Rich Cleric?

How do clerics make lots of money?
I heard people often make clerics just to make money, but i dont see how….
I have a cleric, and im quite poor ;P

Sorry if this is supposed to go in the forums section, i havent been to this site in a while….>.>


8 thoughts on “Rich Cleric?”

  1. Well they kinda do. BTW THIS IS A BLOG SITE NOT A Q/A PLACE

    Clerics= heal = no HP pots needed
    Clerics= MP Eater= no MP pots needed

  2. Grawr, I think clerics make a lot of money since they don’t need to use HP pots. . .their MP heals quickly so they don’t have to use MP pots (at least for me). And then. . .clerics can easily mob undeads so they can make money from that. n_n

    I’m pretty poor myself as a cleric, but I have enough money to keep me safe. :3

  3. Me?

    My cleric was poor as hell.

    Crap on a Stick.

    The rules haven’t changed, just the user’s interpretations of them.

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