[Story Title Here] Part [#]!

There seems to be a lot of RP blogs going on, people writing more of an actual story dramaticized with third person POV and actual plot (onoes!) than a blog entry about their training or how they met a scammer. Maybe they should get their own Category… I don’t feel like sifting through blogs that have chapters in order to find something else that interests me.

Oh by the way. . . You guys have heard of Fanfiction.net, right? ‘Cause that’s what you guys are writing. 😐

8 thoughts on “[Story Title Here] Part [#]!”

  1. So true. If anything, MMOTales is less of a blog and more of a storybook now, *F3*

  2. It doesn’t bother me, being a MMOTales “author” myself. =P

    FanFiction.net doesnt look very user-friendly. =S

  3. MasterFreinz said: “FanFiction.net doesnt look very user-friendly. =S”

    . . .Are you serious?

  4. jesus christ it won’t let me comment what i want to say.
    maybe i’ll type like the children.


  5. MasterFreinz said: “It doesn’t bother me, being a MMOTales “author” myself. =P

    FanFiction.net doesnt look very user-friendly. =S”


  6. I actually think the stories are a pretty good addition to this site. ‘Cept the crappy ones, of course.

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