Aloha, MMO Tales!

Hey guys, I’m new to this whole blogging thing overall. I found out about this site from a good friend of mine, Steve. I believe his IGN is LunarPanda. He was telling me the whole thing on how I needed to be literate and all, so I practiced for a week or so. Occasionally, I might awaken an old habit and type in a “u” time to time, but that’s just really out of my reach.

So, my basic info.

Name: Rick
Age: 12
Birth Date: May 28, 1994
Gender: D00D.
Intrests: Hanging out, Handball, Online Gaming
Games Played: MapleStory (Just got tired after Beta, but I love the concept), SilkRoad (Recently hacked)
Current Games: Occasionally, DotA on Warcraft III, Guild Wars, and practicing for the realease of Starcraft II. I am so gonna own Steve in that. Dude, if you’re reading this, those 4 games were FLUKES man. You friggin’ cheated or something, cause no one friggin’ gets that many friggin’ Hydras up in that friggin’ amount of time to be backed up my friggin’ MUTALISKS. God. Nub.

I’m also an aspiring Fanfiction writer, though I just started 2-3 days ago, and I’ll test a few out here. Any and all criticism is accepted, even flames. Seriously, I’ll take it all. =]

Anyhoo, that’s all for now. Hope I’ll be accepted as a regular member here. =]

15 thoughts on “Aloha, MMO Tales!”

  1. Hi, Lunar’s friend! Welcome to MMOtales!
    (Anyone going to bestow him with Anni’s welcome?)

  2. Holy crap man. You actually took me seriously? Jesus. Well, welcome.

    Ew. Guild Wars Player. >.>;; Only noobs play GW Come back to Maple.

    And yes, SC2 Is coming out. Pfft. Don’t expect to win. Even if you have your jumping units, I have my Kamikaze Zergling’s I’ll use. =] And if that phails. Colossus. =]

    Pfft. Called fast building? I rush your base, and you had like, 3 FB’s?

    Point is, I rock, you suck, and welcome.

  3. Everyone is excepted. . .

    LOL, Lunar, be nice to your friend. >=O Or else Stevey shall get a whack from Aliyah. =D

  4. You don’t type like a twelve year old . . . you type like woah.

    Can we clone you?

  5. Well since no-one is using the Anni welcome I guess i will,

    Annikabelle said: “


    Don’t get involved in any flame wars .
    [Advice by Dest1, I suppose .]

    Talk about MMO-Related stuff .

    Don’t Spam .
    [I once spammed. Note the past tense. *Nods at Ink*]

    Blog about MMO-related stuff .

    Be nice <3

    And I dare you to post crude comments, or ones that are classified under ‘heartless’ .

    Don’t talk 1337 .

    Type properly, legibly, don’t use short forms too often, and use paragraphs <3

    Don’t rant about hackers; we’ve had enough of blogs debating whether hackers are [*Negatives*] or not.

    Don’t make popularity blogs .

    Read the rules if in any doubt .

    Don’t cuss .

    Do not make one-liners unless there’s a comic in it . 8D

    Blog about your ENTIRE MMO DAY not just a section .

    Do not start a flame war . Doing any of the above can cause one. If you dislike someone of MMOT, don’t say it. Just ignore the person.

    Anything irrelevant to MMO can go in Profil3 <3

    *Shakes your hands with great force*

    – *Hands you a MuffinMallow*

    Try it .

    Its delicious <3

    And not poisoned .

    -Tries to hide poison bottle behind back-

    *Snaps fingers*

    Greetings, you are now completely under my control . You will obey the rules, and do everything as mentioned above, to prevent yourself from being burnt .

    Heya “

    Hope you have fun on MMO Tales

  6. At least GW has better graphic than Maple. : D
    Welcome, nice to see a new literate person here!

  7. Zomg. Literate dood.

    Literate dood + Steve’s friend = BETTER BE AWESHUMNESS.

    Kaykay, welcome to MMOTales.

    AND I WILL ADD YOU TO MY SUBORDINATE – i mean *cough* friends list



  9. If you’re a genius at French, I LOVE YOU . x]


    Plus, SomeOtherGuy, that message has been updated .



    *Waves a Harry Potter book*

    No offence, but those books are as thick as,

    *Quotes from Vicey*

    As thick as woah .

  10. So whats the new version? I just used the one that you used when i first joined MMO Tales.

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