develop a good story to fend off these people, and fast. >O Having a Maple BF that is hardly ever online doesn’t help either…

._. Can’t say I miss him, can’t say I don’t either.
But he might as well have dropped off the surface of the earth… ._. Hmph.

Eona got bored and so she dragged me along to Henesys to play noob. We’re all dressed up and authentically attacking monsters with no second nor third job skills whatsoever at HHG, when I get this really interesting trade.

Just because I LOOK stupid doesn’t mean I AM! >O!

I mean, doesn’t mean that I am stupid.
Not doesn’t mean that I am looking stupid.
I’m not stupid.
… Yarly.

To end off on a completely irrelevant note…


Yes, my Hawk is named Opossum. Ya got a problem wit’ that?

I tried to use him to solo a Thanatos, but… whatever. Thanny was so kind to have another friend waiting for me, see, and they were pushing me up to the wall! D:

A record high of 47 screenshots in this blog. Wow.

Cookies for thee, dear reader~

15 thoughts on “Enthusiasm!”

  1. lol u get own by Thana? y u so noob? Nar, I kid. Last time I tried killing one I just got blinded and ran. =/

    And I have to agree with your friend, the hat looks awesome. It’s the lvl 20 set that’s fugly.


  2. LMAO.

    Congratz on 87. XD

    ;_; You look liek you have a lot of fun on MSEA, makes me jealous. Lulz.

  3. So. I just LOVE reading your blogs. They’re so the ‘thanksformakingmyday’ type .
    Your guild is so super spiffy! I hope that I can make my own as good as Incendiary one day =). And definitely, CONGRATULATIONS ON LEVEL 87! And I was LOL’ing as I read the Casnia comparisons. XD

  4. Scyne said: “lol u get own by Thana? y u so noob? Nar, I kid. Last time I tried killing one I just got blinded and ran. =/

    And I have to agree with your friend, the hat looks awesome. It’s the lvl 20 set that’s fugly.


    Correction: I got owned by TWO Thannies. I can prolly handle one on my own, with sufficient All Cures. >O I’d stun one, then the other would come up and whack me, and by the time I finish stunning that one, there would be too little time left to deal enough damage to take down one of them. >O

    Lvl 20 was evil. Bloodygreenbikinisuit.I NPC’d the first minute I turned lvl 25, lollol.

    Andandand. D: I didn’t want to betray my buckethat! It It was so possessive and overbearing and HUGE, I had to let it go! T___T

    @Shining: >D Thank you. Bet you have a lot of fun dragging people all over the place too, in GMS. I’m always the dragee. XD

    @Aliyah and Waffle: Thank you~ <33

  5. incendiary just rocks so much even people leaving it (those new ones) dosnt bother me.
    Because they will be missing out all the rocking part
    (but it pisses me when some higher lv one quit to get a pro not family-like guild)


  6. Omg, this picture. My name was said!

    It seems my reputation has already spread across GMS to MSea. I shall check the other versions later, but I’m already sure they think of me as God. Er, Buddha, w/e.

  7. . . . Man, I got edited from your last screenshot. You can still see the corner of my blue hair, though. . . (I think.)

  8. @Imppy: I didn’t edit you out, everyone was just piled up at the corner that we all blocked each other out, lol.

    @deathwalker: Err. I AM in MSEA. >>;

    @Eona: EONA IS A NUBCAKE! >O!

  9. ^_________________________^

    Those fake bosses seem fun! I don’t recognise some of them.

    Oh, and keep the bucket. It’s only the coolest hat in the game, you know. ;D

  10. The one with the big white head is Griffey, and the fat dragon is Manon. Both are Leafre bosses, and you have to hunt them for fourth job stuff. T_T

  11. That “interesting trade” screenie, I love it SO MUCH, I SAVED IT. Silvar is WINRAR.

    47 SSes? And I thought I had too much free time.

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