Sir Rokui, back, once again.

Hello. This is the second time I submit this blog, because the first time it wouldn’t submit it and all my efforts were for nothing. ;( Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

AHWELL. My name is Jaimy, or, on the BROA server, Rokui. And special people (<3) know me by the name of Loopy. Which is … weird, but, fun, nonetheless.

I used to write a story here, about my character, in a made up storyline. It was pretty good, everyone said. So, yeah. I’ll just say it was good. ;D

“Why the hell are you re-introducing yourself again? I don’t even know you.” – Simply put, because I quit Maple and MMOtales for a good 5+ months. I’m back now, though, and people that remember me should deffinatly comment. >:o

So yeah. I’m going to get to Lv.70 around new years eve. It should be a blast. (see what I did thar? ;D )

I also got into a sort-of relationship with a famous (well, well-known, to say the least) writer here. Her names Amanda, but most of you probably know her as Faelli. o-o I’ve known her for a long time, but, today we actually spend all day together and it just felt right. :3

Also, if this thing works out, yes, we might get married. D:

I’m very sleepy, and my monitor is all wiggling. It’s scary. o_o;
I should sleep.

It’s late.
2 am. Lol. Why am I still awake!?


PS; I just fell over because I thought my monitor attacked me. ._. Protip: Sleep. Much. Insomnia sucks.

PPS; <3 Amandaaaa. :3

Edit; Imma adding mah pictures. >:3

Edit edit D: ; Forgot to mention how grateful I am for frontpage. :3 Thank yooouuuuuuu.

15 thoughts on “Sir Rokui, back, once again.”

  1. cool YOU’RE BACK :3


    I was wondering where the MMOT Broans went xD

    Welcome back <333

    And wow O: With Amanda now?! O:
    Mind if I ask what happened to. . . “SUPER HAMMY”?!?! O:

  2. Holy Crap.
    Remember meh? Tehfuzz?
    Wlcome back man.
    I’m lke you. I quit MS. Im starting FlyFF tomorrow. You should too. It would be like that time in the summer with my lame broan eh? 😀

    Show me the hammycave. BUMBUMBUUUM.

  3. ROKUUU!

    You and Faelli, eh. xD Good luck on third job by New Year’s.

    @Iepiat: I think Faelli is actually acquainted with some people from your guild so yarr. <<

    I sound so weird. XD
    Anyway welcome back and continue your story please? :3
    How are the rest doing, btw?

  4. And wow O: With Amanda now?! O:

    You and Faelli, eh. xD

    ‘Eeey, look’it that. I think we’ve become the topic of gossip on MMOT, haven’t we, Loopy?

  5. xD! Woo! I feel so loved. :3

    I remember LaBoFaxD. He used to like my stories, so he expresses his happyness with his stretching .>_> Don’t be mad at him.

    And I think we have, Amanda. XD <3 Doesn’t matter.

    Also, Super Hammy quit. I might convince him to get back though. :O

    Let’s see. Which post to reply to next. xD

    I don’t think I’ll be continueing my story. :c It was good but. I don’t know. Laaaazzyyyy. ._.

    And TehFuzz, I remember you. 😀 You were the bit mentally ill one, weren’t you? ;D

  6. Ceth, lame. Way to comment on his blog and not mine. I’M ON THE FRONT PAGE, TOO, YOU KNOW. Also, what is it that you find intriguing about this blog?

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