Kahini pqing

Hi~ I was just wondering if anyone wanted to pq qith me in kahin. I am pretty good at finding channels and have done about 12 succesful pqs. with random people not friends.(10 i lead). So if anyone is around lvls 23-28 i would met you in kahini. My chaacter lvl 24 Xbowman.

5 thoughts on “Kahini pqing”

  1. Is the name Xbowman? And you only did kerning PQ 12 times. . . Well I semi-quit so I can’t PQ anymore Sorii.

  2. i luv kerning pq (i can solo king slime :D). add me wen u have time x-X (not sure if i got room lolz)


  3. k
    and darkwar jsut with this cahracter. here is all of tehm
    about 20 times with ym warrior
    and about 8 teims on my mage (both scania)

  4. who the heck is natherml or w.e. and stop trying to boost your own ranking if it is you sellsword =/

  5. Meh, I never liked the Kerning PQ, I had tramatic experiences trying to get in, I’m on Broa anyway >>;;;

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