It’s 4:31am. I’m stoned o__o
And it y’know what?! I’m still not lvl 80 yet >__>
At a certain point of one’s life they take the time to look back and wonder how much time they have wasted;
Let’s take a look at how I wasted 2007, in Maple story, not-training:
1. Buddy chat.
2. Guild chat.
3. Stalking
4. Drama.
5. Randoms in fm.
*applause applause*
I feel accomplished 😮
At that, we must must put aside the time to pray for our guildies/buddies that have moved on w/ their lives and have ditched Maple story permanently or for a extremely long period of time…
It’s a bit late to say happy new year isn’t it..? D:
Well you peops must be tingling to know what my new years resolutions are.
1. … I don’t know.
Yea, applause for me pl0x D;
*dies* Sleepy time..
Pic #1: Relapse of 2007
Kay’s it’s … 6:07am… Dam morning highs D;
Get some sleep you crazy stoner D:
Wait, you’re not really stoned are you?
You don’t type like a stoned person D:
[_T_]>> – – – – kablooey! ~~<(‘.'<)
That’s one way a possible stoner might type.
. . . Druggie!
-runs away-
Looks like I’m not the only one who suffers from insomnia now and then.
What’s with all the red Bridget hair?