MapleStory Survey #1

MapleStory Survey #1

Hmm… I just wanna know…

Answer this:
1) Where do you train your characters?
2) When do you think Showa Town patch is coming out?
3) Are you good at jump quests?
4) When do you play MapleStory?
5) What level is your highest character?
6) Do you know who is FangBlade (GMS) in real life?
7) What do think is the best second job?

1) lv20-30 dit all over the place. That’s why if you search me in ranking, you see my move rank is high cuz I travel a lot.
2) After the Valentines patch?
3) Yeah sort of not really actually no. But I like JQs.
4) I play around 5pm-6pm EST (New York) on weekends usually.
5) Currently, level 24 (shadowindsx). I used to have a lv78 chief bandit, but then over the summer my computer couldn’t play MapleStory and I forgot my pass and pin .
6) I know he’s not a girl. Suuushi is a guy in rl though.
7) Bandits.

3 thoughts on “MapleStory Survey #1”

  1. 1) Uh, usually I like to do quests since those take time, have a purpose, get me decent exp, and usually land me a prize.
    2) March 9th— the same day as Brawl, son!
    3) Somewhat. Usually I don’t have the patience to finish the difficult ones the first time around.
    4) Rarely on weekends only.
    5) 67. Should definately be 70 by now. -.-
    6) No.
    7) Probably Sins but I wish I could say Fighters or Pages.

  2. Hmm.
    1) 52 F/P at STDs, sometimes Gryphons or Tauromacii or Death Teddies
    2) 2009
    3) Very
    4) Never
    6) A human
    7) …your mom.

  3. Ganzicus said: “Hmm.
    1) 52 F/P at STDs, sometimes Gryphons or Tauromacii or Death Teddies
    2) 2009
    3) Very
    4) Never
    6) A human
    7) …your mom.”

    You shoulda switched 6 and 7 around.

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