Um.. new to MMO… hope i do this right

I’m new to MMO tales.. kinda wondering if this is a fanfic site (i’ve read some very nice stories that are maple based) or just a blog site (similar to xanga or myspace

I didn’t have much time to maple today, but i managed to get into a few opqs, and finally got my lvl63 with my cleric *pic 1*. ^.^ cleric power ftw!! xP

yesterday was far more interesting, as i found a maple staff at jr. wraiths.
also w00t for maple weapons *HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY gMS!!!* so far i’ve gotten a maple wagner, claw, and staff. i’ve hunted for presents as well, but so far have only gotten a white bandana.. i want blue 0.0 like everyone else, i’m sure. xP
i can’t wait to get out of opq (again) and get priest(ess) status!! -^.^-

er.. that’s basically it i guess… gotta go sleep -.- i’ll give a better update next time i guess ^.^
bai all you happy maplers!!
53r4 – 72 Chief Bandit – Virtue guild
53r4ph1m – 63 Cleric – xMythical guild
w4rr10rSera – 23 Warrior – Virtue guild

15 thoughts on “Um.. new to MMO… hope i do this right”

  1. Welcome to MMOTales. =D

    This is mostly a blog site, but we do fanfics, comics, and some other junk too.

  2. WELCOME TO MMOTALES! Ya, this is a blog site, but fanfics are awesome too, so feel free to write them. Aslong as you mention MapleStory some and dont use “1337 sp34k” or “cht spk” then everyone has a nice time. Also try not to pick fights, but they seem to pop up a lot anyway. There’s a big list of official rules that Annikabelle wrote (sometimes people don’t give her credit) but I don’t know where the latest version is.

    @Blog: Congrats on the level up! I’m still looking for my Maple items, but I don’t care much about the bandanas, they look ugly to me.

    Edit: Actually any MMO is welcome, not just Maple


  3. Eh, welcome to MMOTales. Just to let you know, I’m the Big Cheese around here and whatever I say goes, ya dig? That is all.


  4. We’re all your servants mastercheze, NOT!
    Sorry he scared you. You control your own life okay Seraphim?
    Welcome to MMO Tales.

  5. welcome
    well I’m not gonna repeat stuff so yeah what they said is good!it’s good info
    here’s a welcome basket*hands you a welcome basket*
    look a maple weapon is in it PSYCH!
    yeh cheezy is the big cheese that we feed to our lord Mouse
    hope you like it here though
    ~LaZzz. . .(it’s called free speech so anyone can write anything but writing something mean or not having to deal with MS is frowned upon!)

  6. Welcome to MMOTales.

    I’m Dest1.

    Pleasure to meet you.

    The Big (One time only!) Spamming Welcoming Commitee will meet you soon.

    Don’t get into flame wars.

    And please don’t use chatspeak or any other noobspeak that people use in-game.

    We can’t tolerate that.

    Yaz we gotta Moderator called Mipsacri (otherwise known as Steel-Wip-Mip).

    Watch out for her.

    And watch out for the report function, be careful to not get in the business end of those (A Big fat BAN! on your face.)

    And of course, Captain (<–click there) is the maker of this site. He comes here occasionally to look at reports, and fix the layout of the site sometimes. Ph33r him.

    And always make the I of your blog title capital! Rawr!

    Sorry for being strict, laying down teh rulez of mah chitlinz that role in this joint.

    ~Dest1 (<–You will never see that in a comment ever again in your life. Remember it while you can! > )

    And a note: I can use chatspeak in the welcoming commitee squad

  7. Ok, that’s not the one Anni wrote but it covers most of it I guess. And you condradicted yourself a few times after saying no chatspeak . . . .

    Edit: found the “official” one.

    Annikabelle said: “HIIIIIIIIIII .


    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    Don’t talk 1337 .

    Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

    Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

    Don’t make popularity blogs .

    Read the rules if in any doubt .

    Don’t cuss .

    Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

    Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

    Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

    Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    – *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

    Try it .

    Its delicious <3

    And not poisoned .

    -Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

    *Snaps fingers*

    Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .

    And you SHALL obey all of the above, or I’ll hunt you down .

    Beware of the fluffy parakeets waving the pillows of feathers at the cow jumping over the orange singing “We wish you a merry Christmas” completely off key, because cows can’t sing for an ice cream watch. The orange screams, and jumps off the cupboard just to find a tsunami screaming that the sky was falling and penguins were riding on sea turtles! Run because a guy in a Halloween costume turned into a dwarf and is currently raiding a sweet shop, and ignoring the coconuts being thrown on him by radioactive lizards! >;O

    Fifteen men on a dead men’s chest!
    Yo-hoo ~ and a bottle of rum!
    What are you doing, you parakeets!
    Don’t squish the captain’s feet!
    The ship’s doctor’s face turned red-
    OH CURSE IT, he cried!

    And the pirates were sued by a bunch of parrots that were actually illegally transported ladybirds who ate beds. The fluffy pillow was impaled by a nuclear weapon when a pirate hypnotized a piece of bread. The pirate jumped off a seashell when he realised that cats were extraterrestrial monsters that were taking over earth, and still couldn’t believe it even when a wall thermometer slapped him in the brain! The deceased captain rose in his coffin and mumbled that he had a great sleep, and he petrified his mourners who were eating purple caterpillars and being drunk. Then he rode on shark, and bought a circus, and called it “JAWS” and made a movie, which led to the prejudice of sharks.”

  8. Welcome =D . I’m Repty . Your friendly neighbourhood female dinosaur . ReptyDino . You sure have complicated names .

  9. Welcome to MMOTales~ I’m FirstKnight, or Glacier123 the Ranger.

    What world do you play in?

  10. Welcom =D, wow nice drops, so far I,ve only gotten a maple llama staff from the 2nd aniversesery *hugz llama staff ^^* thats really all I need though ^^. So what world do you play on o.O?


  12. *This comment is practically useless, being at the bottom of so many, more important ones.*

    Essentially, don’t do anything people could deem “stupid.” That never works out well. And when somebody fires at you, for the love of all things green and good don’t fire back. We all hate flame wars.

  13. make long blogs
    about gennerally random stuff plus everything that hapened in maplestory
    their everywhere. . .

    -looks around suspiciously-


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