Maple story is still down

I know many people are having trouble with gameguard and so am I so I have decided to try out some new things on the web , like other RPG’S and MMORPG’S, but not to many live up to maple story’s level. Trickster is pretty good but takes 3 gigs of memory and 6 hours to download. But it has great graphics but it just came out and many people are noobs so I probably won’t join. but i played a game called dragon fable and adventure quest which is pretty good and my brother had already been playing it so we already have a guardian status (whoever plays will know what this is and here link ) but still which i could play maple but hopefully the Gm’s are working on a cure for the gameguard BSOD and whatever else needs to fix so until then rock on!

5 thoughts on “Maple story is still down”

  1. What? MapleStory is down? Mmm, no wonder it doesn’t work when I click on it. Eh, and all this time I’ve been thinking its MY computer’s fault. (Sorry, dearest computer. You don’t suck, I’m sorry. -pats- You ARE still the best. xD)
    Egads! I have trickster, just haven’t played it yet.
    Mwahahaha, I’m bored. -cough- I’m done. =D

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