Yay! I finally got to lvl 47~!!! (Yea, all you people are laughing, “har-har rew are teh nob"
I had been PQing because I usually get into tons of PQs! (Although they were all hacking, I managed to report some, but it wasn’t much use because I’d get mass defamed and booted. Eventually there were too many, so I gave up and PQed) GRR! People kept calling me “Perfect” RAWR! “Perfect” is an adjective, not a noun! My name is “Rew!” That is the proper noun! (Sorry, but that REALLY pisses me off =P)
I didn’t get any good prizes, just a lot of Mp pots. ANYWAY, to the point (Which you must read because you’re incredibly bored)
I finally got a decent level Bless (lvl 5, that’s like equipping a noobie item of the next level!) So I got Jaq to come with me (He’s lvl 60, but he didn’t want to die because he’s been training a lot)
So We got another cleric to join us! And we all pranced happily past the ghosty-dudes! Except the other cleric decided it would be fun to fall off a ledge and die XD
So it was just me and Jaq. Eventually we got to Thantos (I have a score to settle with him!) And Jaq ran around and left so he wouldn’t die. There I was face-to-eyeball (Well he only has one) with Thantos! I casted Magic Guard and tele’d for my life!
Lucky for me, I got past him! Yay! But then his twin Thantos2 (Also known as Fred) came and attacked me! But with my awesome skillzz0rz (Of running around aimlessly) I manage to get pas him! Yay!
Then I got to this funny place that was all weird an such! And I remembered my goal of getting beaten up, so I ran out to attack Fred! My attacks missed him, but he attacked me right through my Magic Gaurd.
Well, that was a fun run! I’ll do it again next level! Back to my first goal of getting to level 50 ASAP so I can go to the Dead Mine with Jaq!
Its Called Thanatos X.x
Anyway grats on your 47 (47 is easy to get)
o.o okay,
Haha, post-level suicide runs are a lot of fun, though as the gap between each level gets longer they get fewer and further between~
Congrats on the level~
I don’t even do enough suicide runs for my own health ^^ After I regain my Mapling capabilities, I’ll do one to El Nath Dungeons. Or the Aqua Dungeons. XD
i have suicided trying to get out of Aqua before, (o.o) yeah yeah, i know. pretty lame. heh. i’m still stuck there too. once i get to level 30 though, (im level 29 with 71% exp) i’ll get outta Aqua. i’m going to miss that place. *sniff*
back to you, lol, CONGRATULATIONS ON LEVEL 47! *wishes to be level 47 cleric right this instant*
happy mapling!
** wanna give me some suggestions on my blog? i NEED some.
read my blog, and then you’ll get it.