dam it how do you fly?!

sorry for this stupid post but you know what? Ive been searching through all the quests-0 of them shows how you can get it… so is it a monster drop or something?

7 thoughts on “dam it how do you fly?!”

  1. You could use the airplane, or the helicopter. Or try what E.T. did! ride a bicycle off a cliff and hope you fly.

  2. Well, as it says Maple Story in the title description, I’m guessing the only way is with hackorz!111eleven.

    For FlyFF, it’s different. You got to level 20, and you either buy a broom/board from the Station girl Tina in Cen-Flaris, or finish the flying quest to get a free broom.

    I really hope your talking about FlyFF, because if Maple monsters start dropping hacks. . .


  3. Well, you’ll start flying when I boot your ass all the way to Orbis. How’s that sound? You’ll get some major air then. >.>


  4. MasterCheeze said: “Well, you’ll start flying when I boot your ass all the way to Orbis. How’s that sound? You’ll get some major air then. >.>


    Does it mean you ‘ ll pay for my air trip ?

  5. You flap your arms. If you are lucky enough, you can lift yourself a few metres off the ground. =D

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