I really don’t much of anything to say. I recently created my own guild in my server, Scania. It’s called Caelum. I’m aware now, after being told, that there is also a guild by that name in Windia. After doing more research (aka Google), I found there are actually quite a lot of guilds called Caelum in the different worlds. Whoops. Oh wells. They’re all in different servers anyway. I’m just afraid someone will get ticked since I have the same guild name >_> I had just looked at random Latin words and decided on Caelum. I had no idea there were other guilds with the same name.
If anyone would like to join my guild, you’re welcome to. We accept bascially anyone. This is a random little advertisement for the guild, and I’m too lazy to give the rules out here. But yeah. Any level, job, whatever. Just tell me your ign or find my in game if you’d like to join.
My character, Broiled, is going to get married next weekend, if all goes as planned. One of my friends wants to marry off her wizard (male wizard) for APQ, etc benefits. So she asked me since I have quite a lot of characters and enough to go around for friends who want to marry off their characters (if they pay)
I’d like to work on Broiled this weekend, and get her to level 30 if at all possible. I originally wanted to work on my fire mage and get her to level 75, but I’m not sure. I change my mind so much on things.
I may create an archer in Kradia, just for the fun of it. To remember how it was to start all over from scratch. I made a character named PutterBug (nickname for my dog). I’m not sure if I’ll actually use her, but oh well.
Whut. . . wait, are you male or female? *confuzzled*
Female. All my characters are girls. But one of my friends has a male wizard.