I have read the thread made by Impalla. Impalla is now cool for making that thread addressing problems in the RP.
Now onto the main point.
The RP and things seem interesting so far and people are doing well and I hope you guys are having fun . Fun is cool therefore fun is Impalla . However, lets set all that aside and ACTUALLY get onto the main point; this time it’s for reallzz .
Now i hate to ruin this fun but I believe some things should be clarified since some do not like to read threads and prefer blogs. Blogs just look better anyway.
So here are the clarifications made by my main man: “Guru”. Guru is not cool because he is not Impalla . Also I am not Impalla . I am just an omni-powerful and omni-potent being in charge of this account; given to me by the Brethren of the Truths and Internets; a neo-Masonic group.
1. Requiem doesnt have a leader o.O And it seems Scyne isnt exactly gravitating towards us too.
[i] ~Looking for one. Check out the MMOids LightDark or Darxhleren of MapleCrack fame which lasted for two weeks
Edit: Daxhleren has assumed the role of the leader of Requiem. [/i]
2. Rather large imbalance on players o.O. Seems on Requiem, assuming the two new chars are neutral, its just Ez (left for a trip for Perth and thus AWL for a few days) , Des (hasnt officially joined the guild) and me. Thoughts on this?
~I know; sadly. We need more for requiem. Too many neutrals and Twilights; defect or choose a side!
3. Signups are closed if Im not wrong. . . Guru should clarify this instead of me ><
~Waiting for lightdark/darxhleren. After that is done; a few clerical stuff here and there and I’ll add sapphire only since he asked first
4. To reserve or not to reserve? Mip has already asked that we not reserve but the rest seem undecided. . . Can we settle this matter?
~Only reserve if it is VERY IMPERATIVE THAT YOU POST! make sure that you post very quickly if you do reserve (i dont see a problem with posting since its at a moderate speed and not very fast pace). Also if you reserve, say the names of people who are going to be included in that post so that those who aren’t going to be in that setting can post their next thing. For example:
Ninja reserves. Now he must post as quick as he can. The ninja is in twilight manor at the moment. Does this mean that Ezyan and Impalla cannot post? Nay! If they won’t affect the NInja in anyway, or anyone Ninja wishes to include in their post, they can post even if it says “reserved” for the ninja.
However, please keep reserving at a very low minimum. When you reserve, write down the time and the timezone beside the word “reserves”. That way, if 15 minutes pass and it still says “reserve”, then that reserve is invalid.
For example, its 4:13 EST (eastern standard time), then you write down
Now if you dont post by 4:28 pm EST, then that reserve is invalid and the next guy can post. No ands, if, or buts.
Otherwise. Reserves are only for “once in a blue moon”.
A Slight Addition to the RP
Now people, I want you to put in the time. Not the time you posted, but the time by which the characters in the RP are following. This way, there is no disruption in the timeline of the RP and allows the story to make more sense and makes it easier for other RPers to make a post.
So what time do we decide on? Wrong, there is no ‘we’ sadly, that will cause a lot of ruckus and indecision and time will be consumed. So, I myself came up with reasonable time.
Starting from:
Finally! Aliyah better have a good reason for ditching me! she said out loud. She finally flipped the phone open, and spoke into the receiver. Hey Aliyah Gujju listen as Aliyah spoke, not sure as to what her reaction should be. She let Aliyah finish before responding. “
It’s officially Thursday, November 3rd, 6:35 pm VST (Venificus Standard Time) starting from Gujju’s post on page 8 of the thread.
Now make the intervals in time reasonable; it doesn’t have to be minute for minute but dont make it jump 5 days.
ahah my post! I created time in V-city! FEAR ME!
ok. .nvm that, too many cookies.
Good that all this is cleared up. =)
So, no info on new people joining?
I sent you my info, I would be happy to join Requiem.
Okay. Never mind then.
*sniff* The story is awesome, I really wanted to be in it.
Unfortunatly for me, I missed the sign-ups because of my darn Internet.
Any chance?
Plead with him.
Okay, fine,we’ll follow your rules.
I might defect, hahaha, but I’m too “noble” right now. Actually, I don’t even know why I joined Twilight yet.
Stay on Twilight. Twilight’s supposed to be bigger than Req, right?
Twilight: Sacria, Guruji, Aliyah, Serena, Argent, whoever else there is.
Requiem: Imppala, Ezyan, me when I join.
We aren’t that badly outnumbered XD
Im in Twilight too =(
and aliyah isnt “officially” in just yet. Guru is recruiting her.
wow, this sounds pretty cool. but it’s too late for me to join, huh?
ah wells.
Well still. Five to three. Twilight is supposed to be the most prominent! Requiem is but a shadow.
i think requiem has some tricks up thier sleeves. =P
Oh and it’s Imppala, not Impalla. Two L’s, one P. Just wanted to point that out before he comes, because if/when he does he’ll be fuming.
Yes, as always. xDDD
It’s double P. XD Yeah, he’ll be mad about it. But I think he’s off LAN-ing, so maybe you have time to change it.