Double Stab.

About the title. It’s sort of a pun. I named it “Double Stab” because if you think about it, I got “stabbed” twice. Once by lag, and once by my party members. You’ll get what I’m talking about by reading the blog. >.>

Anyway, a short summary of my MMO day so far.

I found a PQ party. We found a track. When they (party we’re tracking) get to crack, I dc. The unable-to-connect-to-server thing, where it kicks you out of the game entirely and sends you to your desktop instead of the login screen. You can imagine how frustrating this is; not only did it take about 5 minutes just to disconnect me from the game and load the desktop, but when I click the icon again, it says GameGuard is already running. Oh great.

I click the icon for a 3rd time, and as usual it takes about a minute to get to the login screen. I enter my password and PIN, but my hand slips and I click the “Change PIN” button. Doh!

After entering my PIN in three more times, I get to the select your character screen. But then – before I hit the ground, I dc. Back to square one.

So I enter my pass and PIN, select my world, channel, and character. Finally I get on the game, only to find:

“OM*G, quit lagging and dcing”
“We missed all because of u”

If you’re even semi-intelligent, you can figure out that I didn’t mean to disconnect. I want to PQ as much as the next person. So why am I to blame?

“Ur comp sucks” is that my fault too? Mind giving me a better computer?

Sorry for being really fired up, but I’m sure you would too after this happened to you.

17 thoughts on “Double Stab.”

  1. Aw, that sucks. That happens to me, except it doesn’t take that long. Sometimes, I get disconnected for half a minute, and I’m already expelled from the party. Meanies. Too bad about the disconnecting.

  2. AMEN brother, LAG SUCKS! I was hanging out with my friends, And I get dissconected. *Sniff!* =*(

  3. always happens, its invalid pointer error, happens if you do impossible clicking (eg ccing way too fast), you have 2 warnigns, first time they ignore it, then they dc you, i have to disconnect from internet to log back on

  4. It wasn’t invalid pointer error.

    It was “unable to connect to the game server”. Also known as, lagging out.

    Btw, if you dc from “impossible clicking”, then how do AC’s work? o.O

  5. aw, thats sux how you jus got to the crack and then dc’ed. those ppl are jus immature, you dc’ed cause, who knos, it aint ur fault.

  6. that happened to me but leader was my friend and I told him i d/ced. The party was at stage 8 when i dced and got in 5 minuets latter. They are still at stage 8. Then a person in out party restarts her computer. She gets in in about 5 minutes and they still at stage 8. one of our members goes to floor 93 before we call him back because they got in crack.

  7. same thing happened to me today i got back on and well just read my blog below it explains everything

  8. i get DCed every time someone pickes up the phone.
    wich is like every 30 seconds now that people want to buy our old house. . .

  9. MMORPG said: “always happens, its invalid pointer error, happens if you do impossible clicking (eg ccing way too fast), you have 2 warnigns, first time they ignore it, “

    No, sorry but you’re wrong there. This is coming from my experience with game programming, so it’s an educated guess, but I know for sure that it has nothing to do the AC’s.
    The invalid pointer error happens when the pointer changes, like for example, you move it over an item and it makes the grabbing motion. Each different form of the pointer, (like the grabbing motion) is made of a sprite. A sprite (Or an “instance”) is the picture shown as an object. How does it change, you may ask. Example: If you move the normal pointer over a button it changes to a different sprite, the clicking motion sprite.
    The invalid pointer error is when the sprite is supposed to change to another sprite but is stopped by an error (Like the sprite it should change to is unavailable, or it isn’t specified.) Thus, it aborts the process and you all know what happens next.

  10. That happened to my nooby computer, now it’s crashed and my P4 can’t play at all and I’m on = me no play ms for 1 month and going!

  11. Moahaha said: “y the hell is the title called “double stab”?”

    I explain it in the P.S. -__-

  12. That always happens to me. When someone makes nooby comments like the mones you got angry about, I tend to quit PQing for the entire day and yell “****ing laggy internet”. Thats y i always stay at lvl 43 unfortunately.

  13. I, hate the bias of people thinking it’s always the computer’s fault.
    It’s usually the internet that makes you D/C.
    I mean, I keep telling people I have 512 RAM, and I have a GeForce 6800, but they still say it’s computer.

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