Looking for some one who wants money

Ok so im looking for some one who wants to make money. This is how its going to work. It would be best if they had a FM shop but they dont have to. Ok here it gose. . . I need some one who will buy my eos tower scrolls at 10k each and he can resell them at FM for 20k each or what ever the price is he wants to sell them for. FM price 15-30k. I can get a lot of eos tower scrolls in one day like 100+ each day lol. . . but i lack the money for a cash shop and the time to sell them for more then 10k. So it helps the 2 of us. . . i get my 10k per scroll and you in turn sell them for 20k+ making 10k. . . for every 100 scrolls sold you get 1 mill XD isnt that great?

SO let me know if your intrested im in Broa BTW

3 thoughts on “Looking for some one who wants money”

  1. Yo Chinoshi, it’s me kitsuneden, I am on your buddy list. Or at least I think I still am, You probably took me off a while back. I’ll buy scrolls 10k each, I won’t sell them, I just need them to do lotsa stuff.

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