Update on my activities

I bet I’m not well enough known for this to be really important, but who cares? >.>

I have decided not to call my poem #4 “The Founder”, title doesn’t really have to do with the poem. Also, don’t expect it anytime soon; I’m not going to work on it until I get home which is in about a week.

Offtopic and doesn’t apply to any of you, but I’ve been outleveled by a certain guildmate by no less than 7 levels >.< and to think I was past him before I left… oh well those 7 levels are between 44 and 50, and 50+ gets harder from lack of PQ. (In Khaini people PQ straight through the level range. In 3x they farm. Stage 1-7. Or 8, but it’s not worth the EXP, in my opinion.)

Oh, and after I hopefully catch up, I might decide to actually play my cleric for once (I don’t consider collecting cursed dolls playing >.>), get it to 50, and take a rather interesting screenshot. Hint: it involves the PQ and certain skills like invincible. Stay tuned for results. But it might take more than a month >.> I’ll keep ya posted on my leveling progress.

One thought on “Update on my activities”

  1. Very interesting. No really, Im interested. -_-‘
    No sarcasm, Im trully interested.

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