Yay! [My “Good Experience(s)&quot

You know how some people are just so obsessed about their Wish List, they spend more time editting it than actually playing Maple? Yeah, that’s me. . . Luckily, all that time and effort was not to go to waste because I FINALLY GOT MORE NX! Whooot!

My Wish List was EXACTLY $15.[Note: Not a coincidence; A LOT of time was spent to make sure I used every last cent.] So far, I’ve only spent $10.50 of my money. I’m planning on getting a Friendship Ring (the star one) with my friend, but I’m gonna ask him first, just to make sure. Otherwise. . . yeah. Buuut, if he does say no, I have a BACK UP PLAN! I’ll get that pretty key wand weapon thing instead. Annnd a new smiley face.

Some more good news: I TOOK A SCREENIE TODAY! To those of you who don’t know, my screenshot button doesn’t always work. It was a miracle. Hopefully, my screenie will upload.

Recently, I leveled to 55 on my cleric. This opened up a window of possibilities in the form of new quests. I ran over to Ossyria and proceeded to run up and down Orbis Tower about 8 times because Elma the Housekeeper and Jade (who’s actually a guy, NOT a girl) didn’t have cell phones. Darn them. After a couple days of this, I went to the Coolies with my friend, Thief, to get my Contract of the Darkness for another quest. Unfortunately, I was supposed to talk to Manji (in Perion) first. So basically, we walked ALL the way to the Forest of Dead Trees for nothing. I guess that’s what I get for not reading the storyline for the quest. -__-;;

Right now, I’m collecting Wisdom Crystal Ores for my Justice Cape quest. Hopefully, I’ll get a Red Justice Cape so I can trade Thief for his White one. ^__^ Getting Wisdoms is a pain in the butt. I’ve spent more time in the Free Market this past week than in the last 6 months before the quest. . . I’ve finally turned to BasilMarket for the answer, although I’m really bad at keeping track of my auctions.

Generally, I HATE hackers. They ruin the game for legits (like me). Lately though, I’ve been spending some time with a couple (not a lot of time, but still. . .) and I realized that even though they hack, it doesn’t neccessarily mean they’re bad person. Some of them are actually nice. I still think we’d be better off if everyone was legit, but maybe we shouldn’t judge everyone by the way they play. Just some food for thought.

I still hate hacking. >.>

Well, I don’t want to end this blog on such a negative note, so I’ll now proceed to procrastinate while digging through my head for something to blog about.

. . .

*Nothing comes to mind* Ah well. . . That’s life.
Make lemonade?

Picture 1: A lovely screenshot of my new Cash Shop outfit which consists of a recently put-on-sale Ducky Hat, a yellow shirt thing, a red skirt thing, blush, and the cheapest shoes you can get. Yay for sales!

Okay, it’s only one picture. Don’t yell at me. T_T


8 thoughts on “Yay! [My “Good Experience(s)&quot”

  1. I love your new outfit, Laura!

    Lawl, I see my IGN in your BL. xDDD

    You could just ask me for Wisdom ores.

    I think I have like 15.

    Remember that time in the Henesys potion shop?

    It’ll be like that.

    – Rya

  2. Yay! But, you’ll need the ores for your level 55 quest too, Rya. xD You’re pretty close to level 50. . . Maybe you should save it instead?

  3. I’m really impressed with the standard of English in Maple Global.
    First there’s the presence of punctuation to begin with, followed by correct spelling and capitalisation of words!
    Even I am too lazy for that when gaming >.<

    Log on to MapleSEA for and the appalling mortification of the severe illegibility will blind you. The poor English standards of Singaporeans; it’s so common nowadays I don’t know whether this existing stereotype is still something to laugh off anymore.

  4. Aiya, cannot avoid one lah!

    MSea got so many people cannot speak properly! See one megaphone thing can liao, can *fake vomit* vomit one ah!

    Angmoh dun go there!

    XD Can’t seem to shake off Singlish.

  5. I’ve been spending most of my time in the CS too, customizing a wishlist. I was thinking about getting 30k NX soon, but eventually it will run out. I don’t want to be ugly though. I’m in a bit of a sticky-wicket here gentlemen.


  6. Saphira said: “Yay! But, you’ll need the ores for your level 55 quest too, Rya. xD You’re pretty close to level 50. . . Maybe you should save it instead?”

    Well, once I get to level 50, I’m powerleveling to 60.

    And you need the ores NAO.

    So I’ll give them to you, no worries.

    (I’m too nice, I give my friends everything for free. x__X)

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