Go Amoria!


Im so Happy!


Since I’m only allowed to play MapleStory on weekends, I really dont know whats up if theres a patch or something.
So when I read like 10 blogs in a row about some quest in Amoria, and free cash hair, I was like that >> O_____O?

So finaly, ITS FRIDAY! =D

I just logged on, and my bf tells me to go to amoria and do the quest QUICK.

After 5 minutes of indescision, I go to Claudia, and get the 25 squishies.


The Moment Of TRUTH =O

Heart beating, palms sweaty, eyes darting back and forth, I use the EXP coupon.

See the pic for yourself. Before and After. Personally, I think its better than the before picture =P

And besides, it turned out way better than some other hairdo’s I saw XD.

Here, I uploaded the pix

1: before hair

2: after hair



16 thoughts on “Go Amoria!”

  1. My heart was beating when I finished Marcel’s quest in my mule. I got 60% staff attack, then 10% glove. Obviously, I wasn’t happy with the glove scroll so I used it, shrugging it off when it failed.

    And the last screenshot was really nice ^_^

  2. xXVEGGIEXx said: “Heh, I got that hair on my archer. Red Pony for my main.”

    I got that hair in my sin mule. Lawl.

  3. My HP warrior got…

    …a Black…


    Nah, monkey cut.

    Doesn’t matter, since it’s always gonna be covered up by my black bandana anyways.

    Edit : Lucky you.

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