Lucky Flyff Day!

Well, I got extremely tired of Phantum Basques being full everytime I logged in to fight them with my assist, so I decided to go back to my mage to hunt for plug+4 earrings.

The last time I was on her doing this, I got incredibly bored really fast. But I said I wouldn’t let her fight other mobs until she found one, or she became level 50, whichever happened first. Note that she’s lvl 48.

So today I logged in and prepared for a long while of fighting various kinds of Rockepellers. Eventually the spinning screen got to me. I know I could have stopped my broom and fought the rockepellers at a standstill, but if you’re moving they can’t hit you very well, so I tried not to look at the screen often until I heard them die, or to see if one had critted me, etc.

I have terrible motion sickness, so I was feeling really yucky after a few minutes, so I logged out and went to watch tv for awhile. Then when I got bored of tv, I logged back into the game.

Fight, fight, fight. . . til something strange happened. After I killed my last rockepeller, every mob on my screen disappeared. I flew around trying to see if I could see other mobs or people or npcs on my map, and I couldn’t. Sometimes this happens, and all it takes is a relog to fix it. So I did this. When I logged back in, I was in Darkon, not floating over the empty space between Flaris and Darkon as I had left myself. I was confused. How did that happen?

I mentally shrugged it off and flew back to the space between the two continents to continue fighting rockepellers. I reached flying level 13, and soon after, I found a plug+4! I was so happy. I could have cried.

Then I had a dilemma: should I try to find another plug+4, or should I go level her up to 50? I decided to find more plugs, just to see how many I could get, but unfortunately I started getting tired, and motion sick again, so I logged off to come blog about it before I go to bed.

I do have dramamine but that’s for vehicle trips. I don’t know if it’d work for games XD. I’ll just have to keep remembering to look away from the screen as my character spins dizzily in the sky around the rockepellers.

And for those of you who are confused about how to fight flying mobs: fly in the air. Find a mob. Press ‘tab’ to target it, then ‘z’ to follow it. Once you’re in close enough, press and hold down the ‘insert’ key to fight it. You will spin rapidly around it unless you press the spacebar to stop flying. If you’re a melee class or an acrobat you’ll need to stop so you can keep hitting it.

Hold insert til the mob dies, healing as necessary. Items and money automagically go into your inventory. You cannot use skills on a flying mob, nor buff yourself in the air. If you’re an assist/bp, buff yourself before leaving the ground. Congrats, ta-da~! You killed a flying monster.

Pic time~! Me killing a Captain Rockepeller, while the sun makes an awesome effect.

In other news, I still miss MapleSEA, terribly. But I doubt they’re going to let us back in. Stupid greedy corporations.

9 thoughts on “Lucky Flyff Day!”

  1. Gotta love the poorly-constructed bounty messages spammed down the screen.

    Congratulations on finding the plug. I know that can be difficult. And I bet it is tough having motion sickness. Me, though? My character, Erk, likes to refuse getting off brooms. No matter how many times I spam the button, he won’t hop off. Usually it takes about five minutes for him to respond.

  2. Fenny: Psykeeper is me. XD cos I can FLOAT. Well, after I become one, that is. . .

    Erk: ya, haha. I forgot to close the chatbox (which I often forget to do when taking a screenie). And thanks. I’ve heard of people who even stayed til lvl 54 and never got one. Lol, your char must love flying. (^__^)

    Panda: Thanks~ and shush, or I’ll hurl on you. XD j/k~

  3. Roisin said: “Fenny: Psykeeper is me. XD cos I can FLOAT. Well, after I become one, that is. . .

    Erk: ya, haha. I forgot to close the chatbox (which I often forget to do when taking a screenie). And thanks. I’ve heard of people who even stayed til lvl 54 and never got one. Lol, your char must love flying. (^__^)

    Panda: Thanks~ and shush, or I’ll hurl on you. XD j/k~”

    Gragh. Pandas are hurl proof. =]
    Anyhoo, what’s a plug earring do? >.>

  4. Plug earrings add attack?
    I have a +1 one. XD

    I could never attack a flying monster. I don’t know why. ><
    And my character loves her board as well. It’s like, I hit the board key, she justÂ… stands there, and makes me feel stupid. >>;

    And I miss you guys tooooo! T_T Couldn’t we do a IP proxy thingo to bypass the ban?

  5. Plugs add defence.

    Pandas are not hurl-proof, you’re just saying that so I won’t do it. XD XD

    Silver: I heard that GameGuard checks for proxies. I dunno if that’s actually true or not, but I’m not gonna risk it. I’d probably end up screwing it up anyway lol. (ToT)

    I miss MS so much in fact I’ve considered going back to GMS, but I keep remembering the community, and the hackers. I’ll never pass level 10 there. DX

  6. Oh. Plugs add defence.

    What about those that add attack? :X

    GG is that good? XD

  7. I don’t know if there’s any that add attack, I haven’t gotten to be that high-levelled or rich yet~ XD.

    Lol, apparently so D: . . . some guy on the AsiaSoft forum claimed to have tried and GG wouldn’t start or said he wasn’t connected or something (can’t remember the exact wording of his post).

    I don’t think AsiaSoft is listening to the protesters on the forum or the petition anymore. Uwaaa~ (ToT)

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