Introducing the production from my extremely foul mood due to the fact that I have an essay due in a week, and I havent even started. *breathes*
First case, the person calls you a noob. How will you respond?
Most people just say walk away, but why walk away from all the fun you could have blowing this persons head off?
Im cruel, deal with it.
Idiot: Fck off noob.
Comeback: Me noob, no speak 1337.
Idiot: what are you talking about noob?
Comeback: Noob is a term often misused for newb, a beginner to an online game. Its actually definition is a highly annoying person. Would you like an example of a true noob? Wait, you are one.
Idiot: im no noob, bissh. [censored a bit]
Comeback: Are you blind? Im not a female dog.
It goes on, but you always must seem smarter, and more literate.
Or you can go the stupid way and accept all their insults. xD
Im bored.
I want to go shopping xD.
Oh yes, but most of the time they are so noob that by the time they have insulted you (tried to anyway) they have change channels, or they stop moving, like they are froze, maybe they are rabbits, rabbits freeze when scared (‘cus they are stupid >->!).
I usually just tell them to have a good day and I hope their head works its’ way out of their a-, pple (-holds tongue while saying apple-).
Oh well. Idiots will be idiots.
*puts advice to use*
I just flip them off. xD
Your awesometastic skillz of essay organisation sound like mine. xD
Hm. Yeah, in the right mood, I would use your sort of method. Otherwise I’ll just do it the cheap way and gang up with someone on them.
Hm, reminds me of the conversation with that idiot icepimp95 or something the other day, doesn’t it, Dez, Munky? We totally owned him. xD
I’m sarcastic with my comments. A bit too sarcastic at times.
. . .nah.
For the first part of my winter break, I sat around and watched Family Channel.
Second week: ZOMG, MY PROJECT! xD
really? For me i kinda leave them to the last day or so. . . XD.
ROFL! I laughed XDD
You got me there
– VanillaPocki –
Lol, I just keep training.
Nice comebacks xD
I always say thank you. . . they hate it when i do that.
Rigaen Sptuaiz Vafen!
They f6 and run. XD