2008 and MapleStory

I’ve been playing maplestory since after beta, and to tell you the truth
I’m getting really bored with maplestory.
It just seems like the same events over and over again. Same places to visit, same things to do, etc.

There’s tons of things I think should be added to maple. [Some fairly stupid ]
A Bank – These 4 slot safety deposits are not working and making mule accounts, the accounts get full fast espically if you have ALOT of stuff.

MapleHomes – I know it may sound stupid, but I think our maple characters should have homes to go to when we log off. I guess you can decorate it however you wish. This would probably be an NX feature.

Player VS Player – That would be extremely fun. Need I say more?

9 thoughts on “2008 and MapleStory”

  1. Well, Dest, wouldn’t it be kinda like Super Smash Bros? I mean, yeah, it’s obviously 3D characters and 3D levels, but it’s still somewhat sidescrolling.

  2. Agreed, it wouldn’t work, As quoted by Jonathan/Ganzicus – “Oh crap, a dexless. Bubble up— Hearthstone, POOF.”

  3. Well if this helps anytime I get bored I go on a “suicide run” and my character. PVP wouldn’t really work out, cuz there would be 4th jobber guys running around henesys killing poor,inoccent noobs.

    All they want is 5k


  4. ya the maple home is on the front page after you log in, anyways, each new character shud have a mom and dad lol

  5. I Definetily agree with the bank, but nexon purposely makes there so few slots so ya have to buy more with NX. 4 slots, 4K NX. -_-
    Maplehomes seem like a nice idea, and would relieve a lot of boredom players have.
    If there was PvP, It would be in like a duel-like form (Check FlyFF’s system), or maybe a duel arena or an area devoted to PvP (Runescape). But you wouldn’t lose all your items though *shiver*.

  6. omg jsut THINKING about it is making me feel like quitting @___@;;

    -shudders at the thought of mass killings by 4th jobbers-


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