Falling – A Poem

You can thank my Language Arts teacher for this poem, because it was her project that got all this poetry stuff stuck in my head (and probably her 100 or so other students too).

I feel like I’m the only person on this site who writes poems actually pertaining to MS o.O


I stand before the threshold of
The level 50 gate
Just one more flight of stairs above
Where I decide the fate

Of pixie after pixie, with
My arrow and my bow.
But the steps are crumbling beneath
My feet wherever I go.

I’m falling. I land on the floor
In a section of the stairway
That I’ve already climbed before.
I’d passed here yesterday.

I climb back up. I’m almost there
I’ve given it my all
The gate’s in sight! But I’m not aware
As my foot catches. I fall.

I’m falling down. I’ve lost my will
To continue pressing on
The more I try, the more I feel
I’ll never say, “I won.”

13 thoughts on “Falling – A Poem”

  1. It is depressing. Training in Maple Story is depressing. Level 49 is torture! ><

    Writing this poem made me feel better. Somehow.

    EDIT: @ Fenrir, lol, it seems like it. Ton of people have written poems in the last 24 hrs xD

  2. Please stop these depressing poems of sadness!
    It’s christmas, get jolly! Bring happines!
    Write happy poems ~~ xD

  3. omg u think that lvl 49 is brutally torture? try lvl 69! T.T tho ive compremized (sp?) and said that i HAVE to get to lvl 70 before christmas or on christmas, but i’ll go third job on christmas even if i get to lvl 70 [before christmas] ;D lol
    weird me ^^

  4. lvl49 is easy. Waiting till everytime you train you’re only crawling at 5% an hour. That’s true torture.
    Nice poem though.

  5. >__< this makes me feel sad.
    and, you’re not the only one who writes poems related to MS, i’m always there by your side!

    – VanillaPocki –

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