Roku was sitting on the edge of his bed, with his watermelon hat next to him on the floor. “There has to be a planet full with people like me… would I fit in there? What kind of clothes would they wear there?.. would they be as kind as everyone is here? What kind of items would they make their money from? I want to know… so many things…” Roku said, as he rubbed the back of his head. He looked down to his watermelon, and picked it up. “You know, sir watermelon. We should go on a trip once. A trip to some other planet, perhaps!” and looked down to his watermelon like it was going to answer him. “Heh, maybe I should lay off those pills for a while,” Roku said with a small laugh following his last word, as he put the watermelon on the side table and head to bed.
“There were four other humans on Ludibrium…”
“No-one knows what happened to them…”
“Even if I knew where I was from, I would stay at Ludibrium…”
The next day, it was rather noisy outside of Roku’s small, peaceful house. “Uhh…it must be wednesday again”, he said to himself, while he turned around. He positioned himself comfortable in his bed again, as he tried to fall asleep.
“Good day, Weaver!” he could hear a heavy voice say. “Goodmorning, sir. How can I help you?” a friendly voice answered. “You wouldn’t know where Roku lives, would you?” he heard the first voice say again, in a somewhat annoyed tone. “I believe it’s the house to your right,” Weaver replied. “It’s the one with the yellow door, and the purple walls.”
“Thank you, Weaver.”
A few seconds later, three loud bashes on the front door were heard. “Roku, get up! It’s a special wednesday shift again, I forgot to tell you yesterday when you were being squished by my panda’s! Oh-hoh-ho!”
“Argh, that Karl. If I were to leave Ludibrium for one reason, it’d be him.”
After getting dressed and grabbing his big, orange toy hammer, he got outside and saw manager Karl standing there, with the three guards that usually escorted the manager to the special wednesday shifts. Miru, Hid and Marcel greeted Roku with a nod as he walked closed the door behind him. Roku did the same.
“So, what part are we patrolling now?” Roku said, while rubbing the sleep from his eyes under his glasses. “Allow me to explain,” Marcel said in the most serious tone he could, while stepping towards Roku. “Today’s mission will be of great importance for everyone in Ludibrium. We have been waiting for weeks to see when the perfect chance to strike was, and today is the day. We will have to take out the leader of the block golems before they assemble themselves for the final attack and break out of EoS Tower,” Marcel said, and started looking around him. “All of what you currently see might become nothing more then a big pile of dust, Roku. We will need your every bit of energy to help us defeat the Rombot.”
Roku looked around him, and noticed something. “Why isn’t Uno with us? Shouldn’t we ask for his help?” Miru took a step forwards, and looked at Roku. “Roku, I’m afraid that Uno has dissapeared also… we cannot find him anywhere, and in the diary Uno kept said he was going to stay home and draw things that might make him remember some things of his past after having talked to you, it seems,” Miru looked down. “I’m sorry, his dissapearance is a great loss for us all, but we have bigger things on our mind. We can’t let all of this dissapear.[/i]
“Uno…” Roku said, and looked down.
“Let’s do this, guys. For Uno.” Roku raised his hammer above his head, and repeated the last words in a louder tone again.
Marcel, Hid and Miru all copied his action and raised their weapons above their head.
“For Uno!”
Once they arrived at EoS tower, where Misky was standing with a box full of bottles. “Hey Karl. Your order is here. Please sign here,” she said, while grabbing a piece of paper and handing him a pen. “Ahh, I bought you folks some things to make sure you’ll be above the strength of the block golems. Use them wisely, aye? Oh-hoh-ho!”
Roku walked towards the box and inspected it. “Experimental warrior pills. Caution : Testing is not completed yet.” Roku looked up to Misky, and looked back at the box.
He got up to his feet again, and Karl grabbed the box from the ground. “Okay, listen up everyone. I’ll give all of you a few of these pills. This box contains the new pills that just got out of testing, and they’re suposed to make you stronger. I never had one myself so I wouldn’t know, oh-hoh-ho!” Roku looked at Misky, and Misky looked away from him. He put his hand in his pocket, and noticed he had his bottle of speed pills with him. A slight relief, and he looked at the three guards. They were looking at Karl with the most serious look Roku had ever seen. ‘This must be really important. I’ve never seen Hid being annoyed by anything so far.’ Roku looked back at Karl, who had just finished talking. “So remember, don’t use multiple of these within thirty minutes. They have a cooling down time, and a warming up time. It might take 10 minutes for them to wear off, or to wear in. Use them wisely, I’m only giving you two of them. Roku might need four, because of him being a little bit different from you three,” Karl said, and a small grin appeared on his face.
After handing everyone the pills, Misky looked up to the sky. “Look, there’s your ride,” she said, while pointing up to a Toy Sun Jet. It was a small platform that was able to float, in the shape of a small sun. Five people could ride it, so four people wouldn’t be a problem, Roku said to himself. They got on, and the platform raised a bit from the ground. “Good luck folks, don’t let us down, oh-hoh-ho!” Karl said, while waving them off. The Toy Sun Jet, or TSJ for short, was one of the most luxorious ways of going around Ludibrium. It was only used on special occasions like this, and Roku had been on quite alot of rides. He looked around, and saw Hid staring at the bottom of EoS tower, as they were moving down EoS tower from the side, going along a number of windows already. “What’s the matter, Hid? Scared of heights?” Roku said, but without making it sound like a joke. Hid suddenly realized he was standing on the platform with them, and looked around. He looked at Roku, and after a few seconds he nodded, and quickly looked away again. “It’s okay, Hid. Just look at the middle of the platform, we’ll be down there in a second,” Roku said, and smiled at him. Hid smiled back, and followed his advice.
“We’re here,” Marcel said, as the TSJ started to slow down. It stopped right next to a window, leading to what might be the 10th or 9th floor of the EoS tower. Marcel grabbed his pole arm and jumped off the platform, straigth onto the platform behind the window. “Follow me!” he said, “We have no time to lose!” Hid and Miru looked to eachother, and then to Roku. “Well, you heard the man! Let’s do it!” Roku said, and jumped through the window. Hid and Miru looked at eachother for a second, nodded, and followed.
Once Roku jumped through the window, he saw Marcel was already running towards a block golem. Roku looked behind him and saw that Hid and Miru were standing behind him. He nodded, turned around and ran towards Marcel to help him. They were both bashing in on it, while it tried to shake them off by waving it’s huge arms around. Hid and Miru eventually came to their aid, and the block golem went down under five seconds. “Look! There’s another one!” he said, while running towards it. Roku quickly ran after Marcel, and took a speed pill to catch in on him. He grabbed him by his shoulder and got him to stop running. “Marcel, relax. We’re here to take out Rombot, remember? Not these regular golems. Even if we take out these ones and fail to take out Rombot, we’ll just have wasted energy because Rombot will remake these, am I right?” Marcel looked at Roku and shook him off. “Fine. Let’s go down to Rombots’ lair, it’s suposed to be on the eight floor,” Marcel said, while looking around him. “This looks like the ninth floor.”
They all followed Marcels’ lead down a set of stairs, and ran towards a big purple door, covered by a big Block golem head. On the way there, they had to dodge a few Dark block golems, the stronger version that is entitled to guarding Rombots’ lair.
“Are you folks ready?” Roku said, and looked around. Hid was shaking quite a bit, and Miru was shaking his head. “I .. don’t think I can be of any help, guys. Sorry…” Miru said, sat down and threw his warrior pills next to him. “Miru! Get your act together!” Marcel said, while holding his fist before Miru’s face. “We came all this way and now you’re backing out?! You wasted a good slot for our party! We should’ve brought someone along that is experienced in situations like this!” Marcel said, while looking away from them.
“Like who? Uno? He dissapeared, remember? Ludibrium doesn’t have any other guards other then us,” Roku said, in a disobeying tone. “Listen, Miru. You don’t want to help us save Ludibrium? Fine. But I will. If we fail, atleast I know I’ve tried my best and that I can’t be the one to blaim,” Roku said, while looking straight at Miru. “I… I don’t want this mission to fail because of me, guys…” Miru said, but quickly got cut off by Roku. “Then help us. Please.”
A few seconds of dead silence, while Hid was looking at Roku and Miru with big eyes.
“Alright. I’ll help.”
“That’s the spirit.”
Marcel turned around, and raised his hand, palm pointing up. Inside was a warrior pill. “Alright guys. This is it. Everyone take your warrior pill and let’s go, for Ludibrium!”
Hid, Miru and Roku all copied his last words, and took the warrior pills.
Roku grabbed his toy hammer, and bashed the big purple door to pieces and ran inside, followed by Miru, Hid and Marcel. Rombot was standing a few metres away from them, and turned around when they had entered. By Roku’s surprise, Rombot was very different from the other golems. It didn’t have it’s own will, or so it seemed. An Octoblock with (what seemed to be) his or her offspring on it’s head was sitting on the head of the Rombot, and seemed to have built a control panel on it, controlling it’s every moment.
It pulled a lever, and the Rombots’ eyes began to glow. It moved it arms up, pointing to the ceiling, and bashed them straight into the floor. “Look out!” Roku said, as he jumped to the side. Miru and Hid did the same, while Marcel jumped straight forward the Rombot with his Polearm ready for action. “For Ludibrium!” he said, while he crashed his polearm straight into the control panel. The Octoblock was surprised by this, and his control panel didn’t respond for a few seconds. Hid, Miru and Roku all ran towards the Rombot with their weapons ready for action, and started attacking the Rombot itself. After three full seconds of attacking, the Octoblock regained control over the Rombot and started punching at the puny creatures attacking it. Miru took a hit, and flew straight into a wall. Roku saw this and screamed his name, while he jumped up towards the Rombots’ shoulder and landed on his arm, running up his body and bashed his orange toy hammer straight into the Octoblock, which then bashed his head into the control panel.
Which then triggered a switch which made the Rombot raise his arm, grab Roku and throw him to the other side of the room. When Roku had regained consiousness, Marcel and Hid were standing next to him, with backs towards him. “What… happened, guys? Is it over?”
“Sst! Keep your voice down. He has Miru,” Hid said, while not moving an inch. Roku pulled himself up and saw the Rombot had Miru in his right hand, the same hand he had thrown Roku away with. The octoblock saw Roku getting up and re-played the message he had recorded from Miru. “Surrender Ludibrium or I will conquor you myself.” Roku didn’t understand it, why would Miru side with Rombot? Only then he noticed it, the big, grey chip across Miru’s chest. He was being controlled by the Rombot.
“Miru!” Roku said, whilst trying to run towards him. Marcel and Hid grabbed both his shoulders, and pulled him back. “We’ve tried that, everytime we get close he gets ready to bash Miru into the wall. It’s no use, we must surrender,” Marcel said, while looking towards the floor. “This is not the Marcel I know,” Roku said. Hid looked up to Roku and said “We must leave and bring this news to Karl. The mission was a failure…” as he ran towards the open purple door. Marcel followed, and Roku was the only one standing in the Rombots’ lair. “…I’ll get you for this. Miru! Hold on!” were Roku’s last words, before he also followed the other two guards. They were already trying to get up the ladder to the floor where the TSJ was, but Roku hessitated. If they left, it was quite sure Miru wouldn’t be alive the next time they met. Miru would die either way. Roku turned around, and a tear appeared from under his glasses, walking down his face, dropping onto the grthound. He looked where the tear had dropped, and it fell straight on a warrior pill.
Roku bowed to his knees and looked to it. “Miru’s warrior pill…”
He stretched his hand, and grabbed the warrior pill. “For ludibrium… for Miru.”
He ran inside the purple door again, and the Octoblock turned around. He pressed the button to play the recorded message from Miru again, but it was too late. Roku started running towards him, dragging his hammer across the floor behind him. On his way there, he took another speed pill and ran towards him until he was close enough. He grabbed his hammer, put it over his shoulder while holding it with two hands, and ran towards the wall closest to the Rombot. The octoblock was surprised Roku didn’t go straight for him, but he had raised his right arm, and Miru was looking at Roku with wide eyes. “Ro…ku…” Miru tried to say, but the pain was too much for him. He passed out, and right as he did so, Roku jumped towards the wall next to the rombot, bowed his knees, and pushed himself towards the rombot while raising his hammer above him. He crashed straight into the rombot, his hammer piercing the rombots’ thick armor. Roku stood on the hammers’ hilt, and jumped on the control panel, ripping it off in the process. The entire Rombot was malfunctioning, and the Octoblock tried to run away, but forgot to unbuckle his belt. “Going somewhere?” Roku said while looking down on him, and grabbed the Octoblock by one of it’s tentacles. He jumped against the wall behind the rombot, pushed himself off, and crashed the octoblock as hard as he could into the floor with the most loudest bash he had ever heard.
In fact, the crash was so loud that even Marcel and Hid, nearing in on the TSJ, heard it. They immediatly looked towards the staircase they had just climbed up, and said “Where’s Roku!?” at the exact same time. They looked to eachother and ran towards the staircase, and eventually arrived at the Rombots’ Lair.
The rombot had crashed into the floor, there was a purple mess on the floor infront of it, and Roku was kneeling over Miru a bit to the right of it all. Marcel and Hid quickly ran towards them, and Miru had regained consiousness. “Hey guys… sorry I couldn’t be of any help after all, hee-hee…” Miru said, while he softly nodded his head. “It’s okay Miru. You did fine. Let’s get back to Ludibrium to nurse you back to health, shall we?” Roku said, and lifted him up. “Let’s get back up,” Roku said.
Marcel and Hid looked to eachother, then to the rombot, the purple mess that used to be the Octoblock, back to the rombot, and back to Roku carrying Miru out.
“What the hell happened here?”
“I took down rombot, what does it look like?”
I win~ Now to actually read the blog.
Nice blog. The series is definitely looking good so far. Keep up the good work, hun.
LOLOLOL, nice work again
If only maple was actually like this, that’d be so awesome, rofl
EDIT: BUGGER. Beaten me by a couple of seconds, Mandeh T_T
Lololol. Yeah, it would. <_< But we can always hope,
Pwny peektor of Rombot. :3
When a blog is on the front page, and I read what’s on the front page, which is on the blog, I call it a sample of the blog.
The Sample drew me in, and made me read this Blog. It’s good.
Why do I sound so Mono-no-differonce?
I Don’t know. EDIT: Wait, I’M HAPPY! ^_^
– Little preacher man.
The Sample drew me in, and made me read this Blog. It’s good.
Why do I sound so Mono-no-differonce?
I Don’t know. EDIT: Wait, I’M HAPPY! ^_^
– Little preacher man.”
Huzzah. >w<
Rok, again, awesome chapter.
Btw, your pictures are wierd, but freaking cool. You have a very strange (but cool)drawing stylee.
**EDIT** – OWNAGE ending.

When I came back to maple, I didn’t expect people to welcome me back with open arms. I’m not that much of an attention hoar. People just happened to welcome me back after posting a smega. How was I to know I was going to get a bunch of whispers saying “zomg wb”? And if my people on my buddy list feel that he/she should not welcome me back, then so be it. I didn’t expect them to. In fact, I didn’t expect to have half of those people still on my buddy list. I understand that if someone’s gone for a long time, sometimes you end up getting deleted. But, oh well. All YOU had to do with delete me off your list.
, im bored. So I RANDOM COMMENTED.
Tell me, what does a hacked character have to do with smegas?